PUA’s Postgraduate Studies and Research Sector seeks to create a stimulating and supporting environment for scientific research. As well as generating distinguished researcher through establishing modern postgraduate programs in line with international trends. It also aims to put the University in an advanced position in the fields of scientific research and the international ranking of universities. Hence, achieving scientific leadership and sustainable development that advance society, human life and welfare.
The Postgraduate Studies and Research Sector works tirelessly to make PUA a distinguished research institution at both local and international levels. It also strives to make it capable of transferring and commercializing scientific research and technology, supporting innovation, and establishing a society based on the knowledge, economy, and sustainable development
Core Values: –
- scientific research Ethics and integrity:
The university maintains academic honesty and integrity in all interactions , with the highest ethical standards in research and protection of intellectual property.
- Research, discoveries, and innovation:
Pharos University values the close inter-relationships between faculty and research groups, and values the process of discovery through research projects, with strong support for individual researchers and research groups. Pharos University also values the importance of all research disciplines, and the power of connections between them and multi-and interdisciplinarity among them
- Freedom of expression:
The main purpose of Pharos University is the pursuit of knowledge. The university values freedom of thought and expression with no discrimination, along with free and open inquiry and expression with academic freedom..
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Exploration across boundaries:
Pharos University value the importance of all academic disciplines and the power of connections and interdisciplinarity among them. It supports the overarching themes in all pursuits that cut across academic units and address significant opportunities and challenges. The university also seeks opportunities for innovative partnerships with education and research institutions, business, sector, foundations, NGOs, and healthcare
- Respect for the Natural Environment:
Pharos University values its role in advancing solutions for a sustainable future following the UN-sustainable development goals and Egypt strategic plan for 2030, and support acting in ways to live and work sustainably in a manner that is environmentally, economically and socially sustainable in administration, academic and research programs.
- Expansion strategies :
Pharos University acknowledges and values the importance of new emerging topics in all disciplines and follow an expansion strategy in its structure to keep pace with such emerging issues and responds to national needs
Objectives: –
The strategic plan for the graduate studies and research sector aims to achieve the following goals: –
- That the university becomes a center of excellence in the fields of graduate studies, applied scientific research and scientific innovations.
- The university occupies a prominent position among the international universities in the international rankings.
- Preparing university and professional cadres capable of competition in the scientific and literary fields.
- Encouraging university graduates to enroll in graduate studies programs to continue their studies after graduation.
- Establishing and strengthening the partnership between the university, research centers and various sectors of society to achieve sustainable development and solve societal problems.
Strategic goals:-
The Postgraduate Studies and Research Sector at Pharos University in Alexandria aims to achieve the following: –
- Establishing graduate studies programs in all colleges of the university.
- Achieving research excellence, increasing the outcome of scientific research and its outputs, and improving its quality (international publication, innovations and patents).
- Encouraging group research with interdisciplinary areas that help innovation and distinction.
- Encouraging faculty members to submit research projects in cooperation with universities, research bodies, and scientific institutions at home and abroad.
- Establishing and strengthening the partnership between the university and the various sectors of society by linking scientific research and its outputs with the needs of society to solve its problems and achieve economic and human development.