My name is Ahmed Hany Elsheikha, I am student at PUA, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical department.
My name is Israa Samir El Dallal
I am Student at faculty of Engineering, Architecture Department.
My name is Islam Elkhouly I am 22 years old. I am in the 8th term studying mechanical engineering.
My name is Ahmed Maher Mohamed
I am a student in the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Pharos University
My name is Yousef Mohamed Hany
I am Student at faculty of Engineering.
Hi, I am Erik von Schultz, 25 years old from Sweden. I am currently studying my third year of engineering at KTH. When I’m not studying, I like to climb or spend time with friends.
Hi I am Simon Färegård from Sweden. I study at KTH and I am on my third year of my education. My program in KTH is called “Energy and Environment”. I am 24 years old and I really like to train. In Sweden I play football, badminton and other activities. Despite training I really like hanging out with my friends. After I am done with my education, hopefully I will get a job regarding renewable energy, since I like sustainability.
Hello, my name is Marko Miletic and I’m from Stockholm, Sweden. My hobbies include sports, more specific football, badminton and weight-training. Furthermore, I really enjoy spending time with my family and friends and when I have the time, I like to read books.
My name is Sadeem El Husany Hamed, I’m a Senior student in Faculty of Pharmacy and drug manufacturing at Pharos University. I’m a passionate about camp campaigns, solo-travelling and my studies in the field of pharmacy and looking forward to doing research in Immunology once I graduate.
My name is Riham Sherif Moustafa Kamel Hassan. I am a 4th year student at the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture Department, Pharos University.
My name is Newal. I am studying civil engineering and urban management at KTH.
I think Egypt is an interesting place and the project here, which I am working at, seemed really interesting as well. Together they made two very good reasons for going to Egypt. Also, because Dr. Norhan established contact with us at KTH, and she was working at PUA, I was really glad that we could visit PUA for this project.
8 weeks in total.
By writing a motivation and by providing all necessary information about the exchange. That is, what I would do in Egypt, why I wanted to go, where I was going to stay and more.
There are many differences between KTH and PUA as well as many similarities. As for the differences, PUA seem to have a much closer bound to their students compare to KTH. Meaning, that the professor actually know the name of their students and seem to have a more personal connection with them. Also, regarding the studies, in general, KTH put more weight on the theoretical whereas PUA put more focus the practical. Furthermore, KTH seem to give more freedom and responsibility to their students which can be both good and bad, for example the lecture are not mandatory.
VERY MUCH SO. Everyone has been so helpful, there are not one single time where help was not to be found.
Not so good, since I have not followed a student throughout a whole day. But seem to be as that of a KTH students. Lectures and then spending time with friends. However, instead of studying at school, the students tend to study at home.
Many things were good. To mention one, I would say that the arranged visit to El Alamein by PUA was really amazing and brought a lot of knowledge with it. Also, the “play-day” was fun, taking part in on of PUAs lab were also fun.
Communication was sometimes a bit hard, since people, sometimes, do not know English all too well. At PUA this was not such a big problem, but overall, it was sometimes a problem.
Very good. People are really helpful and kind. The city got its personal charm and Egypt as a whole is very interesting with many things to see and experience. The food is really good as well, in Alexandria, fish is really good. Egypt is sometimes very different from Sweden, but that is what make everything interesting.
Again, many things. People are so kind and helpful which impressed me a lot. I almost never felt scared or anything alike. Everybody was kind.
Try go get help from the locals regarding things like where you should stay and, in the beginning, it could be helpful to have someone that can show you around and how things work. And secondly, do it! Thirdly, eat fish, download uber and otlob and talk to people!
Several things. I have learned so much more about Egyptian culture which something I always will remember. Also, I have seen many cool places, eaten delicious food and met a lot of wonderful people. All these things will I take with me. Moreover, I have learned some Arabic and hopefully I will remembered what I have learned when I am back in Sweden.
I went to PUA to be able to conduct my bachelor’s thesis in an area that I’m interested in, as well as in another country for the experience. Since PUA and KTH had an interested collaboration project together, it was the perfect choice.
My exchange period was 8 weeks in total.
Initially I applied for the project and was accepted by our professor in KTH. After that I applied to a grant called Minor Field Study to be able to pay for the exchange.
One big difference is the lectures, which are rarely mandatory at KTH. This allows more freedom as to how and when to study. Additionally, a big difference is how practical the education in PUA is, in comparison to KTH it’s mainly only theoretical. Lastly, there is a difference between the relations between professors and students. In KTH, the professors rarely know any of the students by name, which does not seem to be the case at PUA.
Yes, extremely helpful. We have gotten help with everything we need and more, starting from the moment we arrived in Egypt, and there has always been someone to ask for help.
This I can’t give a good answer, since I have only been focusing on my own project. I can say however that the time spent at school mainly seems to revolve around lectures, and not studying individually.
The best part was an activity day, where students arranged different small games and challenges outside the faculty, which was fun.
This might be the language barrier, since English is not known by everyone, as well as not being able to read the Arabic letters.
Alexandria is a nice and active city with much to offer, but very crowded. It is also very rich in history, with a lot to experience.
How the minibuses work in traffic. Apparently, you signal where you want to go by using a certain hand sign, and if the bus is going in that direction it will stop and let you on. Something like this would never work in Sweden!
Don’t be afraid to ask for help, people here are very helpful and it will be provided to you. Also download Otlob and Glovo for cheap and good food delivery. And make sure to try the fish, it’s amazing!
It was definitely a challenge to spend so much time studying in another country, but I learned that the hardest part about some challenges is actually starting them. As soon as you try to deal with the problem presented to you, taking it one step at a time, it will eventually work itself out and appear a lot easier then it did initially. So what I took with me from the experience is that I can manage bigger challenges then I expected.
The chance to visit Africa, and more specific an Arab country with so much history as Egypt has, made the decision very easy. PUA offered the necessities and quality needed for my bachelor thesis to be conducted.
The exchange lasted 8 weeks in total.
Prof. Andrew Martin from KTH scouted for students to participate in a collaboration with PUA and KTH, me and my colleagues applied and were accepted.
The difference is a more direct contact or line of communication in PUA compared to KTH. The relationships between pupils and professors are more personal than in KTH. Moreover, the learning is more of a practical character in PUA than in KTH, where the approach is often more theoretical and is conducted to bring discussion.
They have been excellent in supporting all causes, the communication line is very clear and everyone, including students, are very generous and show great hospitality. Our Egyptian colleagues, whom we collaborate with, have excellent knowledge in their field and are easy to discuss with.
Since we have a specific collaboration, our working day consists mainly of own work on the project with some discussions in between with our Egyptian colleagues.
Meeting all the different people, from the Dean of Engineering, to our lovely supervisor Dr. Norhan and all the students willing to greet us and make us feel welcome!
Adapting to the difference between Swedish and Arabic culture, but it has been very fun to observe and learn the language, food culture and so on!
Alexandria has been wonderful, it is truly a city with lots of history and a beautiful shoreline to the Mediterranean Sea. Egypt biggest asset is its people, the hospitality and generosity are always above and beyond.
The different mix of cultures combined from the different eras in Alexandria, the Greek, roman, and so on all mixed together makes the city a beautiful historical place.
Feel free to talk to people, they will most surely help you or make your life easier in some way. Also, the seafood here is amazing, you have to try the crab soup at the fish market!
I have met amazing people whom I will remember, the new culture has been really fun to observe and live with and has opened up the interest to explore Egypt more in the future. I have also gained a more practical understanding in my field of engineering, something that I greatly appreciate.
Being best authentic private university in Alexandria with highly qualified cooperative Teaching staff from professors to demonstrators is reason enough for anyone to join your University.
In my opinion, the university announced for scholarship was a great opportunity to discover their teaching methods and facilities whilst still student in PUA, as well as experience first-hand the European scandanavian culture.
About four months since 3rd/sept/2018 to 20th/dec/2018
By assessing applicant English proficiency, recommendation letter from my professors, motivation letter and interviews was also done to assess student social and academic background as well as their overall character.
I come to appreciate PUA methods of teaching students which literally ensures graduating students of solid pharmaceutical background .This was proved with the self-study of my courses abroad in UEF were if it weren’t for the assignments, self-study chapters , interactive activities done in PUA I wouldn’t have been able to study whole courses alone.
Yes, they were extremely welcoming and helpful throughout the semester. English language hasn’t been easy with some of the professors but most of them I managed to understand their requirements and how to study the required course contents. Even, with issuing the official transcript it was done smoothly.
Day started at 8 am, my dorm was about a 20 minute walk from the campus. I attend my lab work either of medicinal chemistry or pharmaceutical technology till 11.30 am, then lunch break starts at campus for about an hour I join my colleagues then continue to another building with the Library and study are facilities where I read, study and summarize for about 3-4 hrs. By 5 pm, I return home and join my friends in dorm for a dinner and discussing our day. By 9 pm, time to sleep to start a fresh new day.
Snow winter season after the green orange leaves of Autumn.There was a huge contrast between each season .In addition, the Viking scandanavian food and finnish sweets was a real delicacy.
Getting used to the real cold of Finland and having to wear gloves, cap and scarves almost everywhere I go out even if it was simply to buy some groceries for about 10 minutes.
Strange musical sound of the city which turned to be a small friendly village when I arrived there. Finland, most famously for Nokia phone products which turned out to be a famous city named NOKIA in Northern Finland and of course a good rank in education.
Sauna is a must in every house and of course the large number of lakes and green trees everywhere; I almost got lost one day in them.
Better to buy winter material clothes, gloves, caps from Finland with a better thermal resistance than in Egypt. Second hand shops will be very handy in furnishing a student room for winter.
There’s more to see abroad beyond what we are used to and comfortable with. Knowing English is not enough when you communicate with others. Living independently is the best way to know oneself and focus on strengthening improving character.
I choose Pharos University because it is one of the top 10 universities in the Republic of Egypt and its close relationship between other international universities, especially the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
To gain experience of travel without parents and self-reliance and to see the cultures of other countries
It was 3 months
I think because I worked hard to study architecture and got the highest grades and excelled at the University of Pharos
The practical work in KTH is more than in PUA, the way of learning differs a lot, the student in KTH is more independent.
Yes of course everything was organized and developed and I have encountered some problems and the specialist helped me quickly
I go to my Studio at 9:00 AM, there is a lunch break at 12:00 PM, interactive learning is their way of learning, so it is every exciting,
The way they deal with me I did not feel that I am strange, Learn about a new place, new language, new people, exchange experiences and knowledge
To gain much experience as I could, and travel as much as possible, it’s the best chance ever to learn more.
It is a very calm country, I really excited about it, it is a very organized city, and it’s very respectful for human being specially the disable people.
I was surprised as there are many students speaking English basically everywhere, and the freedom of independence from my parents is a wonderful thing to try
Use time well to gain new and good skills and information, and make sure to spend every second in something useful.
Self-reliance, good planning for the future, time Management, from knowledge sharing, and good relations with my Swedish friends
Because of the excellent educational level offered by pharos university.
To gain a new experience and knew the difference between education in Egypt and abroad.
3 months
I was nominated by my department then I have passed the language test and an interview with university administration.
The biggest difference is that students there depend on themselves a lot in the education.
Yes they was very helpful and give us help in everything we needed.
Lectures starts at 8 o’clock every lecture is 2 hours there is a 15 min break after the first hour. from 12 to 1 o’clock there is launch break after that we complete our lectures and helping sessions.
Dealing with different cultures and nationalities every day in the university.
Self-reliance in daily life matters such as food preparation and laundry.
Stockholm gives off a very organized clean and efficient vibe. much of the city has new construction and development. Everything is clean, organized and running smoothly.
Yes, in addition to the pleasing architecture, Stockholm is filled with nature and beauty. with compact islands filled with parks
They have to make sure to take advantage of every moment they stay there.
Self-reliance, ability to deal with different cultures and work perfection
I choose Pharos University to study because I knew about the agreement dual bachelor degree from both KTH and PUA which gives international exposure. Also its one of the best University for the education perspectives.
To gain experience, knowledge. Also to explore different cultures and know the least technology and trend in architecture.
3 months
First I have been writing my CV and motivation letter. Second I have been through 2 interviews and English test.
The practical work in KTH is more than in PUA, the way of learning differs a lot, the student in KTH is more independent.
Yes, they are so helpful.
I go to my studio/lecture, have a lunch break at 12.00 it was a good time to interact with my colleges and we have a regular presentation each week that we discuss in our work.
Exploring the new place and new culture. Practicing English language, exchange experiences and knowledge.
To gain much experience as I could and to have the responsibility of everything in my life.
It is an amazing country really as they say about it a walkable city. I t is a very organized city beautiful building and parks.
Actually all the people there speaks English so it was easily to communicate with any person. Also they are very respectful.
Do your best to gain that exchange. You will not only learn in a different way no you will gain a lot of skills and experience that will change your life and point of view to anything you see.
Time Management
Self –confident Practicing English
I choose Pharos University to study because it is one of the universities that help on producing good generations.
To gain experience and knowledge from other countries that could help me in my future sake concerning the Architecture Engineering.
3 months
By owning high grades, good communication skills and language.
KTH helps students to depend more on themselves “Self-Learning”, and owns different ways in giving lectures. Also, it is different in the way of the studio and site visit
Yes, everything was well organized and helpful
I go to my lecture, discuss my work with the professors, know my points of weakness and work on them. Besides that, I take a lunch break from 12pm till 1pm and then I can continue my work in the studio.
Working in group work through the studio and discuss the project together. Also, the site visits there are more interesting.
To go back gaining more experience, new language, new friends, and depending on myself.
It is amazing and well-organized country with different culture.
I was surprised that there were discounts, especially in the transportation and food, everywhere for the students, helping them.
Manage their time well to have some fun beside gaining more experiences.
Self-study plan
Self-dependent Time
I heard about the transportation project from my teacher at KTH. I chose PUA for exhange to write my bachelor thesis.
3 months.
By my teacher at KTH.
I have nit participated in any courses but otherwise, there are differences such as school rules, computer lab.
Yes, they have been helpful all the period and it was easy to communicate with them.
I really liked student activities, it is a chance to meet other students and have fun together.
A new cultur, new people and much work.
A very beautiful stad with its wonderful sea. A traffic that makes you do not want to out at all. Very friendly and social persons in all Egypt.
Traffic congestion is a big problem. People are very nice and easy to talk with.
I have taken so much experience. To work and deal with people from other cultures, to live without family. I have learned so much during my exchange period.
Because it is one of best universities in Alexandria.
It was a good chance to gain experience.
Three months.
I have been chosen by my professors.
The students at KTH is more independent.
Yes, they were very helpful.
In a regular day, I wake up at 7 am. Have breakfast. At 8 am I arrive at KTH to take my first lecture. Throughout the day it`s mostly attending class, if there is no class I`m in the library.
I learned to be more independent and of course getting to know new cultures, new stuff and new people.
To gain much experience as I could.
It is very beautiful country. It is clean, quiet and not so busy as you would expect from a capital. There is a very good, clean and organized public transportation.
People in Sweden are kind and they are nice to foreigners.
Use time will to gain more information.
Self -reliance and Time Management.
As Pharos is one from the best universities in Egypt, it was recommended for me.
It was the best chance ever to learn a lot about everything, their way of studying, their work during their lectures and tutorial.
It was for 3 months.
I was able to get the highest grades so that I could get my professors’ nomination and I worked hard on it
In KTH the study cares about practical work than the theoretical one, even the theoretical one based on something that related to your work after being graduated and the students in KTH are more independent. That was the clear difference between PUA and KTH
Yes of course every thing is organized and they are so helpful, they helped us a lot as much as they could, they help us in many problems that faced us despite it isn’t related to our study.
Everyday there was a lecture or laboratory so I attend, there is a break each one hour, interactive learning is their way of learning, so it is every exciting,
Learning more about a new culture, new language, new people, exchange experiences and knowledge.
To gain much experience as I could, it’s the best chance ever to learn more.
It is a perfect country, I really excited here. It is a very organized city and not so crowded as you would expect for a capital.
I was surprised as there are many students speaking English basically everywhere, so I have the impression that is the official language here.
Use time well to gain new and good skills and information, as it is the best chance ever to gain more and to be qualified.
Good planning for the future
Time Management
Benefit from knowledge sharing