Under the patronage of Prof. Ezzat Hassan, the Dean of the College of Applied Health Sciences Technology, Prof. Magdy Bedaiwi, the Vice Dean of the College and Head of the Scientific Committee invited the faculty members and the teaching assistants to attend the second meeting of the scientific committee during the fall semester on Tuesday, 1 December 2020 at room G-616 at 12:30 pm. Major General Doctor Hani Salah gave a lecture entitled “New in uses of ozone as a complementary treatment in medicine”. This lecture addressed the definition of ozone and the difference between the comprehensive definition and the definition of ozone in relation to the therapeutic medical field, then a brief explanation was made about the history of the introduction of the therapeutic medical use of ozone as it is a mainstay in complementary medicine in Egypt. Moreover, Ozone therapy is done by introducing ozone into the body through various means such as mixing ozone with various gases and liquids before injection identifying the technical difference between them the cases in which each type is used, the method and doses of mixing it with other gases. In addition to that this type of treatment is suggested to be used in various diseases such as cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
At the end of the meeting, pictures of the improvement of disease cases by adopting this technique were presented and discussed with the attendees of the faculty members. All attendees expressed their admiration for the scientific content of the meeting and the simple presentation. It is worth mentioning that Prof. Ezzat Hassan and Prof. Magdy Bediwi honored the Major General Doctor Hani Salah, Prof. Mervat Othman, the Former Vice Dean of the faculty for her distinguished contributions and Prof. Amani Salama for obtaining the degree of Assistant Professor and wished her success.