Hi Mahmoud, tell me more about yourself and your role at PUA.
Hi, I’ve been working as assistant lecturer of Analytical chemistry for the Faculty of Pharmacy-PUA since 2014, before that I had worked in R&D for well known pharmaceutical company.
Mail: Mahmoud.agami@pua.edu.eg
Hi, My name is Maha Fathy. I am an Electrical Engineer, Teaching, and Research Assistant. I work as an Assistant Lecturer at the Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Pharos University in Alexandria. I am teaching several courses related to EE Sciences at PUA.
Mail: maha.fathy@pua.edu.eg
Hi Noha, tell me more about yourself and your role at PUA.
I am graduated from faculty of pharmacy 2002, I practiced clinical pharmacy for 6 years from 2003-2009 and then joined PUA September 2009. Since 2015, I am a lecturer of clinical pharmacy in faculty of pharmacy
I am Dalia Yehia, assistant lecturer in clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice department in the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharos University in Alexandria (PUA). I am a member of the summer training committee and quality committee within Pharos University. Currently, I am a Ph.D. student at the High Institute of Public Health (HIPH), at Alexandria University.
Mail: dalia.yehia@pua.edu.eg
Hi Alaa Mahmoud Khalil, tell me more about yourself and your role at PUA.
I can introduce myself in a few words. I am an assistant professor at PUA in Alexandria. I earned my PhD in physics; in the area of electromagnetic fields and its biophysical interactions with microorganisms since December-2013. I am working in the department of basic sciences at the Faculty of Engineering. I am teaching Engineering Physics, Modern Physics and Solid State Electronics.
Mail: alaa.khalil@pua.edu.eg
Hi Dr. Rehab Samir, tell me more about yourself and your role at PUA.
I am a lecturer of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry at Pharos University. I teach and supervise senior students to give them the basic knowledge of child development & psychology, with a Comprehensive understanding of different behavior modification techniques so they become able to clinically perform simple restorative procedures for children with full coverage of primary molars. Additionally, I supervise some of the undergraduate students’ researches. I am also responsible for the faculty timetables committee. I have an administrative role at the students’ registrar bureau as well as an advisory role being the deputy general academic advisor. Currently, I am a member of the international ranking committee at PUA
Mail: rehab.samir@pua.edu.eg
I am Dr. Mohamed Elkholy, and I am a lecturer at the Computer Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering at PUA
I am DR/Sherihan Salaheldin Abdelhamid Ibrahim, I was hired as a teacher assistant of Pharmacology, Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharos University since 1/10/2015. But now I have got my PhD and I am a Lecturer of Pharmacology.
Mail: sherihan.abdelhamid@pua.edu.eg
During Fall 2018, I have been accepted in the staff exchange program at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), in Kuopio, Finland for three months from September till the end of November 2018. I went for staff exchange because it holds an opportunity for joint research, working with a multidisciplinary international team in addition to learning about different teaching methodologies.
In comparison to the situation in Egypt, teaching at UEF is more or less the same. Regardings research, UEF dedicated its staff and fund for multidisciplinary research groups for innovations and publications.
In general, Finns are shy and quiet. From my experience, they are very welcoming, helpful, and hospitable. An International once said:” if you make a Finnish friend, you get a lifetime friend.”
Usually, the regular day starts early with lectures or research work, then they have a midday lunch break, then they resume the work. During lectures, a break of 5-10 minutes was given to students every hour. During the practical labs in the clinical pharmacokinetics course, students were required to solve a certain number of cases along with the course term without adhering to the time required for the labs. So, students can spend the time during the lab which was 4-5 hours in solving the cases and taking breaks.
I have participated in the international day at UEF to encourage international students to participate in exchange programs. The best part was conversations I had about Egypt, history, PUA, and even Arabic language.
At the beginning of this experience, being away from my comfort zone, and as expected I took some time to get used to using maps, be aware of details of daily life and even reaching home, but based on my previous experiences and with the help I got from colleagues, roommates, and even people in the street, life become familiar within few days.
Kuopio is a very beautiful city, full of forests and lakes with wonderful natural scenery. I liked it especially the peace and quietness that surround the place.
Life in Kuopio is very simple, people use bicycles a lot, and walking is part of their daily life. The idea of recycling is widespread which is very effective in keeping the city clean besides reducing the waste.
I strongly advise my colleagues to apply for the exchange program in the future to get in touch with different experiences in both research and teaching.
On a professional level, I have learned new techniques in research work at the lab. Concerning teaching, we started to use software like “Dose me” at PUA that I used at UEF to facilitate Pharmacokinetics measurements of drugs that need therapeutic monitoring. In addition to practices related to evaluating students, and involvement of students in peer-reviewing each other. Also considering students’ self-evaluation as an important part of the whole evaluation process.
On a personal level, it was a rich experience of independency in a different environment. I got to know myself more and learned to cope with different environments and dealt with cultural differences while keeping my values.
I believe that students might have to be involved in similar experiences (might be for a shorter or longer period) to cooperate with students from other cultures and different backgrounds to increase their self-awareness and to work within multidisciplinary teams as well as to learn independency in searching and to apply a systematic approach to understand challenging subjects.
Why did you go to Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece for staff exchange?
I am eager to benefit from the Erasmus+ staff exchange program, as I will get to know new innovative resources, vibrant intellectual atmosphere and a comprehensive curriculum. It’s a great opportunity for me to enlightenment my teaching experience with their considerable pedagogical strategies.
How long was the exchange period?
Short Visit, 1st to 5th OCT; 2018
How do studies and researches at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (AUTh) differ in comparison to your previous experience?
It was very helpful to visit AUTh, as it is not so far from our pace; they have same economic and social constraints and they are coping with it. I observed the level of technology that they have and how it works in different directions to serve market needs and field requirements (based on companies collaborations and getting funds from scientific projects).
Did Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (AUTh) staff, professors, researcher and others that you met been helpful and easy to communicate, discuss and cooperate
Yes, they were so helpful and very kind. Moreover, I didn’t find any hard to meet them.
Could you describe a regular day as a student or teacher at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (AUTh)?
By attending lectures I noticed that they don’t have advanced pedagogical strategies than what we have (chalk board, white board, power point presentations and smart screens).
What was the best part of your experience at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (AUTh)?
I found how they take the challenge of economical issues seriously and cope with it.
What was the biggest challenge for you during your trip?
Some hard and soft materials were written in Greek language.
What are your impressions of Thessaloniki and Greece that you visited?
I felt it almost Alexandria with the sense of ancient Greek.
Is there something about life in Thessaloniki and Greece that has surprised, impressed you?
It is a very youth city.
Do you have any advice for colleagues at PUA that, in the future, will do staff exchange at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (AUTh)?
Increase the possibility of collaboration with the other departments and Faculties.
Is there something from your experience that you can bring in to your professional role at PUA?
Knowing considerable pedagogical strategies for teaching courses and ability of building a comprehensive curriculum. Getting the know how of creating new creative, innovative teaching resources. Knowing how they conduct to industrial and actual market needs. Finally, opened possible ways of cooperation between both universities.
What have you taken with you from this experience on a personal level?
Meeting with new people from different culture, enhancing my English language, dealing with different circumstances and finally getting new contacts and friends.
Why did you go to the University of Eastern Finland for staff exchange?
I believed that visiting such a reputable University would be of great value to gain more experience, allowing me to interact and adapt to different cultures and to share experiences with the University staff members. Getting to know the newest teaching methods and how to apply them would serve me in implementing them in our University. I was interested in knowing their scheme on how they evaluate their undergraduate students, motivating them to do better. Moreover, I wanted to see their application of rubrics and how this affects the level of understanding for the students. Another aspect concerning this visit that I would have the opportunity to get involved in sharing their academic advising methods as I believe that academic advising has a great impact on our students’ education and their success. It was important for me, as well, to be acquainted with modern technologies in caries diagnosis in Pediatric Dentistry and enrich myself with novel research methods enabling me to conduct advanced researches through hopefully collaborative work between Pharos University and the Eastern University of Finland. As a part of my role at the students’ registrar bureau, I am responsible for scheduling the course timetable for all terms. It is challenging as I have to coordinate the lecturers’ schedule with the availability of the provided lecture rooms. I hoped through this visit that I would enhance such skill to accomplish it with minimum time and zero error or overlaps.
How long was the exchange period?
10 days
How do studies and researches at the University of Eastern Finland differ in comparison to your previous experience?
At UEF, instead of an ordinary lab with microscopes, they use multiple large touch screens for slides viewing and zooming during histological and pathological sessions. The lab is equipped with multiple tables where the students sit, and each group can watch on their large screen whatever lesions and tissues or any demonstration needed. They can zoom in to see the finest details of what’s inside the tissue cells. They can touch any part on the screen, so this is a question for the instructor to answer.
They have a simulation lab which is much simulating the dental clinic. It has dental units, dental chairs, network and monitors where the student can see the demonstration live through documentation camera. They learn the right sitting position of a dentist and how to hold the handpiece and they are being evaluated for this every session. They work on the phantom head attached to thorax to simulate the patient on the dental unit. They have different typodonts to simulate the different dental situations, restorations, pulp therapy, extraction, local anesthesia administration, periodontal diseases, orthodontics, and restoration & pulp therapy of primary dentition
The patients’ clinic is highly equipped and uses the highest infection control measures. The students use software to upload the patient’s data and dental charting. They have rooms for making an x-ray for their patient which is digitally processed and uploaded to the patient file.
Did University of Eastern Finland staff, professors, researcher and others that you met been helpful and easy to communicate, discuss and cooperate
Yes, they were all cooperative. Communication with them was accessible as you can knock at any door of any of the professors and the one inside will answer you with all that’s in his power and will help in any possible way.
Could you describe a regular day as a student or teacher at the University of Eastern Finland?
Most of them get to the campus riding a bicycle. They start their day at 8 am whether a lecture, lab, simulator, or a clinic. They have a lunch break from 11 am to 1 pm. They finish the working day by 4 pm
What was the best part of your experience at the University of Eastern Finland?
They have the priorities of caries prevention as a community measure. They have difficulty in recruiting patients as dental caries is not prevailing in the country. The best part showed up when I had only one chance to see a pediatric patient. He was caries-free and was smiling and cooperative during the dental examination although he was just a three-year-old child.
What was the biggest challenge for you during your trip?
Internal transportation from or to Helsinki airport. Although natives are so friendly the signs were not always in English and of course getting on the wrong train or missing its departure were great problems for me.
What are your impressions of Kuopio and Finland that you visited?
Clean environment. You can breathe fresh air. Everything is on time. Quiet and non-crowded streets. Very cold weather compared to Egypt. It was rainy most of the time but you can’t trace it on the ground
Is there something about life in Kuopio and Finland that has surprised, impressed you?
I was truly fascinated by the forestry there. What I saw in this country was so impressive; its cleanliness, its quietness. It is a friendly society and all citizens are decent, polite, and cheerful greeting you with a smile and are most helpful.
Do you have any advice for colleagues at PUA that, in the future, will do staff exchange at the University of Eastern Finland?
I think it would be better in the future if the going staff will communicate with the staff there before traveling and to have a solid plan to execute upon arriving. It was a little bit foggy for both sides in the beginning. Ph.D. students should have the chance to go and do research with the staff over there. Dental researchers can’t work there on patients as they don’t have a license, but this could be overcome through invitro studies.
Is there something from your experience that you can bring in to your professional role at PUA?
Definitely. I already used one of their interactive teaching methods in my lectures for senior students. I also told other staff members about these new methods and how to use them in their courses.
What have you taken with you from this experience on a personal level?
Just meeting with new people and being in contact with new cultures is of great value to expand my way of thinking.
I went to KTH as a part of the staff mobility program for Erasmus+. I went there to analyze different courses and new methods of teaching and assessments. The exchange period was one month. I was chosen from the faculty of engineering after a presentation that clarifies my aims of the traveling and my plans to get benefit from this program, then this presentation with repeated at the international relations office.
Studies and research at KTH are a little bit closer to the market needs.
All KTH staff members were very helpful to me.
A regular day includes joining lectures and exercise and meeting with staff members. The best part of my experience was visiting research centers and supercomputer centers. My biggest challenge was to collect all the required information in a short time
Stockholm is a very beautiful city and Sweden people re very kind.
I was not surprised by life in Stockholm as it is very similar to life in big European cities.
I advise colleagues at PUA that, in the future, will do staff exchange to do their best to collect more and more information about the education process at KTH
I got the experience that will help me at PUA such as new courses and new teaching methods
I was so interested in the international educational experience, visiting a university campus outside Egypt, living this spirit in a different culture, really attracted me.
Also, I was willing to explore recent advances in pharmacy practice education as we already started the new curriculum for faculty of Pharmacy which includes new courses for Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacy Practice department. So I liked to export ideas about implementation of these courses in an attractive, feasible & non-traditional way.
Twelve days
Research have a great priority in UEF. (PhD students have time for finishing their manuscript & they are exempted from extra activities for that)
They work in multidisciplinary groups
More time is given for practical sessions than lectures
Self-study and diaries are presented in many courses
Courses are taken over a short period of time (two weeks) and then other courses are taken
I was invited to a workshop for PK modelling in Turku university in collaboration with UEF
I needed more time, I was collecting data in very short time
A very quiet place and people are cooperative
They have very good knowledge about other cultures, and they have great sense of hospitality
I encourage them to take the challenge
I took a lot of ideas and already implemented it, like hospital visits and writing dairy with discussion, bringing two softwares (one for undergraduates and one for postgraduates) and designing some self-learning assignments
I have to give attention to my research
I participated in Staff Mobility within the Erasmus+ program for training at school of technology, JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä, Finland in the field of cybersecurity from 12th to 16th November 2018. During my visit to JAMK University, I had multiple tasks and activities such as, attending lectures in the school of technology, seminars, participation in some projects, visiting labs, workshops, and the library. Also, I made many activities such as visiting international student services, meeting with staff members, researchers, and exchange students from PUA as well as other universities. In addition to these, I had made a presentation to IT students at JAMK university about education at the Faculty of Engineering and facilities at Pharos University.
The studies and researches at JAMK University of Applied Sciences differ in comparison to my previous experience. JAMK has a high quality of education system. JAMK provides students with an internationally accredited education to develop their skills for the global labor market. JAMK Education system is quick to adapt and adopt innovative studying methods and techniques, for example, problem-based learning. The learning system characterized by the continuum of discussion, cooperation, and seeking information in the formation process of ideas making the Finnish education unique.
JAMK University of Applied Sciences staff members, professors, and researchers that I met been helpful and easy to communicate, discuss, and cooperate with them. Also. Spoken English for staff members was excellent that facilitated the communication between us. As well as, international relationship members at JAMK University presented me the brochures and maps that help me more inside and outside the campus. In addition to these, JAMK University has an information desk that provided me with all information I needed about, locations of study rooms, timetables, and activities.
The best part of my experience at JAMK University of Applied Sciences was increasing my exposure to international experiences, connecting with professional staff members and researchers in the field of Engineering, visiting advanced labs in the electronics and cybersecurity, identifying new teaching and interactive learning methods in the study classes and finally identifying different culture and visiting new places.
The biggest challenge for me during my trip was the cold weather in Finland. Jyväskylä has cold weather during the winter months, with temperatures averaging from – 22 to -3°C. During my visit in November, the temperature was about 7 °C. Another challenge was difficulties with students and staff members who don`t speak English well and understand Finnish only.
Jyväskylä is a very clean and organized city. It has an excellent public transport network such as a railway station and bus station which were nearby my accommodation there. The city is not crowded and has a few numbers of the population. Finnish people are blond people and most friendly. Finland has many landscapes and interesting places. Jyväskylä is surrounded by beautiful natural water in all directions, such as Jyväskylä Lakes. Also, it has Jyväskylä Harbour which has a nice view. As well as, Alvara Alto Museum which is a Finnish museum in Jyväskylä, specialized in architecture and design and functions as the national and international center on all things Aalto(i.e. Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto was a Finnish architect and designer, his work includes architecture, furniture, textiles, and glassware, as well as sculptures and paintings).
The most thing that surprised me in Jyväskylä, Finland is that most of the people in Jyväskylä don`t use cars or other engine vehicles; instead, they use a bicycle inside the city. Also, most of the shops and malls are closed at about 8:00 pm. As well as, Finish people are very athletes; Gyms are everywhere in the city.
Indeed, I want to advise my colleagues at PUA that, in the future, will do staff exchange at JAMK University of Applied Sciences to learn more and more about interactive learning techniques and methods in lectures.
I have taken more and more from this experience on a personal level. I had increased my exposure to international experiences, connected with professional staff in the field of research, investigated modern and recent software to be applied in my Ph.D. study, and increased my knowledge in the cybersecurity field, identified new culture, learning new ideas, suggestions, and techniques to be applied in my career, also, I had learned innovation courses. In addition to these, traveling to a new place and visiting new places.
Hi, I’ve been working as assistant lecturer of Analytical chemistry for the Faculty of Pharmacy-PUA since 2014, before that I had worked in R&D for well known pharmaceutical company.
Well, it was more like post-graduate student exchange rather than staff exchange. It’s very important for a good researcher – whom I’m trying to be 😊 – to be familiar with different research environments. UEF has both the European research protocols along with a beautiful and quiet place of Kuopio
Only 3 months
To answer this question, we should first clarify the difference between research methodologies and scope.
The methodologies did not differ that much, of course they had a plenty of tools all around in one place, but the tools themselves are similar to those used here in Egypt.
However, the scope and organization did differ, the research groups are aiming to produce drugs and products, they work multidisciplinary in harmonization to achieve that goal, rather than doing a part of the task and leave it unfinished.
Yes, they were, do not know where the notorious rumors of Finnish people being unfriendly did come from!
Wake up around 7:00 AM, go to lab. at 9:00 AM, Lunch break at 1:00 PM, then back to lab. till 3:00 PM.
However, those times are flexible according to your scheduled work.
Well, it’s hard to tell which is the best, but I think I liked most the “out of stress” workstyle and lifestyle.
Getting handy with cell culture techniques and protocols.
Since my background focused on pure analytical chemistry, it was a challenge to work on biological cell cultures, however, challenge accepted and achieved 😊
I liked the city and the country that’s for sure, it’s a green heaven in summer and a white moon in the winter, so grateful I’ve seen both.
Aside from the very low population 😊, people are active, and appreciate personal space.
Don’t be afraid to ask and try something new, it worth it.
I hope that we will soon be able to create similar multidisciplinary research groups for high quality scientific research.
I get to know I should travel more and learn more.
I was involved as a Ph.D. student in (Transporter mediated-targeted drug delivery) research group for 3 months from the beginning of September till the end of November, 2018 school of Pharmacy, at the Faculty of Health Sciences, at the University of Eastern Finland, in Kuopio, Finland. It had been a good opportunity for me to improve my practical skills, learn new techniques in sample preparation and analysis and learn how to use new computer programs for doing the statistics and interpretation of data.
University of Eastern Finland is research based. The professor gives full details about experiments to be done for one week and tells the researcher to take enough time to do good preparation for the experiment before it’s done. Then the professor does a weekly meeting with the researchers in his/her team to negotiate together what are the solutions of the problems faced during the experiments. Also they teach the researcher how to complete the experiment although the components of the kit is finished.
The staff, professors, researcher and others that I have met had been very helpful to me both in research work and social life. For example DR/Anne Lecklin brought to my apartment furniture form the university stores as the apartment was unfurnished and she took me from the railway station when I arrived and derived me home and next day she took me to the daycare first and then to the university. It was easy to talk with finish people in English, some of them don’t know English but they are few. Finish people are very helpful, if you asked for help they help you immediately.
The best part of my experience was that they taught me how to think in a better way to solve problems in research and I think this way of thinking is beneficial even in life. Also, I attended (in Silico Training day) and it was the first time for me to know about in silico methods. I was very happy as my experience for travelling as an Erasmus student was published in the UEF site (https://blogs.uef.fi/on-the-move/) and my picture on the Writer’s page: https://blogs.uef.fi/on-the-move/writers2/sherihan-salaheldin-abdelhamid/.
The biggest challenge for me during my trip was my fear from the cold weather about the health of my son (9 months) who was with me. But they took care of my son perfectly in the daycare (eating, drinking, playing, and wearing suitable clothes while playing outside), also his teacher taught him how to walk independently, eat by himself and there was no fees for the daycare as my grant is low.
Kuopio is very beautiful city full of green areas. Really I liked the nature a lot. I lived in (Sarkiniementie 18), the location was very good as it was half an hour walking and 6 minutes by the bus to the University, there were services near me like supermarkets, pharmacy, restaurants and the daycare. Transportation was very easy as in my street where I used to live there were more than one bus stops.
The advice for colleagues at PUA that, in the future, will do staff exchange at UEF, is to learn about computer based programs that they use either for practical work or for statistics, as these programs are beneficial for us in PUA.