Pharos_ Mass communication organizes “Photojournalism Exhibition” with 48 press photos
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Mohy EL-Din, President of the University, and Prof. Dr. Ramadan Abul-Ela, Vice President for Environmental Affairs and Community Service, Prof. Dr. Howaida Mostafa, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, Pharos University, inaugurated the “Photojournalism Exhibition”, which is organized by the Journalism Department. College digital publishing.
Fifteen students from the Department of Journalism and Digital Publishing participated in the exhibition with 48 press photos, under the supervision of Dr. Maged Al-Manzalawi, teacher in the department and pioneer of student activities, and Dr. Ibrahim Al-Tawam, assistant professor and head of the Department of Journalism and Digital Publishing, and in the presence of the faculty’s assistant staff.
The exhibition included a tour during which the Dean of the College met with a number of students, and praised the press photos produced by the department’s students during the last semester, where she called on them to strive and arm themselves with science and knowledge to achieve success and excellence, and concluded the tour by taking memorial photos with the students.