Published Manuscripts Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology
Mohamed S. Abdel-Latif
“Plasma Levels of Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP)-2, MMP-9 and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Patients.”
The Open Microbiology Journal, Volume 9, (P 136 : 140), 2 March 2015.
Nivan M. Fikry, Moustafa M. Ahmed, Soheir M. I. El-Kholy, Mohamed I. Badawi
“Effect of gold nanoparticles contrast agent concentration on X-ray diagnoses: Experimental and computational study.”
American Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Volume 2 No. 4, (P: 63-69), 2014
Mervat Mohamed, Nivan M. Fikry, Moustafa M. Mohamed
“Experimental Investigation of Ultrasonic Trapping of Bioparticles Using Parallel Plane Cavity”
International journal of Biomedical Engineering and Science (IJBES), Volume 1, No. 3, October 2014.
Tarek M. Elnimr, Mostafa M. Ahmed, Tarek Y. Aref, Fathi A. El-Hussiny, Islam G. Ali
“In-Vivo Characterization of Breast Tissue by Non-Invasive Bio-Impedance Measurements analysis” International journal of Biomedical Engineering and Science (IJBES), Volume 2, No. 1, January 2015.
M. M. Gouda, M. S. Badawi, A. M. El-Khatib, M. M. Mohamed, A. A. Thabet, M. I. Abbas
“Calibration of well-type Nal(TI) detector using a point sources measured out the detector well at different axial distances.” Journal of Instrumentation (J inst), Volume10, March 2015.
Abouzeid A. Thabet, Aleksandar D. Dlabac, Slobodan I. Jovanovic, Mohamed S. Badaei, Nikola N. Mihaljevic, Ahmed M. El-Khatib, Mona M. Gouda, Mahmoud I. Abbas.
“Experimental verification of gamma-efficiency calculations for scintillation detectors in angle 4 softwate.” Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection, Volume 30, No. 1,(P:35-46), 2015.
Mostafa M. Ahmed, Tarek M. Elnimr, Tarek Y. Aref, Islam G. Ali
“Developing Electrical Bio-Impedance Scanning System for Breast Imaging.”
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Science (IJBES), Volume 1, No3, October 2014.
Amna S. Mohamed, Nevan M. Fikry, Thanaa I. Shalaby, Affaf I. Aloufy, Moustafa M. Mohamed
“The adsorption behaviour of Polycrylonitrlenanofibre by hexamethylenediamine for removing Pb (II), Cu (II) and Ni (II) metal ions from water.”
International Journal of Chemical and Applied Biological Sciences, Volume 1, Special Issue: Materials for Biomedical Applications,2014.
M.S. Badawi, I. Ruskov, M.M. Gouda, A.M. El-Khatib, M.F. Alotiby, M.M. Mohamed, A.A. Thabet , M.I. Abbas.
“A numerical approach to calculate the full-energy peak efficiency of HPGe well-type detectors Using the effective solid angle ratio.” Journal of Instrumentation (J inst), Volume 9, July 2014.
Mohamed S. Abdel-latif, Eltahir K. M. Almahal, Noha M. T. Ragab, Mostafa F. Omar, Mohammed S. M. Afifi.
“Cellular fibronectin expression in chronic hepatitis C virus patients.”
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases (Scand J Infect Dis), Volume 46 (No. 7), P:508-5514, Jul 2014.
Ahmed M. El-Khatib, Mohamed S. Badawi, Mohamed A. Elzaher, Abouzeid A. Thabet
“A study of the validity of the efficiency transfer method to calculate the peak efficiency using y-ray detectors at extremely large distances.”
Journal of Theoretical and AppliedPhysics, Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2014.
Doaa T. Gebreel, Thanna I. Shalaby, Yousef S. Yousef, Mostafa M. Mohamed, Hisham A. Badawy
“Magnetic fluid based on Fe3 O4 nanoparticles: Preparation and hyperthermia application.”
International Journal of Chemical and Applied Biological Sciences, Volume 1, Special Issue: Materials for Biomedical Applications,2014.
Mohamed S. Abdel-Latif, Lobna A.Abou-Shamaa, Eglal A. El-Sherbini, Mohamed S. M. Afifi.
” Interferon gamma (IFN-y) and soluble Interleukin-2 Receptor (sIL-2R): diagnostic markers of tuberculous pleural effusion”
International Journal of Immunology, Volume 1 (No. 1), April 2013.
Mohamed S. Badawi, Mohamed Abd-Elzaher, Abouzeid A. Thabet, Ahmed M. El-Khatib.
“An empirical formula to calculate the full energy peak efficiency of scintillation detectors.”
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 74,(P:46-49), 2013.
Abouzeid A. Thabet.
“Scintillation Detectors FEPE Determination Using Volumetric Sources , Radiation Detection using Scintillation Detectors” LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2013.
Bothaina Kandil
“Effect of Magnetic Microspheres on Dynamic Properties of Blood.” LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2013.
Amna Said Mohamed
“Preparation and Assessments of Nanofiber Membranes for Water Treatment.” LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2013.
Badawi M. S., El-Khatib A. M., Elzaher M. A., Thabet A. A., Sakr A. A.
“Using an analytical efficiency transfer principle to calculate the full energy peak efficiency for gamma detectors.”
Vestnik of the Orenburg State University, Russia, Volume 5, No.(154), P:164-171, 2013.
Rasha Said Shams Eldine, M. M. Mohamed, M. B. Tayel, H. Ali Nour.
“Effect of Microwave Hyperthermia on Tumor Treatment.” Romanian Journal of Biophysics, Volume 23, Number 4, October-December, 2013