Under the auspices of Prof. Sahar Hamoda, the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation a workshop entitled “Online Teaching Sponsored by XCELING” was organized from the 4th to the 7th of October 2020. The activities of the workshop were managed by:
- Tamer Victor, an adjunct lecturer in the English Department.
- Rania Refaat, a Demonstrator in the English Department.
- Dina Mahmoud, a Demonstrator in the English Language Department.
- Walaa Aly Sallam, an Assistant Lecturer in the English Language Department.
- Sandra Mohamed, a Demonstrator in the Chinese Language Department.
- Amr El Zawawi, An Assistant Professor in the English Language Department.
The workshop included many important training topics:
- The application of virtual online teaching program “Flipped Classroom”.
- Interactive approach to online foreign language teaching: teaching the four skills.
- Creative ways to teaching literature online.
- Teaching linguistics virtually using “Flipped Classroom”.
- Traditional and non-traditional approaches to teaching translation online.
It is worth mentioning that the workshop was attended by a number of faculty members and teaching assistants.