PUA’s Faculty of Mass Communication Arts, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Howayda Mustafa, Dean, announces the availability of opportunities for the students of the Journalism and Digital Publishing Department to participate in the “Journalistic Creativity for Youth” competition. This competition comes on the sidelines of the Egypt Media Forum. The required works are to be submitted to the Faculty before November 09th, 2022, in the following branches:
First, written journalism, candidates are required to submit an investigation, dialogue, or feature about an important social issue between 1200 and 1800 words. Second, Video Journalism Branch, candidates are required to submit a story or a high-quality video investigation about a social issue or story, not exceeding 13 minutes.
The “Egypt Media Forum” offers financial prizes totaling 100,000 EGP in the two branches of the competition, distributed as follows:
* The first prize of 25 thousand pounds.
* The second prize of 15 thousand pounds.
* The third prize of 10 thousand pounds.
In addition, candidates are offered extensive free training throughout the year through the activities of the Egypt Media Forum. The winning works will be then published in publications and on the electronic platforms of the Forum’s media partners.