Graduation projects for the academic year 2019/2020
The film “Fadlos Annai 2020” is a graduation project at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Pharos University.
Divizia 2020 film “Graduation Project at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Pharos University”
The movie “Valley of Beauty” 2020 “Graduation Project at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Pharos University”
The film “Adrier Amilal” 2020 “a graduation project at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Pharos University”
A marketing campaign for the “Marketli” program, the graduation project of the Public Relations Department, 2020 – to be uploaded to the university’s website
A promotional campaign about the Nubia region in Aswan, which is unique in its distinctive culture, “The Graduation Project of the Public Relations Department” 2020
‘’Understand Me” campaign to raise awareness of the talents and rights of the deaf and hard of hearing, the graduation project of the Public Relations Department 2020