Facilities of Faculty of Mass Communication

Specialization begins in the second year. The faculty comprises three departments; each of which offers a bachelor degree:


  • First: Radio and Television Department
    • Television studio (G 421 – G 419)

    It is a television studio that contains 4 Sony cameras, 4 small camera flashlights, a plasma screen, 12 flashlights, 800 Nik Mike pin cameras, 2 cassette tape recorders, 2 talkback headphones, a wired condenser microphone, a blue (chroma) background, white LED flashlights, and a 500 LED flashlight holder. Updating the camera with two CAMERA-SONY PXW Z 150 cameras and two small LED flashlights, which are used to train students practically on how to photograph, use photographic cameras, distribute lighting, and create reports and television programs, as it is connected to a television studio control room that contains an image switcher and a Sony D.v.c audio and video mixer.TV screens, a DVD and VHS video player, and an enlargement unit to train students on how to record the outputs of the television studio. The studio serves courses on the basics of television production, the television laboratory, principles of the camera, modern techniques in radio and television, and other courses. Students are also trained through the studio to produce the Pharos University news bulletin, and it is also used. The studio is in the training courses affiliated with the college’s Media Training Center through a group of distinguished experts.

  • Radio studio (G 521- G 519)

It is a radio studio that contains 10 mike stands, 4 wall speakers, 4 pin mics, and a round table. The radio studio is used to train students to record radio programs and record online radio episodes for the College of Media and Communication Arts, where it is connected to the radio studio control room that contains a mixer. Audio 2, a cassette tape system, an audio amplification unit, a full computer, an external sound card, and two talkback headphones to train students on how to record the outputs of the radio studio. The studio is also used in training courses affiliated with the College’s Media Training Center through a group of distinguished experts. There are also 7 complete HP devices, each with different montage and design programs, which are used to train students on using montage and design programs, so that the students can create a complete product of photography, design and montage.

Second: Public Relations and Marketing Communications Department

  • Media and advertising production laboratory (G 425)

It is a media and advertising production laboratory. It contains a U-shaped meeting table, 9 MAC computers, and an Apple screen that contains all the design programs (full Adobe suite) and is connected to the Internet, where students use them in designing and producing brochures and advertising carriers through the courses of the Public Relations Laboratory, the Marketing Communications Laboratory, and Principles of Advertising. And electronic marketing. It is used in editing graduation projects for the Department of Public Relations and Marketing Communications. It is used in training courses affiliated with the Pharos Media Training Center in the field of public relations, marketing communications and editing.

Third: Department of Press and Digital Publishing

  • Liberation Hall (G 621)

It is a hall in size and is a simulation of a miniature model of the editorial hall found in distinguished journalistic institutions, as it contains 15 computers connected to the Internet. It contains all the design programs that students need to edit and produce a paper or electronic magazine or newspaper. It contains 3 plasma screens and is connected to 3 receivers connected to a dish. (Dish) so that students can follow international and local news events up to date. The hall also contains a printer, scanner, and telephone so that students can print the news after editing it. It is used in the courses of Internet journalism production, electronic journalism production, print journalism production, infographics, data journalism course, and other courses that need To an editing lounge. It also contains a (Canon 4k) DSLR camera and a (Canon 24-70) lens. A flash camera (Canon 470 EX- AL) is used in the photography course, and is used in training students to edit and design Pharos Voice magazine, and in editing, designing and producing graduation projects for the Journalism Department. It is used in training courses affiliated with the Media Training Center through a group of distinguished experts.

  • Press publishing laboratory (G 625)

It is a hall containing 18 complete HP devices connected to the Internet, and each device has various editing and design programs, where students are trained to edit and design paper and electronic magazines and newspapers through the courses on Internet journalism production, electronic journalism production, print press production, infographics, and the data journalism course. They are also used in the training courses affiliated with the Center. Media training through a group of distinguished experts for the three college departments.

  • Library