Hi Moustafa Mohamed Mohamed Elsayed, tell me more about yourself and your role at PUA.
I am a lecturer of physics at basic science department, faculty of engineering.
Mail: Mostafa.elkhatib@pua.edu.eg
I ‘m an assistant professor at the Tourism Department- Faculty of Tourism and Hotels management – Pharos University in Alexandria – Egypt. Moreover, I obtained my Ph.D. degree in April 2017 from Tourism studies department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University– Major: knowledge sharing and innovative behavior.
I am Riham Younis .I am a teaching assistant at the marketing program at PUA. I also act as a research project coordinator for the research project module and a member of the TU Dublin quality assurance committee .I have applied for Erasmus plus program for assistant staff, where the steps for applying included submitting a motivational letter, a recommendation letter and presenting for a committee as a final step for selection .
My name is Mayssa Elmofty. I am an assistant lecturer of finance and investment at Faculty of Financial and Administrative sciences, Pharos University in Alexandria; I act as a research project coordinator.
My name is Walid Fahmy, Associate Professor and Vice dean of the faculty of legal Studies for student affairs. From 27/5/2019 to 31/5/2019, I went to Aristotle University for staff exchange. I have been chosen to this visit by Pharos University and Aristotle University.
Mail: walid.fahmy@pua.edu.eg
I’m currently a lecturer in Tourism Department in the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management. I’m the international relations coordinator of the faculty, and the general academic advisor.
I am Dr. Samar Ossama el Ganainy, a lecturer in the department of pharmacology & therapeutics, faculty of pharmacy. I am also the general academic advisor of the faculty. I participated in an Erasmus+ staff mobility program between PUA and UEF (University of Eastern Finland). My mobility program included a training schedule. My exchange period was 10 days.
Mail: samar.elganainy@pua.edu.eg
I am Mennatallah Ismail, a lecturer of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Pharmacy and Drug Manufacturing, PUA. I have been working in PUA since 2008.
I am the executive responsible for the faculty strategic plan in quality assurance unit. In addition, I am an active member in the sustainability project in PUA.
Mail: mennaallah.ismail@pua.edu.eg
April 2019
Firstly, I’d like to thank you for interviewing me. My name is Mohamed Osama, I’m PhD. Candidate and currently working at PUA as a teaching Assistant at the faculty of Arts and Design in décor department.
Mail: mohamed.osama.ismail@pua.edu.eg
April 2019
I am Mika Niskanen, senior lecturer of Tourism at JAMK University of Applied Science and visited PUA for 5 days in April 2019.
I am (Engy ElNayal), I really enjoy support learning to everyone. I graduated from Electronics and Communications department from Faculty of Engineering from Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (AAST&MT). My specialization interests are the field of electronics and the field of optical communications.
I am a lecturer in the electrical engineering department in PUA. I teach many subjects to our student at different levels.
Mail: engy.elnayal@pua.edu.eg
I am (Rita Palabeyekian), I am an assistant lecturer at the Mechanical Engineering Department at the PUA. I have been graduated from the Production Engineering Department, University of Alexandria and I am specialized in the field of industrial engineering. So, I am working in the newly launched IME program at the PUA.
Mail: rita.garbis@pua.edu.eg
I am Moataz Ehab, I am a teaching assistant at the Construction Engineering and Management department, faculty of Engineering.
Mail: moataz.mahmoud@pua.edu.eg
I am (Mohamed Abdelkarim Aboulhassan).
I am as assistant professor in electrical engineering dept.
Mail: Mohamed.abdelkarim@pua.edu.eg
The main objectives of this mobility are:
– Explore the master program in Electrical Engineering in KTH.
– Investigate the availability of joint undergraduate projects submission.
– Acquire new teaching and learning skills from KTH.
– Reinforcement the cooperation between KTH and PUA.
A month.
Through a presentation in front of the vice president and the international relations coordinator of PUA University. The presentation includes my goals to this grant of the Erasmus+ staff mobility program and this is done after the submission of the motivation letter and my CV to them.
There are so many differences:
• Labs and lectures are highly informative and direct the students to a huge amount of data and information.
• The estimated learning hours of each course are longer, which means the students can learn the courses deeper. Also, the theory learning is always followed with the practical work, such as labs and project work.
• The organization of the academic year in four periods, each one with two courses to attempt, makes easier the planning of studying as well as the preparation of examination.
• The students are ambitious not only to get a good mark but also to really understand the subjects and above all, getting practical experience.
• Here students, researchers and teachers seem to be at same level with the same importance even if covering different roles. Furthermore, transparency and meritocracy are conditions without which KTH could not exist. All the people from students to professors form a great academic group providing a motivating study and research environment.
• KTH is the best place for an engineer with education and career ambitions.
Classes take usually 8 hours, from 8 am to 5 pm with one hour lunch break from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. Many projects and assignments require you to stay at campus even if you do not have classes that day. For example, during afternoon, if there are no lectures, group members from courses have meetings and discussion at many places created for them because they need a space for studying in silence and finish their tasks.
KTH proved that it has an incomparable high level of education and wide range of educational support like a great library, supporting efficient teachers and many interesting seminars not only related to the studied field.
Because this is the first time I went to Stockholm, so the biggest challenge was reaching to my place of residence.
– Stockholm is quite unique in comparison with other European capitals.
– It is a clean and beautiful city with large water areas and historic buildings.
– It is quiet and tidy and there are many tourist spots.
– Urban architecture is spread out among its islands creating space for many green areas.
– Swedish people are so nice and happy to help you. They can speak fluent English no matter they are young or old.
– Although Sweden is not that much populated, satisfying public facilities and provided infrastructures has made the life easy for everyone.
Sweden is something much more than I expected. This country has impressed me with its landmarks, calm people, and the very positive and relaxed attitude towards everyday life. Furthermore, it is easy to communicate with people in Sweden as they are almost well familiar with the English as an international language.
I just want to say that I have been feeling really lucky to get the chance visiting KTH University. I strongly advise my colleagues to do the same.
Yes. I can bring in my department new learning and teaching skills and also make a proposal for the master program.
– My personal and teaching skills were improved.
– New experiences and practices were gained.
– My professional and personal development were changed.
– Our motivation in moving forward into progress must be kept up in every work we do and never give up and should always proceed onwards to development.
I consider the visit to the School of Pharmacy, UEF, as a lifetime experience that I believe it is a milestone in my career. It is a significant opportunity to discover innovative and different teaching and research techniques as well as to explore new foreign culture that is definitely motivational and very inspirational to my career
The exchange period was 8 days
The journey started after my motivation letter was selected by Prof. Dr. Maged ElGhazouly, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Drug Manufacturing. I was one of 5 lecturers who were chosen to present their motivations to contribute in such exchange program in front of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Mohey ElDin, President of Pharos University in Alexandria and Prof. Dr. Nourhan Fanaky, Vice President for Education and Students Affairs.
I think they are different in the time and resources available for their research. In addition, most of them are working as a multidisciplinary team which collaborate together for successful publications
All the staff members I had met were very helpful and sociable. They were discussing in details their research interest and the curriculum they are teaching with highlighting the innovative teaching methodologies they are implementing
Their regular day starts at 8:00 am in the morning. Their day is divided into different tasks including teaching, laboratory sessions, seminars, meetings and research. At about 12:00 pm, they have their lunches and breaks. After that, they regularly meet their masters and Ph.D. candidates. Overall, they are trying to implement different innovative strategies in their lectures and they are more devoted to their research and international publications. The day usually ends at 4:00 or 5:00 pm.
I had a great chance to meet Prof. Dr. Antti Poso and Prof. Dr. Maija Lahtela-Kakkonen who have a proficiency in drug design and had the chance to try “Molecular Operating Environment, MOE” software, one of the programs they use in docking. In addition, I visited Kuopio University Hospital and saw the robots used in drug dispensing and chemotherapeutic preparations. In addition, the visit to the animal house was very fruitful.
Everything was in Finnish language; all the signs in the streets and all the products, so situations like purchasing groceries or riding a Taxi with a driver who cannot speak English were challenging
It is fascinating country as it is part of Europe. Kuopio is a calm part of Finland and it is a beautiful city with magnificent landscape full of forests and lakes. The technology is in everything in their life, even for bike renting. The transportation tickets are booked via an application.
The weather surprised me as I literally saw the four seasons in one week. The weather rapidly changes even in the same day. It can start sunny and end with snow. In addition, I attended the festival of the “Labor Day”, which is in the first of May, just like Egypt. It is a special event there; the students wear special outfits with a color that indicates which faculty they are enrolled in. The graduates wear a white cap to indicate that they are graduated one day from University. Another special day is “May Day”, which is a celebration for the coming of spring season. I enjoyed the Finnish tradition at this time of the year, Munkkia (a kind of donuts) and Simaa (a special drink).
It is important to apply for Visa early enough before the visit. In addition, I recommend staying in the guest room in the university as it saved a lot of time without any need for the transportation especially in snowy days
As a university staff member, I believe that this visit was substantial to my professional expertise. One important thing is that I am planning to apply flipped classroom in my courses to develop a more self-learner pharmacists.
I think the visit helped me to build up more connections with a lot of professors and staff members either in pharmacology or other specialties. In addition, I got some knowledge about Finland such as their traditional food and souvenirs.
To gain more experience about teaching methods, to get introduced to a new culture, to widen my professional network, to know more about the curriculum of the courses in the KTH and compare it to ours in PUA.
My main mission was about the BIM courses to transfer the way of teaching and to know all the courses that are taught in the KTH as PUA is starting to teach this new technology.
It was one month.
I have been chosen through a process that started by a call to all the staff members for whoever wants to submit a motivation letter to be chosen. Then there was an interview with the faculty of engineering dean and head of departments. Then there was an interview with the head of international relations and the representatives of university’s president.
It differs a lot as the number of years for the university education at the KTH are 3 for bachelor degree and most of the students there continue post graduate studies for 2 years to complete their master’s degree.
One of the great differences is that all the master or PhD thesis are concerned with the industry to solve problems or to renovate the technology of construction.
They were very helpful as they provided me with all data I wanted. They gave me from their time to ask about all information I wanted. I had an access from them to a lot of research papers. I also attended a PhD defense while I was there.
The regular day starts at 8 am by attending lecture for 3 or 4 hours depends on the course. Then from 12 to 1 pm, it’s a lunch break for all teachers and students. From 1 pm till 4 or 5 pm it’s a workshop for the lecture in the morning. At somedays maybe sitting in the library for some research.
Giving a lecture about BIM implementation to the undergraduate students at the BIM1 course.
To get as much information as I can that can benefit my studies and benefit my department at PUA.
It was so cold at that time in January and February, but a beautiful city. People are so helpful. All of them can speak English so it was easy to communicate with them. It was empty as the population of Sweden is so small compared to ours in Egypt.
Every Tuesday at 10 pm a lot of people go out and scream with loud voice to get out the negative energy- as they assume-
They have to take heavy clothes if anyone is going through winter days. They need to benefit from the ideas of the projects that the students make in the courses. We need to enlarge the cooperation in the level of the students.
Of course, I have started to use what I have got through attending the BIM course at the KTH in teaching in the same course at my department at PUA. Also I have introduced through a presentation inside my department to the colleagues so any of them can gain any idea that can be executed in their courses.
I have enlarged my professional network with many researchers and students from many nationalities. I have been introduced to many cultures. I have enhanced my English language by practicing it for 1 month. I have got many information that I can use through my master thesis.
My trip was part of a grant of the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Program. The main purpose of the trip was to adopt new teaching methods, interactive learning methods and assessment methods. In addition, visit the laboratories and workshops. Another personal purpose was to network with people interested in the field of my PhD research and exchange knowledge with them.
The exchange period was for 10 days.
I applied for it at the PUA. The application included a motivation letter, my CV and a valid IELTS certificate. Then I have done a presentation on the purpose of my application to this visit. The attendees of the presentation were the Vice President of the PUA and the International Relations Coordinator at the PUA.
I have attended lectures, practical tutorials and seminars during my short visit. There are several differences, some of them are minor but others are major differences.
Starting with the minor differences:
The lecturer is on time sharp in the classroom but starts the lecture after 15 minutes.
Students are allowed to enter/leave the classroom upon their wish.
Many students do not follow the instructor, instead they work on their laptops or mobile phones, but they do not interrupt the lesson in any way.
If from noon till 1:00 pm there is a lecture, students are allowed to eat their lunch.
As for the major differences:
The time management differs from an instructor to another. For example, some instructors divide the lecture to 4 parts: 30 minutes’ lecture followed by a 15 minutes task, in which students work in groups. The instructor then discusses briefly the outcomes of the group task. After the discussion a 15 minutes break is given. After the break the lecture is continued for 30 minutes followed by a group task for another 15 minutes.
Other instructors divide the lectures just in two parts: 45 minutes lecture followed by a 15 minutes break, then the lecture is continued for another 45 minutes.
Students work with their own hands in the workshop. They are divided in groups with a maximum of 6 students in one group depending on the available space. The lecturer is the one who teaches the students how to work, a technician assists him.
I attended a seminar, in which interactive learning was used in a very instructive way.
Definitely yes. They were more than helpful.
Most of the lectures start at 10:00 am, only few start at 9:00 am. From 12:00 pm till 1:00 pm it’s lunch time. There are several restaurants at the campus where students and staff can buy food. Each department has a large kitchen, where students and staff can heat their own food in the microwave and make a cup of coffee or tea. After lunch, lectures and tutorials are continued and may extend till 7:00 pm.
The best part was to experience the link between the academic part and the practical part, whether in the University or outside with the industry, where Master and PhD students deal with solving actual problems present in the industry.
The biggest challenge was not to get lost in the KTH campus.
It is an extremely organized country with perfect transportation facilities. The people are very friendly and helpful. All the locals speak English, unlike many other European countries. There just two disadvantages: everything is very expensive and the weather is very cold, even during spring time.
The thing that has surprised me is that locals wear summer clothing at 3º C weather.
And the thing that impressed me is how organized people at Sweden are.
My advice to them is to wear warm clothes and avoid travelling to Sweden in winter.
Applying interactive learning in the proper way and letting students depend more on themselves regarding their tasks instead of spoon feeding them with the solutions.
On a personal level, I have realized after this experience that life doesn’t have to be as stressful as we think it is. Problems become more complicated in a stressful environment.
I went there as a part of ICM program among the agreement between KTH and PUA
10 days
There educaltional system consists of 3-years program BSc and 2 years Msc. The computer and electrical engineering are merged in one schoo;
Student : attend lectures and lab sessions Teacher : give lectures, participate in meetings related to research projects
Meeting with master programs directors and advanced abs
How to meet as much professor sand places in a short time
Very clean and well organized. People are very decent
No need for private car, you can depend on public transportation
You should plan your schedule prior to your trip through emails in order to achieve maximum efficiency of your trip
Yes, the criteria on which advanced topics in telecommunications and electronics are designed in addition to a list of elective courses
How to deal with staff from different academic environment
Studies in the University of Eastern Finland differ in using highly interactive methods especially with the implementation of flipped classroom projects and changing the learning environment. Research at the University of Eastern Finland is very advanced with high-tech instruments and advanced lab facilities. Researchers’ high intellectual capability also ensures highly advanced studies in all fields.
All staff & professors at the University of Eastern Finland were very cooperative and tried to help us to fulfill our timetable and arrange additional on-site meetings.
The best part of my visit to the university of eastern Finland is exchanging different intellectual & cultural insights with professors and researchers. My biggest challenge is to benefit maximally from my visit time to arrange meetings and see newly implemented techniques in teaching and research.
Kuopio, Finland is a small beautiful city full of lakes & forests with a charming nature. It’s very quiet, especially with its small population. However, people are very kind and helpful. I was surprised at how people in Kuopio, Finland love licorice! They have a large variety of licorice products. I was glad to see snow falling on the trees on my last day, it was a different experience for me although all people there were annoyed form snow falling almost half of the year.
My advice for colleagues at PUA who will travel to arrange their schedule before their visit for more meetings and tour visits to explore all university facilities.
The advanced teaching techniques, particularly flipped classroom techniques that I have explored in the partner university can be brought to my university especially the development of a more interactive learning environment to gain a special focus in PUA. On a personal level, I have recognized different cultures and observed a different country from my home country. I have learned about Finnish people and Finnish culture.
I traveled to JAMK University for applied science for teaching staff exchange for 5 Days. I have been nominated by my faculty dean and interviewed by a high-level committee assigned by the University.
The studies and researches at JAMK University for applied science differ in comparison to my previous experience as it provides:
Extensive range of interactive and self-learning strategies.
Modern learning environments, skilled personnel, and excellent services
Well-equipped facilities and libraries providing free computer services and Internet access.
A wide variety of interesting professional courses taught in English like concept lab, experience design, research and development as an expert
An efficient, yet relaxed and international atmosphere
They got Erasmus Award for Excellence 2013.
Staff, professors, researchers, and others of JAMK University for applied science were very helpful and easy to communicate, discuss, and cooperate.
My regular day as a teacher at JAMK University for applied science starts with a Campus tour, meetings with staff members or administration, then giving a lecture, Lunch, complete lecture, leaving campus to make a free city tour, or visit the home of a staff member.
The best part of my experience at JAMK University for applied science was giving lectures to international students, concept lab session attendance, a home visit to one of the teaching staff, and attending an ice hockey match.
The biggest challenge for me during my trip was the train that I have to change at a certain point within ten minutes.
My impressions of Finland and Jyväskylä city are:
Finland is a Nordic country that deserves being the number one population in happiness indicator worldwide, also the first educational system in Europe, and the 4th rank in the education system, with a population of 5 million, and very developed transportation system, in addition to their advanced rank in technology.
Jyväskylä is a beautiful city, with a very friendly and civilized population of about 300 000 people. Furthermore, it is a student-friendly city offering a wide range of activities and opportunities, a modern center for industry and learning, a “pocket-size Metropol” with a lively urban center, all the services, shops, schools, and work are close at hand, and a wide variety of leisure and sports activities.
My advice for colleagues at PUA that, in the future, will do staff exchange at JAMK University for applied science, that they have to focus on their predefined goals and discuss every detail in their visiting agenda, focus on practical results, new ideas and practices. Moreover, find out the reasons for every different and new teaching method. And Finally, try to develop and maintain an excellent and continuous relationship with their teaching staff.
This experience added to my professional role at PUA a lot, including new practices such as innovation week, new courses like concept lab, new teaching strategies such as self-learning, and removing pressure on students (tasks due dates, and exams) preparing online courses, as well as, using the available resources effectively such as the Library.
I have taken with me from this experience on a personal level, was how to achieve the educational goals without pressure on my students, as well as, the great experience of teaching mobility for international students, experiencing new culture, and building excellent network with experts and teaching staff at JAMK University.
– A broader understanding of practices, policies and systems in education and training at JAMK University.
– Improvment of teaching and research skills.
– Increased capacity to trigger changes in terms of modernisation and international opening within my University.
– Increased motivation and satisfaction in my daily work and share my experience to inspire my colleagues.
– Increased joint researches between the two Universities.
– Exchange experience in regards to supporting academic growth of staff.
– Increased support for mobility activities.
From [02/06/2019] till [08/06/2019]
They are giving a lot of attention to student-based learning; thus, all their teaching and research activities and strategies are designed accordingly.
Gaining a broader understanding of how to create an engaging and interactive studying atmosphere.
To find halal food.
Very organized and clean with a lot of trees everywhere.
The intensive use of bicycles for better health and more fun.
Try to get the benefit of every single second during your visit because there’s a lot of things to be learned there.
For sure a lot of things, for example, the exploration of innovative learning strategies and techniques, which will lead to a higher degree of innovation in teaching and research skills in our faculty and University. Increase the capacity to trigger changes in terms of modernisation and international opening within my University. Increase motivation and satisfaction in my daily work and share my experience to inspire my colleagues. Increased joint researches between the two Universities.
More self-confidence in networking.
The Aristotle University staff, professors, researcher and others that I met, are very helpful and easy to communicate, discuss and cooperate. For example, the first day, I met Professor Glavinis (the supporter) who help me to know all about the faculty of law education system, staff, student and administration (particularly the library stuff). Professor Glavinis help me to organize the lectures and workshop (best part of my experience). He invited Professors and doctoral students to participate in a workshop on the Egyptian policy in the field of gas transportation infrastructure development for the transport of natural gas from Egypt to Europe, which took place at the Faculty of Law of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Wednesday 29 May 2019, at 18:00′, at the Dean’s Conference Room. The workshop was taking place within the framework of the research Project “Integrating Energy Markets in the Wider Europe” implemented by the Faculty of Law of AUTh.
Concerning the undergraduate students at AUTh, earning a degree requires successful examination in a total of fifty (50) courses, including:
Attending certain courses requires prior successful examination in one or more requisite courses.
Many, among the most important is that in Thessaloniki is located The Aristotle University, which is the largerst Greek University, which means many young students. Mild climate, excellent structure of the roads, hospitallity, low criminality, sea, mountain etc are also contributing in its fame as a city for young people, but also older people enjoy living in Thessaloniki. Young people are just better communicating their preference better, they may move and reestablish easier, while older people do not easily change their living practices. It’s a safe place. There are no terrorists and there is almost no crime. People are cool and in most cases friendly. It is the second biggest city in Greece. There are fast food restaurants that are open 24 hours a day. The shops are all together so you go to the city center and you have them all. There is public transport to move around.
I can tell my experience in the following points:
– Play a decisive role in academic exchange, good practices dissemination, and knowledge diffusion.
– Support multicultural co-existence, social and cultural cohesion, and promote sustainable regional development.
– Make multilateral, rather than unilateral approach, a core aspect of our work in education, research and administrative level.
– The most important is the development of some of the methods of interactive learning that I use to teach some courses.
Best regards
Walid Fahmy
Associate Professor and Vice dean of the faculty of legal Studies for student affairs
Learn new teaching method and build up a strong relationship with staff members to invest in the future.
5 days
They made integrated subject courses with each other.
The courses topics are the same but their content are different.
Make a strong relationship between us and Oradea staff.
How to deal with students in academic advising?!
They teaching courses in Romanian
Kindly people in Oradea and, this city is known as the safest city in Romania
The architect buildings.
To be kind and have contacts of people may be helpful.
If you have a good relation with people, they will help you to reach your goal.
I was involved as a Ph.D. student in (Transporter mediated-targeted drug delivery) research group for 3 months from the beginning of September till the end of November, 2018 school of Pharmacy, at the Faculty of Health Sciences, at the University of Eastern Finland, in Kuopio, Finland. It had been a good opportunity for me to improve my practical skills, learn new techniques in sample preparation and analysis and learn how to use new computer programs for doing the statistics and interpretation of data.
University of Eastern Finland is research based. The professor gives full details about experiments to be done for one week and tells the researcher to take enough time to do good preparation for the experiment before it’s done. Then the professor does a weekly meeting with the researchers in his/her team to negotiate together what are the solutions of the problems faced during the experiments. Also they teach the researcher how to complete the experiment although the components of the kit is finished.
The staff, professors, researcher and others that I have met had been very helpful to me both in research work and social life. For example DR/Anne Lecklin brought to my apartment furniture form the university stores as the apartment was unfurnished and she took me from the railway station when I arrived and derived me home and next day she took me to the daycare first and then to the university. It was easy to talk with finish people in English, some of them don’t know English but they are few. Finish people are very helpful, if you asked for help they help you immediately.
The best part of my experience was that they taught me how to think in a better way to solve problems in research and I think this way of thinking is beneficial even in life. Also, I attended (in Silico Training day) and it was the first time for me to know about in silico methods. I was very happy as my experience for travelling as an Erasmus student was published in the UEF site (https://blogs.uef.fi/on-the-move/) and my picture on the Writer’s page: https://blogs.uef.fi/on-the-move/writers2/sherihan-salaheldin-abdelhamid/.
The biggest challenge for me during my trip was my fear from the cold weather about the health of my son (9 months) who was with me. But they took care of my son perfectly in the daycare (eating, drinking, playing, and wearing suitable clothes while playing outside), also his teacher taught him how to walk independently, eat by himself and there was no fees for the daycare as my grant is low.
Kuopio is very beautiful city full of green areas. Really I liked the nature a lot. I lived in (Sarkiniementie 18), the location was very good as it was half an hour walking and 6 minutes by the bus to the University, there were services near me like supermarkets, pharmacy, restaurants and the daycare. Transportation was very easy as in my street where I used to live there were more than one bus stops.
The advice for colleagues at PUA that, in the future, will do staff exchange at UEF, is to learn about computer based programs that they use either for practical work or for statistics, as these programs are beneficial for us in PUA.
The Erasmus plus program is held with TU Dublin which is considered a strategic partner to PUA. Once I have been selected, we started preparing for the accommodation and flight reservation. The main objectives for the visit were shadowing in Retail classes, checking research project procedures, Quality assurance meetings, discovering new Teaching and learning methods, reflective practices, job placement…..etc. All of which have been covered.
We have received a great deal of support and orientation from the staff there. We were in a direct contact with Dr. John Jameson, Dr. Alex Gibson and Dr.Bernard Damian .All of them have showed outstanding level of support all through our stay.
The major getaways would be the importance of embedding industrial background as well as industrial examples in every module and in discussing every concept. Everyone is doing his job with great passion. Passion is a key driver for success.
Ireland is one of the fastest growing capitals in Europe. Dublin is considered a center of tourist attraction with heavenly green areas. Irish people are very kind, down to earth and helpful in general.
I was surprised with the level of tolerance given numerous backgrounds coming together.
I had applied For the Erasmus + staff training mobility to enhance my skills as a researcher and teaching staff. Moreover, to establish a long term relations with external University with same or relevant study fields.
My training period was for only one week of training at Aristotle’s University of Thessaloniki (AuTH) in Thessaloniki of Macedonia, Greece.
The Staff at Aristotle’s university of Thessaloniki were very helpful, they had helped me from starting of my letter of support until the day I had left. They were very welcoming and very open to any discussion and they look forward to expand our collaboration with them in the near future.
I had realized a different methodology of teaching that they had been applied in their education system. They tend to apply an open discussion within the lecture, brainstorming, between the professors and the students, they apply critical thinking approaches on the very young ages to improve their critical thinking and creativity skills.
The best part of my experience, was giving two lectures about my field of study to students at AuTh. This was a new experience for me to give lectures for international students at a foreign university.
The biggest challenge for my trip was the funding part. I had to pay all the required funds of air plan tickets, hotel reservation, insurance and Visa appointment. All in advanced, and then get my fund back from AuTH.
Thessaloniki in Greece is more similar to our city Alexandria in Egypt. When I arrived in Thessaloniki in April it was still raining. The people in Thessaloniki were very kind and friendly and helpful. The city is commercial naval port with a lot of transportation and trading movements. The city center was a bit mixture between modernism and historical monuments.
They city is very youthful, the average age for people there is 35. With total Greece population of nearly 11 million people.
I really encourage my colleagues to go there, the staff of the University is very friendly and very hospitable, they look for expansion of extended relation with external partners outside of the EU.
I took a lot of experience on personal level. It was my very first time to go for an international scholarship position. I gained a lot of experience from writing my application to build up my CV and sending emails to professors.
Extending my networking skills and establishing external network with other professors of my field. Learning from the education system how to enhance the critical thinking of the student, how to make the students motivated and full of enthusiasm. The library was the most place , where I have spent my time. Working and cooperating with other professors to discuss master programs projects or graduation projects.
Finally I’d like to thank you again for all the help you gave to me to accomplish this mobility.
personal interest towards Arabic countries
professional interest in networking
professional interest in giving new information to international students
Most likely on my earlier working experience in Sultanate of Oman
In Finland courses are formed into holistic entities. E.g. innovative tourism service skills contain courses as Future trends in Tourism and Branding in tourism.
Absolutely, they were really kind and hospitable
To experience hospitality of PUA staff and notice activity of PUA students. Also to notice admistrative elements on walls was exceptional.
Local traffic. It was horrible to person who is accustomed to law and order.
Controversial, places of visits were excellent, food was very tasty, staff was just lovely, but amount of trash on streets was huge and traffic was horrible
In Alexandria impressive was places to visit same way as Pyramids in Giza. Also hospitality of PUA was impressive.
What comes to me, I could always foster staff exchange at PUA as well as student exchange.
Making visible different elements of everyday life at school as PUA had done it.
I have started to wonder more and more about development of societies. But getting to know person it is easier to get to co-operation later on.
My visit to Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) which is Ireland’s first Technological University lasts for 2 weeks where the main objective for this visit were Shadowing in Retail modules in addition to different other objectives including understanding quality assurance procedures, acquiring teaching and learning strategies and methods.
TU Dublin staff was very helpful, supportive, and friendly; it was easy to communicate with them especially Dr. Bernard Damian, Dr. John Jameson, Dr. Alex Gibson and Dr.Eoghan O’Grady. This support was not only showed on academic level, it was also found on Nonacademic levels. Dublin is the capital and largest city of Ireland. It represents a very popular Tourist destination full of sightseeing places. We were lucky as we were able to visit many of these tourist attractions such as Trinity College, St. Stephens Green, EPIC museum and many other places. I was surprised with the way Irish people are attached to their history, and the belonging level to their country that appears in how they are working with passion and dedication.