PUA’s Faculty of Engineering seeks to achieve full integration between academic study and practical application through field visits. Accordingly, the Petrochemical Engineering Program organized a field visit to the Alexandria Mineral Oil Company (AMOC) for 1st year students, Basic Sciences Department. This was under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noha Saeed, Lecturer of General Chemistry course as a practical application of what was studied during the course.
The Students were welcomed in the company by Dr. Ahmed Ali, General Manager of Operations, and Dr. Wael Fouad, Manager of Dewaxing Unit. The visit was initiated by welcoming the students, then giving an introductory lecture on the different units of the company. This was followed by a visit to the DCS unit, and learning about the different control systems, then a field visit to all units and laboratories of the company.
As a result, the students gained a lot of information and broadened the understanding of the students, by answering many of their inquiries and questions. The activities of the visit were concluded with thanks to the students, supervisors, and the company’s staff for their warm reception and their efforts during the visit. In addition to taking many photos