Abstract Guidelines
The Abstract submitted to PUA- ICAPS should meet the following criteria:
- The submitted title of the presentation and list of authors are final, and may not be changed.
- The submitted abstract will be considered the final abstract form that will be printed in the abstract book.
- The Authors names should include the First Name, Middle Name initials then Last Name.
- The presenting author should be underlined.
- The abstract title must be concise, not longer than 20 words. The abstract should not exceed 300 words, not including the title.
- Title and author’s name(s), should be in bold, Times New Roman, font size 12 pt.
- Include the complete affiliation address (Italics) for every author and corresponding author’s email.
- Abstract itself text should be in Times New Roman font size 12 pt, single line spacing.
- No more than two abstracts for each author should be submitted.