Education System
- The medium of instruction is in both Arabic and English. At the end of each academic year
- the Faculty Board shall decide which subjects are to be taught in English and which in Arabic, provided that not less than 60% of the courses are taught in English in the following academic year.
- All faculty courses are assigned a credit hour value. Generally each one hour lecture is equivalent to one credit. Two hour tutorial sessions per week are equivalent to one credit, unless otherwise specified by the study plan.
- The academic year is divided into three terms: fall, spring, (fifteen weeks each) and a summer term of eight weeks.
- Selected courses by the faculty may be offered in the summer term in which students can register in not more than two courses, according to the regulations of the faculty.
- To obtain the B.A degree in Legal studies and International Relations, students are required to pass successfully in at least 160 credit hours.
- Successful candidates may terminate the full requirements in a minimum of 4 academic years.
- The flexibility of the system, however, allows candidates to increase or decrease his/her work program i.e. credit hours may extend from a minimum of 14 hours to a maximum of 20 hours.