PUA’s Faculty of Engineering held the “Towards a Sustainable Tomorrow” competition, which is held annually under the sponsorship and support of Birla Carbon Co. The competition aims to link engineering students’ graduation projects to the labor market and real problems related to sustainability.
The Competition was opened with a speech delivered by Prof Dr. Mohammad Gaber Abu Ali, Dean, Faculty of Engineering. After that, students of the different academic departments presented their projects. Four academic departments participated in the competition; the Petrochemical Engineering Department with three projects, the Mechanical Engineering Department with four projects, the Electrical Engineering Department with two projects, and the Construction Engineering and Management Department with one project.
Further, faculty members supervising these graduation projects, along with all participating students were given credit. After the presentations and discussions were complete, the results were declared. The first place and a financial prize of EGP 17,000 were equally distributed to the students of two projects: “Thermal Performance of Solar Still Integrated with Solar Flat Plate Collector“, and “Eco-Friendly Heat Stabilizer for PVC Using Mixture of Expandable Graphite & Ca/Zn Stearates“.
While the second place and a financial prize of EGP 12,000 were equally distributed to the students of two projects: “Mini-Channel Solar Water Heater” and “Utilization of Sugar Beet Mud Waste in Fuel Gas Production“.
Similarly, the third place and a financial prize of EGP 7,000 were equally distributed to the students of two projects: “Smart City with IoT” and “Design & Manufacturing of Dry Ice Blasting Machine Prototype“.
At the end of the competition, prizes were distributed to the winning projects, and the members of the panel were thanked for their efforts. Moreover, Birla Carbon Co. was recognized for its annual sponsorship and support for the competition.