Total Cr. Hrs:  160

No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 PCE 123 Organic Chemistry 4 3 1 2 PCE 011
2 PCE 125 Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis 4 2 1 3 PCE 011
3 EBS 201 Engineering Mathematics (3) 3 2 2 1 EBS 102
4 PCE 124 Materials Science 3 2 1 2 EBS 121
5 UGE 01 English (1) 2 2 0 0 Nil
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 PCE 131 Introduction to Petrochemical Industries 3 3 0 0 PCE 123
2 EME 150 Fluid Mechanics 3 2 2 1 EBS 121
3 EBS 208 Applied Probability and Statistics 3 2 2 0 EBS 102
4 PCE 128 Physical Chemistry 3 2 0 3 PCE 011
5 EBS 202 Engineering Mathematics (4) 3 2 2 1 EBS 201
6 UGE02 English (2) 2 2 0 0 UGE01
Total 17
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 PCE 222 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 3 2 2 1 EBS 121
2 PCE 127 Material Balance 3 2 2 0 PCE 011, EBS 201
3 PCE 232 Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering 3 2 1 1 PCE 123, PCE 124
4 PCE 223 Introduction To Environmental Engineering 3 2 2 0 PCE 123, PCE 125
5 U — University Elective Course 2 2 0 0 Nil
6 ELE 210 Introduction to Electrical Systems 2 2 1 0 Nil
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 PCE 334 Polymer Processing 3 2 1 1 PCE 232
2 PCE 233 Gas Treatment and Liquefaction 3 3 1 0 PCE 123, PCE 127
3 PCE 221 Energy Balance 3 2 2 0 PCE 127
4 PCE 227 Phase quilibrium 2 2 1 0 PCE 222
5 PCE 329 Water Treatment 3 2 0 2 PCE 125
6 PCE 226 Corrosion Engineering 3 2 1 2 PCE 011
Total 17
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 PCE 225 Heat Transfer in Chemical Process 3 2 2 1 PCE 127, PCE 221
2 PCE 224 Unit Operation 1 3 2 2 0 PCE 127
3 HUE 113 Technical Reports Writing 2 1 0 2 UGE 01
4 U — University Elective Course 2 2 0 0 Nil
5 PCE — Elective Course 3
6 PCE 322 Automatic Process Control 3 2 2 0 EBS 202
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 PCE 321 Chemical Reaction and Catalysis 3 2 2 1 PCE 128, EBS 202
2 PCE 228 Unit Operation 3 2 2 1 PCE 224
3 PCE 323 Process Safety Management 3 2 2 0 PCE 011
4 PCE 331 Process Modeling and Optimization in Petrochemical Processes 3 2 2 1 PCE 127, PCE221, EBS 202
5 PCE 335 Petroleum Refining 3 2 2 1 PCE 123
Total 15
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 PCE 432 Graduation Project (1) 4 3 0 3 Department Approval
2 PCE — Elective Course 3
3 PCE — Elective Course 3
4 PCE 425 Process Plant Design 3 2 2 0 PCE 127, PCE 221
5 PCE 424 Industrial Equipment And Material Handling 3 2 2 0 PCE 228
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 PCE 433 Graduation Project (2) 4 3 0 3 PCE 432
2 PCE — Elective Course 3
3 PCE — Elective Course 3
4 UCS 02 Communication Skills (2) 1 1 0 0 UCS 01
5 HUE — HUE Elective 2 2 0 0 Nil
6 HUE — HUE Elective 2 2 0 0 Nil
Total 15