Green Pharos Workshop

PUA’s Faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences recently hosted a workshop entitled “Green Pharos.” The workshop was designed to raise awareness about the significance of economic, environmental, and social sustainability in businesses and to promote corporate social responsibility within society. The workshop’s agenda included various topics centered on business sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Key points covered were:

Business Sustainability: The concept of business sustainability was explained, emphasizing its importance in creating sustainable business models. Discussions explored the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of sustainability, alongside methods to develop sustainable practices in each area.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): The workshop clarified the concept of CSR and highlighted its role in fostering strong community relationships and achieving sustainable development. Strategies and tools for integrating sustainability practices into business strategies and daily operations were also provided.

Practical Applications: Examples were given on how sustainability can be effectively implemented in small and medium enterprises, as well as in universities.