About the Center

The Technical and Laboratory Services Center was established by a decision of the esteemed President of Pharos University in Alexandria, Decision No. 79, dated 28/12/2023. The establishment of the Pharos University Technical and Laboratory Services Center aims to leverage the technical and laboratory capabilities available at the university, beyond the traditional educational framework, to serve the community across various sectors, including governmental, non-governmental, and business sectors. The center engages specialized experts and technicians to provide technical and laboratory services, offer technological solutions, conduct testing and calibration, and prepare technical reports.

The center seeks to enhance collaboration between the university and various industrial sectors within the community through the range of services it provides.

Board of Directors Formation


  • Chairman of the Board:
    The Esteemed President of the University
  • Vice Chairman of the Board:
    The Esteemed Dean of the Faculty of Engineering
  • Executive Director:
    Associate Professor Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Anwar
  • Board Members:
    Three faculty members from the Faculty of Engineering
  • Laboratories and Workshops Manager:
    Responsible for overseeing laboratories and workshops operations

Technical and Laboratory Services Center

Objectives of the Center

  1. Enhancing the University’s Role in Community Service:
    • Providing technical and laboratory services to support production and service sectors.
    • Meeting the needs of local and international markets in technical and engineering fields.
  2. Maximizing the Utilization of the University’s Technical and Laboratory Capabilities:
    • Operating laboratories and facilities to generate economic returns.
    • Developing technological capacities within the local community.
  3. Establishing Sustainable Partnerships:
    • Contracting with governmental and non-governmental entities.
    • Collaborating with business sectors domestically and internationally.

Specialization of the Center

  1. Technological and Informational Solutions:
    • Providing customized engineering and technological consultations.
    • Developing information systems and software tailored to meet the needs of institutions.
  2. Testing and Calibration:
    • Testing materials and equipment to ensure compliance with standard specifications.
    • Offering technical calibration services for various devices.
  3. Preparation of Technical Reports:
    • Designing technical reports for projects and products.
    • Providing engineering support for the development of products and production processes.