Total Cr. Hrs: 160

No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 EBS 201 Engineering Mathematics (3) 3 2 2 1 EBS 102
2 CEM 131 Principles of Geology and Geotechnical Engineering 2 2 1 0 Nil
3 CEM 111 Structural Analysis (1) 3 2 2 0 EBS 111
4 CEM 161 Civil Engineering Drawing using CAD 3 1 2 2 EBS 141
5 CEM 171 Surveying for Engineers 3 2 1 2 EBS 101
6 UGE 01 English (1) 2 2 0 0 Nil
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 EBS 208 Applied Probability and Statistics 3 2 2 0 EBS 102
2 CEM 252 Construction Project Management 3 2 2 0 Nil
3 CEM 112 Structural Analysis (2) 3 2 2 0 CEM 111
4 CEM 151 Human Resources Management 2 2 1 0 Nil
5 CEM 121 Properties of Engineering Materials 3 2 2 1 Nil
6 UGE 02 English (2) 2 2 0 0 UGE 01
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 CEM 241 Reinforced Concrete Design (1) 3 2 2 0 CEM 121, CEM 112
2 CEM 232 Soil Mechanics 3 2 2 1 CEM 121, CEM 131
3 CEM 284 Fluid Mechanics 3 2 2 1 EBS 121
4 EAA 301 Building Technology 2 1 3 0 Nil
5 U — University Elective Course 2 2 0 0 Nil
6 CEM 213 Structural Analysis (3) 3 2 2 0 CEM 112
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 CEM 285 Water Structures 3 2 2 0 CEM 284
2 CEM 342 Reinforced Concrete Design (2) 3 2 2 0 CEM 241
3 CEM 281 Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Infrastructure Management 3 2 2 1 Nil
4 CEM 253 Construction Planning and Scheduling 3 2 2 1 CEM 252
5 CEM 254 Economic Strategies in Construction 2 2 1 0 Nil
6 HUE — HUE Elective 2 2 0 0 Nil
7 CEM 200 Field training (1) 0 0 0 0 Academic Advisor Approval
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 CEM 355 Construction Methods and Equipment 2 2 1 0 CEM 255
2 HUE 113 Technical Reports Writing 2 1 0 2 UGE 01
3 CEM 356 Project Cost Analysis 3 2 2 0 CEM 252
4 CEM 362 Steel Structures Design (1) 3 2 2 0 CEM 112
5 CEM 386 Coastal Protections and Harbor Engineering 3 2 2 0 CEM 232, CEM 284
6 CEM — Elective Course 3
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 CEM 363 Steel Structures Design (2) 3 2 2 0 CEM 362
2 CEM 333 Foundation Engineering (1) 3 2 2 0 CEM 232, CEM 342
3 CEM 372 Highway Engineering 3 2 2 1 CEM 232, CEM 171
4 CEM 357 Construction Productivity 3 2 2 0 CEM 252
5 CEM — Elective Course 3
6 UCS 02 Communication Skills (2) 1 1 0 0 UCS 01
7 CEM 300 Field training (2) 0 0 0 0 CEM 200
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 CEM 400-1 Graduation Project (1) 4 3 2 1 Department Approval
2 CEM 422 Quantity Surveying and Estimating 3 2 2 0 CEM 252
3 CEM 458 Construction Risk Management 3 2 2 0 EBS 208, CEM 253
4 CEM — Elective Course 3
5 CEM — Elective Course 3
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 CEM 400-2 Graduation Project (2) 4 3 2 1 CEM 400-1
2 CEM 401 Introduction to Mechanical, Electrical and Plumping Systems in Construction 3 2 2 0 Nil
3 CEM 459 Construction Contracting 2 2 1 0 CEM 356
4 CEM — Elective Course 3
5 U — University Elective Course 2 2 0 0 Nil
6 HUE — HUE Elective 2 2 0 0 Nil
Total 16

Communication Skills (1)

On successful completion of this course, the student should be able to express their feelings, ideas ad exchanging information and knowledge with others, build human relations with the group. Give and receive criticism, deal with different personality types, cooperation and better teamwork performance, better decision-making and problem solving.

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Engineering Mechanics (1)

The force system, vector analysis, equilibrium of force systems for particles versus rigid bodies. Moments and couples, analysis of structures such as plane trusses and frames, distributed force systems, centroid and composite bodies, moments of inertia. Friction.

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Engineering Physics (1)

Units, and Dimensions; Properties and classification of matter; Stress, strain, elastic modulus and Hooke's law; Vibrations and wave Motion, sound waves and introductory acoustics; Conservation of Energy and basics of Thermodynamics; Heat Transfer by conduction, convection and radiation; Fluid Statics: pressure variation in fluid at rest and buoyancy; Fluids in motion: viscosity, shear and normal stresses, frictionless flow. Emphasis on relevant applications in engineering.

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Engineering Drawing and Descriptive Geometry

Introduction, types of lines and lettering, drawing equipment and use of instruments, geometric constructions, the theory of projection, multi view representation, and deduction of the third view. Descriptive Geometry: Introduction, Mongean Projection: Representation of points, lines, planes. Representation of line intersection of two planes, Representation of point of intersection of a line and a plane, auxiliary planes, Intersection of curved surfaces.

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Engineering Mathematics (2)

Fundamental concepts and techniques of differential and integral calculus of functions in several variables. Partial differentiation, the chain rule, extrema of multivariable functions. Vectors in two and three dimensions, dot and cross products of vectors, the gradient and directional derivative. Double integration in rectangular and polar coordinates with emphasis on engineering applications of multiple integrals.

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Engineering Mathematics (3)

Fourier series of periodic functions. Ordinary differential equations of first order ordinary differential separable, homogeneous, linear and Bernoulli types. Exact first order ODE. Solution of homogenous and nonhomogeneous second order ordinary differential equations using indeterminate coefficients and variation of parameters. The Laplace transform and its application to solution of ordinary differential equations. Functions of several variables, partial differentiation and applications. Calculus of functions of several variables. Introduction to Vectors and vectors analysis.

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English (1)

The course covers the following main components; listening and speaking, reading, writing, grammatical accuracy and study skills. Upon the completion of the course student should be able to demonstrate capability to achieve the following; select and use relevant information to introduce self and others, use clear, logical and fairly accurate grammatical language in everyday situations arising at college during lectures, interpret information presented in charts, graphs and tables, demonstrate ability to understand form and functions of headings and sub-headings, demonstrate ability to write a brief summary of main points, organize notes into headings and sub-headings, demonstrate control of the 5 basic tenses: simple present, past, future, present and past progressive and form of basic pronouns and read and interpret graphs, tables and charts

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English (2)

The course elaborates on the following main components; listening and speaking, reading, writing, grammatical accuracy and study skills. Upon the completion of the course student should be able to demonstrate the capability to achieve the following: identify and explain main points of lecture to others, identify specific detail and complete information on a chart /graph/diagram, report subject and main ideas heard in a talk /lecture, guess meaning of words from context using linguistic and content knowledge, write sections of a research report following a given model: introduction, process, findings, conclusions and recommendations, recognize and use different forms of nouns and make use of information in reference books e.g. encyclopedias, atlases, etc.

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Communication Skills (2)

This course will develop student's communication and presentation skills and train them to present themselves and their ideas orally and written in an effective manner that leads them to excellence and leadership in their work and life.

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Principles of Geology and Geotechnical Engineering

Introduction to geology and the earth origins, principles of physical and structural geology. Minerals, the major rock groups, plate tectonics and the major geological processes. Influence of geological origin and history of engineering characteristics of soil deposits and rocks. Application of geology in exploration design and construction of engineering works. Geological and Geo-hydrology maps in Egypt. Introduction to Soil Mechanics, Soil composition and structure of soils. Soil Basic Formation, characteristics and index engineering properties. Experimental determination of soil characteristics, particle sizes distribution, and engineering classification. Compaction, and dry density. Laboratory and field compaction.

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Structural Analysis (1)

Types of structures, Loads, Supports, Stability and determinacy of structures, Reaction calculation of statically determinate structures, Calculation of internal force and drawing N.F, S.F and B.M diagrams for statically determinate beams, frames and arches, Calculation of internal force in statically determinate trusses.

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Civil Engineering Drawing using CAD

Overview on civil engineering projects, Legend and symbols, Scales and drawing size, General layout and plans, Longitudinal and cross-sections, Earthworks and retaining walls, Applications on irrigation and land reclamation projects, Half-earth-removed views, Pitching and protection, Reinforced concrete structures: Views and cross-sections, Concrete dimensions, Reinforcement details for slabs, beams, columns and foundations, Steel structures: Views, Sections, Details, Rivets, Bolts, Welding, Hatching, Applications on drawing steel joints and members. Basic understanding of technical graphics communication and computer-aided design for engineering applications. Computer-aided design/drafting software AUTOCAD. Drawing-operations, Blocks and dimensions, Layers, area limits, View ports, Paper Space, Model Space, X-ref and introduction to 3-D, Printing and plotting, Rectangular, isometric and diametric projections.

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Surveying for Engineers

Engineering principles and application of surveying science, Popular techniques and engineering uses of distance, angles and height difference measurements, Mapping, Setting out engineering structures. Integrated digital surveying and mapping using total station. Lab/ Practical: Quantity surveying software (QS), Land survey software applications for civil engineering and construction. Training in leveling with the different methods- training on setting traverse by measuring lengths and then correct the observations (closed traverse).

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Applied Probability and Statistics

Basic statistical methods. Descriptive statistics, samples and populations, frequency distributions, bar diagrams and histograms, random variables, probability distributions, estimation, and testing hypothesis. Chi-Square, correlation, and regression analysis, as well as random walks, counting and Poisson processes; Markov chains in discrete and continuous time; renewal and regenerative processes. The course presents a number of selected relevant engineering applications. Application of statistical software.

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Construction Project Management

Introduction to construction management, Characteristics of Construction Industry, Project delivery systems, the design and construction process, Project definition and work breakdown structure, Construction planning techniques, Cash flow Conceptual, Quality Management, and Safety Management.

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Structural Analysis (2)

Influence lines for statically determinate beams, frames and trusses, Properties of areas, Normal stresses calculation and distribution, Shear stresses calculation and distribution due to shear force and torsion moment, Calculation of combined stresses analytically and using Mohr circle.

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Human Resources Management

Human Resource (HR) planning: Job analysis, demand for HR, Supply of HR; Staffing: Recruitment, Selection, Training and development; Performance Appraisal; Compensation: Type of equity, Designing the pay structure, employee benefits; Labour/management relations; Motivation; Leadership; Communication.

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Properties of Engineering Materials

Classification of engineering materials, Atomic and molecular structure, Bonding and coordination, Properties relationship in materials (metals, ceramic glasses, and polymers), Corrosion resistant materials, Composites, and their applications. Overview of concrete constituents (cement, aggregate, water, and admixtures), Concrete at early ages (hydration, curing, and fresh concrete properties), Mechanical behavior of concrete, Concrete mix design, Factors affecting concrete properties, and durability of concrete. Overview of Bricks- Timber- Heat insulating and acoustic materials Lab/ Practical: Testing of materials and selection of factors for various applications, Metals' properties, Standard and quality control testing- Steel, building stones- Bricks- Timber- Heat insulating and acoustic materials. Performing tests to achieve the durability of concrete. Statistical analysis of test results to achieve quality control for metals and other materials. Performing tests on each of the concrete ingredients (cement, aggregate, additives, and water) as well as the tests required for fresh and hardened concrete according to the standard specifications. Performing tests to achieve the durability of concrete. Statistical analysis the test results to achieve quality control for concrete.

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Reinforced Concrete Design (1)

Mechanical properties of concrete and reinforcing steel, Codes of practice and load factors, Methods of design, Structural systems, Analysis of RC section under pure bending, Design of RC section under flexure using limit state design method, Load distribution, Shear and diagonal tension in RC beams, Design of statically determinate beams, Bond between steel and concrete, Development and anchorage length of reinforcement, Details of reinforcement for beams, Design of continuous beams, Design of RC short columns.

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Soil Mechanics

Geotechnical site investigation, Sampling, and borehole logs. Soil Shear Strength, Stress-Strain properties of soils. Water flow in soil media, permeability and seepage. Principles of limit equilibrium analysis of soil masses and Soil bearing capacity. Earth pressure theories. Fundamental problems of slope stability. Methods of stability analysis. Theory of consolidation: Drained and Un-drained strength. Methods for estimating soil deformations and settlements. Lab/ Practical: Laboratory covers the experimental tests such as Moisture Content, Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit & Plasticity Index, Linear Shrinkage, Particle Density Determination, Bulk Density for undisturbed samples, Particle Size Distribution - sieving analysis, Particle Size Distribution - Hydrometer Method, Unconfined Compressive strength, (Cohesive Soil & Rock), Compaction Test, CBR Test (CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO), Consolidation Test, Oedometer, Shear Box Test , Vane Shear Box Test in Cohesive Soil, Permeability Test - Constant Head.

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Fluid Mechanics

Overview on fluid properties, Pressure measurements and applications, Total pressure on surface, Buoyancy, Fluid masses subjected to acceleration, Kinematics of fluid flow, Equation of Continuity, Euler, Bernoulli and Energy equations and their applications, Momentum equation, Flow in pipe systems, Pipe networks, Pumps, Hydraulics of open channel, types of open channel cross-sections, types of flow. Lab/ Practical: Laboratory covers the experimental tests such as Test of hydrostatic force moments in Hydrostatic Pressure Apparatus; Flow rate over crest weirs, rectangular weirs, and triangular weirs; Meta Centric Height Experiment; Hydrostatic static pressure Experiment; Orifice and free Jet Experiment; Flow

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Building Technology

This course introduces the students to the working drawings and their way of presentation. Architectural drawings are studied starting from horizontal elevations, facades, and vertical sectors. Choosing the appropriate structural method for the building of its various types and areas. By the end of this course the student should be able to identify the different structural systems and will be able to understand and detail all the architectural and structural elements of a building; starting from clarifications of construction systems, openings of a concrete structure, substructures, different types of footings, building unit of a wall, RC elements, Insulation, Staircase Terminologies.

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Structural Analysis (3)

Calculation of elastic deformation using double integration method, Conjugate beam method and Virtual work method, Analysis of statically indeterminate beams, frames and trusses using force method, Three moment equation, Slope deflection method and Moment distribution method.

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Water Structures

Design of water crossing structures: culverts, syphons, Aqueducts, Hydraulic and structural design, Structural design of retaining walls for inlet and exit wing walls, Design of weirs and escapes, Uplift force acting on floor.

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Reinforced Concrete Design (2)

Design of RC beams for torsion, combined shear and torsion by limit state design method, Design of one-way and two-way solid slabs, Design of ribbed and hollow block slab, Design of paneled beams, Design of flat slab, Design of sections under axial force and bending moments. Sections subjected to biaxial bending. Design of long columns.

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Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Infrastructure Management

This course is an overview of the water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure to enables the engineer to understand, plan, and budget for the systems. Topics included Design and construction of sanitary infrastructure systems, Infrastructure management systems, Operations of water, sewer, and stormwater systems, Maintenance and renewal of water, sewer, and stormwater systems. Principles of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Lab: Water quality assessment in laboratory by testing pH, salinity, total dissolved solids, turbidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, Nitrate and Phosphate.

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Construction Planning and Scheduling

The course gives an overview of Project definition, Scheduling and control models and techniques such as: AOA, AON, Bar chart and LOB, material, labor and equipment loading and allocation, Optimal schedules, Project organization, Documentation and reporting systems, Management and control, Overview on Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) Computerized scheduling using Primavera P6. Lab: The used software is Primavera P6. The applications cover Scheduling, Updating and Time Control.

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Economic Strategies in Construction

Money/time analysis, Alternative comparison, rate of return, cost/benefit ratio, depreciation and taxes, replacement analysis, public utilities analysis, estimating for economic analysis, capital planning and budgeting, introduction to risk and uncertainty, sensitivity analysis, bond and shares, mortgage.

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Field training (1)

Training on industrial establishments relevant to the program. Training lasts for total of 90 hours, during a period about three weeks. The program training advisor schedules at least two follow up visits to the training venue and formally report on performance of trainee(s). A Mentor in the industrial establishment provides a formal report on the student's performance during training. The student submits a formal report and presentation to be evaluated by a panel of three members with one member being an external examiner appointed from industry or other colleges of engineering.

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Construction Methods and Equipment

The course introduces an overview on major construction equipment and concrete construction, Selection of scrapers, dozers, cranes, etc., based on applications, methods, and production requirements. Power generation, transmission, and output capacity of equipment engines, Calculation of transport cycle times, Concrete methods include mixing, delivery, and placement, Design of forms for concrete walls and supported slabs.

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Technical Reports Writing

Identifying the different stages of technical reports writing (data collection, draft, revision, editing), determining the target recipients, organization of different types of technical communication, executive reports, technical proposals, detailed analytical reports, development of resume, motivation and application letters, , referencing styles, contribution to website, media announcements and relevant posts, structure of technical memos, letters and emails, production of relevant visualizations as supplementary items for texts and reports, delivering technical presentations.

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Project Cost Analysis

This course gives an overview of the application of scientific principles to costs and estimates of costs in construction engineering, Direct costs (Material, Labors, Equipment, and Subcontractor cost), General overhead costs, Cost markups and profits, Cost recording for construction cost accounts and cost controls, Cash flow, Equipment cost, Cost estimations, Cost control.

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Steel Structures Design (1)

Physical and mechanical properties of structural steel, Design criteria including materials, loads and systems. Design methods, General layout, Design of tension and compression members, Design of wind bracing system, Design of trusses using welded and normal bolted connections, Details of truss connections, Design of laterally braced beams, Design of axially loaded columns.

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Coastal Protections and Harbor Engineering

The physical processes operating in the coastal environment, Wind waves and their generation and transformation processes, Coastal hydrodynamics and transport processes, Coastal water level fluctuations (short-term and long-term), and governing processes on beach/barrier, deltaic, wetland and estuarine environments, Introductory concepts in coastal morphodynamics, Planning and design for beach nourishment, Breakwaters, Jetties, Seawalls and coastal protection structures. Design, planning and alignment of multipurpose ports, including wet and dry areas.

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Steel Structures Design (2)

Introduction to elastic-plastic material behavior, Lateral torsional buckling, Plastic analysis and design of continuous beams and simple rigid frames using load resistance factor design method (LRFD), Design of Beam-Column connections (welded and high-strength bolted), Design of built-up beams and plate girders, Design of different footing types, Details of frames connections, Design of composite section, Workshop drawings.

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Foundation Engineering (1)

Types of foundation systems, and design criteria, structural element and Loads. Classification of deep foundation, Bearing capacity of piles, Settlement of pile group. Design criteria of shallow and deep foundations. Design of shallow and deep Footing / Caps, (Isolated footing, Combined footing, Strip footings, Strap footing) and Raft foundation. Construction methods. Effects of construction on nearby structures. Guidelines for Temporary Shoring, retaining sheet piling wall and Dewatering.

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Highway Engineering

Highway planning in rural and urban areas, Highway location studies, Engineering and aesthetic considerations, Geometric and structural design, Highway materials and drainage, Highway construction. Highway safety engineering. Discussion of current highway design code, Complete geometric design of a two-lane highway. Introduction to computer software for geometric design. Lab/ Practical: Experimental tests of soil: (standard and modified proctor test), Sieve analysis, sand cone test. Experimental tests of bitumen materials: Marshall mix design method, Tests of aggregate (porosity, stiffness,..etc)

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Construction Productivity

Introduction to construction productivity, Measurement of productivity in construction engineering, forecasting of productivity in construction engineering, Conceptual formulation of labor, equipment and material factors affecting productivity, Mathematical formulation of labor, equipment and material factors affecting productivity

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Field training (2)

Training on industrial establishments relevant to the program. Training lasts for total of 90 hours, during a period about three weeks. The program training advisor schedules at least two follow up visits to the training venue and formally report on performance of trainee(s). A Mentor in the industrial establishment provides a formal report on the student's performance during training. The student submits a formal report and presentation to be evaluated by a panel of three members with one member being an external examiner appointed from industry or other colleges of engineering.

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Graduation Project (1)

Students use all of their knowledge and pervious design experience particularly in the field of specialization and integrate all components of the curriculum together into one major project extending over the 9th & 10th semesters. Projects are industry based. Projects should take into consideration appropriate constraints such as; economic, safety, ethics and environmental and social impacts.

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Quantity Surveying and Estimating

Bidding process and requirements, bid documents, construction quantities, take-off principles, methods of measurement, pricing for resources, unit pricing, overheads, writing the bill, measuring & valuation of works during project execution, updating and reporting, construction project exercises.

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Construction Risk Management

The course introduces an overview of risk and uncertainty, Process of risk management (Risk identification), Risk analysis (qualitative and quantitative), Risk response planning, Risk monitoring and control, Utility concepts, Statistical decision theory, Development of modern statistical decision theory and risk analysis, Tools and techniques; Modeling of non-deterministic problems, Modeling and analysis of uncertainties, Decision making, Decision tree, Simulation models, Monte Carlo simulation and application, Decision problems, multi-objective decision problems and optimal decisions, Practical risk evaluation, Risk benefit trade-offs.

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Graduation Project (2)

Completion of the requirements of Graduation Project (1) in addition to new requirements, reporting, presentation and discussion are essential. Prototypes or products are highly encouraged. Final graduation project reports should adhere to formal reporting layout and guidelines.

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Introduction to Mechanical, Electrical and Plumping Systems in Construction

This course presents an overview on different mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems used in building construction. Topics included are Air Conditioning Systems, Psychometric Chart, Chillers, AHU and Energy Recovery, Cooling Load, Air Distribution in Building; Fire protection, Automatic Sprinkler Systems and Smoke Management; Acoustics and Noise control in building. NFPA codes are studied as well as Indoor air quality, Life safety and Escape routes. DC circuit fundamentals. AC circuit fundamentals. Sinusoidal waveforms. Power and Power Factor. Alarm device (fire - gas). Introducing Electric Standards and Codes. Electrical installation in residential / industrial buildings. Fundamentals of electromagnetism and applications in electric motors and generators. Basic plumbing tools, materials, and fixtures. Topics include standard tools, materials, and fixtures used in basic plumbing systems and other related topics.

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Construction Contracting

This course includes theory of law: composition, expression, diversity, application, source, scope and construction of legal rule. It also includes introduction to the study of all contracts, their conditions and types in different fields with a special reference to the employment law in Egypt. It also presents an introduction to the basic construction industry and its problem: types of contracts, types of participants in a construction contract, formation principles of a contract, performance or breach of contractual obligations. Finally, it gives basic knowledge about Bidding logistics and strategies, Legal organizational structures and uses of specifications.

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