Prof. Dr. Amr Abdullah, Dean of PUA’s Faculty of Dentistry, along with the Faculty’s Vice Deans, the Director of the Quality Unit, Eng. Safaa El-Qady, and Eng. Mai El-Ghamry, held a meeting with Prof. Dr. Walid Lotfy and Dr. Ahmed Khamis to address several inquiries raised by the IT Department concerning clinical treatment workflows.

The meeting focused on clarifying the sequence of treatment steps and the mechanism for incorporating these steps into the clinics’ system. Discussions included the process of approving treatment steps for advancing students to subsequent stages, underscoring the importance of defining clinical workflows for each department and communicating these steps to the IT Department.

Additionally, they reviewed the creation of a detailed list of services and their corresponding steps to streamline the flow of diagnosis. The meeting concluded with a revision of the approval system, shifting from approving entire processes to a step-by-step approval format. Under this revised system, department heads are granted special authorization to provide approval for individual procedures when needed, ensuring that practical sessions can progress smoothly even if certain steps require immediate approval.