The Technological University Dublin organized the 15th annual forum entitled “Customer Loyalty Management and Retention in Retailing” on 5-7 February 2020. The forum was attended by:
- Tarek Taha, the Dean of the faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences- Pharos University.
- Austin Hughes, a Chief Economist at KBC Bank- Ireland.
- Aisling Toms, the Onboarding and Retention Customer Manager.
- Jim Power, the Managing Director at Jim Power Economics.
The forum addressed many important topics:
- The importance of earning customer loyalty in achieving success of retail stores.
- The impact of the retail stores’ environment on customer loyalty.
- Explanation of the concept of on-line loyalty and customer retention.
- Analyzing the retail landscape in a changing economic climate.
At the end of the forum, Prof. Tarek Taha – the faculty Dean was honored as a keynote speaker at this forum. He was also awarded a certificate of appreciation and the shield of TU Dublin, in the presence of Mr. Khaled Tharwat – the Egyptian Ambassador in Dublin.