Total Cr. Hrs: 160

No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 EBS 201 Engineering Mathematics (3) 3 2 2 1 EBS 102
2 ELE 200 Mathematical Modelling of Electrical Systems 3 2 2 0 EBS 102, EBS 122
3 ELE 204 Electric Circuits (1) 3 2 2 1 EBS 122
4 U — University Elective Course 2 2 0 0 Nil
5 EBS 124 Solid State Physics and Semiconductors 3 2 2 1 EBS 122
6 UGE 01 English (1) 2 2 0 0 Nil
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 EBS 202 Engineering Mathematics (4) 3 2 2 1 EBS 201
2 ELE 271 Energy Systems 3 2 2 1 EBS 122
3 ELE 206 Electric Circuits (2) 3 2 2 1 ELE 200, ELE 204
4 ELE 202 Digital Logic Fundamentals 3 2 2 1 CPE 012
5 CPE 201 Computer Programming 3 2 2 1 CPE 012
6 UGE 02 English (2) 2 2 0 0 UGE 01
Total 17
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 EBS 205 Probability and Random Variables 3 2 2 0 EBS 102
2 ELE 258 Electromagnetism and Waves 3 2 2 0 EBS 201, EBS 122
3 EBS 301 Linear Algebra and Complex Analysis 3 2 2 1 EBS 201
4 ELE 213 Introduction to Electronic Circuits 3 2 2 1 ELE 204
5 ELE 293 Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation 3 2 2 1 ELE 206
6 U — University Elective Course 2 2 0 0 Nil
Total 17
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 ELE 282 Electrical Machines (1) 3 2 2 1 ELE 258, ELE 206
2 ELE 273 Electrical Power Engineering (2) 3 2 2 1 ELE 272
3 ELE 286 Power Electronics (1) 3 2 2 1 ELE 213
4 ELE 290 Control Systems (1) 3 2 2 0 EBS 202
5 EBS 206 Special Functions 3 2 2 0 EBS 201
6 UCS 02 Communication Skills (2) 1 1 0 0 UCS 01
Total 16
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 ELE 391 Digital Control 3 2 2 0 ELE 290
2 EME 239 Thermal Power Plant for Electrical Power Students 3 2 2 0 EBS 121
3 ELE 283 Electrical Machines (2) 3 2 2 1 ELE 282
4 ELE — Elective Course 3 2 2 0
5 ELE — Elective Course 3 2 2 0
Total 15
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 ELE — Elective Course 3 2 2 0
2 ELE — Elective Course 3 2 2 0
3 ELE 275 Power System Protection (1) 3 2 2 1 ELE 273
4 ELE 401 Graduation Project (1) 4 3 1 2 Department approval
5 HUE — HUE Elective 2 2 0 0 Nil
Total 15
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. Contact Hours/Week Pre-requisite
L T P Total
1 ELE — Elective Course 3 2 2 0
2 ELE — Elective Course 3 2 2 0
3 ELE 399 Electrical Standards and Codes 3 2 2 0 ELE 206
4 ELE 402 Graduation Project (2) 4 3 1 2 ELE 401
5 HUE — HUE Elective 2 2 0 0 Nil
Total 15

Computers and Programming

Use of personal computers and software. Effects of computer technology on contemporary society. Productivity applications, Creation of Web pages, online behavior, Internet governance, AI, and Cyber security, and societal and ethical issues in computing; privacy, security, censorship and the changes in work, school, and entertainment fostered by computing. Computer impact issues of tomorrow. The meaning of the term "computer ethics" negative impacts that computer technology might bring to individuals.

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Communication Skills (1)

On successful completion of this course, the student should be able to express their feelings, ideas ad exchanging information and knowledge with others, build human relations with the group. Give and receive criticism, deal with different personality types, cooperation and better teamwork performance, better decision-making and problem solving.

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Engineering Physics (1)

Units, and Dimensions; Properties and classification of matter; Stress, strain, elastic modulus and Hooke's law; Vibrations and wave Motion, sound waves and introductory acoustics; Conservation of Energy and basics of Thermodynamics; Heat Transfer by conduction, convection and radiation; Fluid Statics: pressure variation in fluid at rest and buoyancy; Fluids in motion: viscosity, shear and normal stresses, frictionless flow. Emphasis on relevant applications in engineering.

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Engineering Mathematics (2)

Fundamental concepts and techniques of differential and integral calculus of functions in several variables. Partial differentiation, the chain rule, extrema of multivariable functions. Vectors in two and three dimensions, dot and cross products of vectors, the gradient and directional derivative. Double integration in rectangular and polar coordinates with emphasis on engineering applications of multiple integrals.

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Engineering Physics (2)

Fundamentals of electrostatics, magnetism and electromagnetism. Electric dc and ac circuits. Electromagnetic waves, perception of color, Light sources, Light in various mediums and Illumination. Light propagation and interaction with obstacles (lighting of buildings). Geometrical optics and optical fibers. Interference, diffraction and polarization with electromagnetic waves, X-ray diffraction. Production, transport and distribution of electric energy. Emphasis on relevant applications in engineering.

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English (1)

The course covers the following main components; listening and speaking, reading, writing, grammatical accuracy and study skills. Upon the completion of the course student should be able to demonstrate capability to achieve the following; select and use relevant information to introduce self and others, use clear, logical and fairly accurate grammatical language in everyday situations arising at college during lectures, interpret information presented in charts, graphs and tables, demonstrate ability to understand form and functions of headings and sub-headings, demonstrate ability to write a brief summary of main points, organize notes into headings and sub-headings, demonstrate control of the 5 basic tenses: simple present, past, future, present and past progressive and form of basic pronouns and read and interpret graphs, tables and charts

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English (2)

The course elaborates on the following main components; listening and speaking, reading, writing, grammatical accuracy and study skills. Upon the completion of the course student should be able to demonstrate the capability to achieve the following: identify and explain main points of lecture to others, identify specific detail and complete information on a chart /graph/diagram, report subject and main ideas heard in a talk /lecture, guess meaning of words from context using linguistic and content knowledge, write sections of a research report following a given model: introduction, process, findings, conclusions and recommendations, recognize and use different forms of nouns and make use of information in reference books e.g. encyclopedias, atlases, etc.

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Communication Skills (2)

This course will develop student's communication and presentation skills and train them to present themselves and their ideas orally and written in an effective manner that leads them to excellence and leadership in their work and life.

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Engineering Mathematics (3)

Fourier series of periodic functions. Ordinary differential equations of first order ordinary differential separable, homogeneous, linear and Bernoulli types. Exact first order ODE. Solution of homogenous and nonhomogeneous second order ordinary differential equations using indeterminate coefficients and variation of parameters. The Laplace transform and its application to solution of ordinary differential equations. Functions of several variables, partial differentiation and applications. Calculus of functions of several variables. Introduction to Vectors and vectors analysis.

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Mathematical Modelling of Electrical Systems

Complex numbers, complex algebra, phasors. Laplace transform. Models of passive electric components. Harmonic analysis. Importance and significance of modelling.

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Electric Circuits (1)

DC circuits and power sources. Series and parallel networks. Ohm's law and Kirchoff's law. Nodal and mesh analysis. Source transformation and superposition theory. Thevenin's and Norton’s theorems. Maximum power transfer. Natural and step response of RL, RC, and RLC circuits. Practice: Lab sessions to deal with circuits and components.

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Solid State Physics and Semiconductors

Short notes of theory of special relativity. Introduction to Quantum Physics. Quantum Mechanics. Atomic Physics. Molecules and Solids. Crystalline Structure, Reciprocal Lattices and Brillouin Zones. The Free Electron and State Density Functions. Crystal Binding Energy. Lattice Vibrations. Semiconductors. Fundamentals of Metallurgy & Superconductivity. Concepts of masers and laser. Ultrasonic waves and its applications.

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Engineering Mathematics (4)

Vectors analysis in space. Equation of lines, planes, and surfaces in space. Triple integration in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, line integrals. The Stokes and Green's theorems and their applications to relevant engineering problems.

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Energy Systems

Energy sources. Conventional power plants. Non-conventional plants. Sustainable/renewable energy sources. Batteries. Fuel cells. Lighting systems and lighting sources. Patterns of energy consumption in industrial, commercial, and residential buildings. Energy conservation principle. Practice: Lab sessions to deal with components of energy systems.

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Electric Circuits (2)

AC circuits and sinusoidal sources. Steady state response and phasors. Nodal and mesh analysis. Source transformation and superposition theory. Thevenin's and Norton's theorems. Active, reactive and apparent AC power. Maximum power transfer. Three-phase circuits. Power calculations in 3-phase circuits. Two-port circuits. Practice: Lab sessions to deal with circuits and components.

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Digital Logic Fundamentals

Number systems and codes, Boolean algebra, Boolean functions, Karnaugh Maps. Basic logic gates. Combinational logic, adders, comparators, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, parity generators. Sequential logic circuits: flip-flops, buffers, latches, edge trigger and level trigger, counters and shift registers. Procedure for design of sequential circuits. Memory modules. Practice: Lab sessions to deal with circuits/components.

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Computer Programming

Definition of a program. Design and coding of a computer program. Syntax and semantics of programs. Expressions, statements and programming structures. Simple and complex data types. Operations on data types. Programming concepts and writing efficient code. Writing modular programs. Code writing standards. Compilation and linking of multiple source files. Memory organization of compiled code. Practice: Lab programming sessions in a high-level language.

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Probability and Random Variables

Fundamentals of probability concepts. Sample space, calculation of probability, conditional probability and independence, Bayes’ theorem, probability distributions, probability densities, algebra of expected values, descriptive statistics, inferences concerning means and variance. Emphasizing concepts of random variables and their distributions, and basic statistical analysis.

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Electromagnetism and Waves

Review of vector calculus. Coulomb's law and Gauss's law. Energy and potential. Electric field in conductors and dielectrics. Resistance and capacitance. Biot-Savart law and Ampere's law. Magnetic field in materials. Inductance. Faraday's law and Maxwell equations. Technical applications magnetic induction. Introduction to plane waves. Electromagnetic waves in complex media, dielectrics and conductors. Polarization, reflection and transmission of waves. Interferance and diffraction technical applications. Propagation in lossy media. High-frequency transmission lines. Waveguides. Cavity resonators.

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Linear Algebra and Complex Analysis

Determinants and matrices, algebra of matrices, elementary row operations, the rank of a matrix, inverse of a matrix, solution of systems of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, orthogonal matrices, diagonalization, and linear transformation. Complex numbers and their representations, algebra of complex numbers. Analytic functions and their derivatives, the Cauchy-Riemann equations, transcendental functions of complex variables. Integration of functions of complex variables, related theorems, and contour integration. Conformal mapping.

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Introduction to Electronic Circuits

Introduction to semiconductors, P-N Junction, semiconductor materials. I-V characteristics of diodes, Zener diodes, clippers, clampers, rectifiers, and voltage regulators. Field effect transistors (fundamentals, characteristics of JFET and MOSFET, biasing configurations). FET amplifiers (common source- common drain- common gate). Bipolar junction transistor (circuits, analysis, biasing). BJT amplifiers (common emitter- common collector- common base). Multistage amplifiers. Practice: Lab sessions to deal with circuits and components.

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Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation

Fundamentals of electrical measurements, accuracy, error, etc. Analog instruments. Bridges. Oscilloscopes, functions, control, voltage, time, and frequency measurements. Instrument transformers and transducers. Measurements of power, energy, phase, frequency, and resistance. Practice: Lab sessions to deal with different measurement devices/systems.

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Signals and Systems

Continuous-time and discrete-time signals, linear time-invariant systems, Fourier series representation of periodic signals, the continuous-time Fourier transform, the discrete-time Fourier transform, time and frequency characterization of signals and systems, sampling, discrete-time modulation.

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Electrical Power Engineering (1)

Overview of power system structure and components (generation, transmission, distribution and utilization). Simulation model of transmission lines. Rules and methodology for the analysis of the transmission system electrical performance and methods. Reactive power compensation. Mechanical design of overhead lines: sag and tension calculations. Line insulators under normal and polluted atmospheric conditions, line supporting structures. Practice: Lab sessions to deal with components of power distribution systems.

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Numerical Analysis

Numerical solutions of nonlinear equations in one variable using iterative methods, the bisections, fixed point and Newton-Rapson methods. Interpolation techniques, interpolation using polynomials and piecewise polynomials. Numerical integration and Numerical differentiation. Numerical linear algebra for solving systems of equations. Numerical solution of differential equations. Students are required to use the MATLAB software to solve given relevant engineering problems.

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Micro-Electronic Devices and Circuits

Differential amplifiers. Operational Amplifier circuits (fundamentals, frequency response, inverting and non-inverting, summing, integrators, differentiators, voltage follower amplifier configurations, IC operational amplifier). Amplifiers frequency response (transistor amplifier- Bipolar- FET). High frequency response. Photo transistor. Feedback Amplifiers (current and voltage amplifiers, positive and negative feedback). Power amplifier (Class A- Class AB). Practice: Lab sessions to deal with circuits and components.

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Technical Reports Writing

Identifying the different stages of technical reports writing (data collection, draft, revision, editing), determining the target recipients, organization of different types of technical communication, executive reports, technical proposals, detailed analytical reports, development of resume, motivation and application letters, , referencing styles and how to cite sources, contribution to website, media announcements and relevant posts, structure of technical memos, letters and emails, production of relevant visualizations as supplementary items for texts and reports, delivering technical presentations.

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Introduction to Microprocessors

Introducing Intel 80x86 microprocessor family. Architecture and programmer's model, registers, addressing modes. Hardware model, processor pinout, connection to the external program and data memory. Software design techniques, instruction set, and programing in assembly language. Programmable ports, and serial communication. Practice: Lab programming and simulation sessions.

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Electrical Machines (1)

Principles of electromechanical energy conversion, conservation of energy, fields and relevant energy, applications. Power Transformers. Modeling and Performance. Operation and Testing. Elementary concepts of rotating machines and torque production. DC machines, construction, winding, armature reaction, commutation, interpoles, compensating winding. DC generators: types, characteristics, efficiency. DC motors, types, characteristics, speed control, starting, and efficiency. Practice: Lab sessions to deal with different types of machines.

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Electrical Power Engineering (2)

Conceptual basics and modern technology of underground power cables. Electric power distribution systems including main equipment, and protection devices (fuses, circuit breakers and relays). Introduction to power system studies including load forecasting and reliability. Power distribution in industrial and commercial buildings. Practice: Lab sessions to deal with components of power distribution systems.

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Power Electronics (1)

Power semiconductor devices: diodes, thyristors, triacs, GTOs, power BJTs, power MOSFETs, IGBTs, etc. Rectifying circuits: single-phase half-wave, single-phase bridge, three-phase half-wave, six-phase half-wave, three-phase bridge. Converter operation: overlap, power factor, regulation. Converter control: linear firing angle, cosine wave crossing control, phase locked oscillator principle- DC line commutation: parallel capacitance, resonant turn-off, coupled pulse. Practice: Lab sessions to deal with power electronics systems.

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Control Systems (1)

Introduction to control systems. Open loop and closed loop systems. Modeling of physical systems. Transfer function. Block diagram, Signal flow graph. Time response. Second order system preparation. Stability. Steady state error analysis. PID controllers.

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Special Functions

The Gamma and Beta functions and their relations. Power series solution for solving differential equations. Solutions of the Legendre and Bessel ODE. Investigation into the Bessel functions, as well the Hermite, and Chebyshev Polynomials.

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Digital Control

Review of analog control concepts: Root locus, Frequency response analysis, Lead compensation, Lag compensation, PID controller design. Discrete time systems, signal processing, the Z-transform, the pulse transfer function. Block diagram and discrete signal flow-graph. Stability analysis, time response, steady state error. Root locus in the Z-plane. Discrete system design.

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Thermal Power Plant for Electrical Power Students

Basic concepts of thermodynamics. Basic laws of thermodynamics. Laws of heat transfer. Energy generation. Thermal power plants. Applications related to electrical engineering students.

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Electrical Machines (2)

Synchronous machines: construction, ac windings, rotating MMF of the stator armature winding, EMF generated per phase, winding factor, leakage reactance and equivalent circuit, power and torque, model parameter measurements, short-circuit ratio, voltage regulation, electrical load diagram and V-curves, parallel operation, synchronization, permanent-magnet alternators, single-phase synchronous alternators, the capability curve, salient-pole theory. Three phase and single phase induction machines construction, circuit model, power flow, efficiency torque - speed characteristics, performance. Practice: Lab sessions to deal with different types of machines.

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Power System Protection (1)

Per-unit system. Symmetrical faults- Symmetrical components. Unsymmetrical faults. Protective devices, relays, circuit breakers, fuses. Principle of protection. main and back-up protection, selectivity and relay coordination. Practice: Lab sessions to deal with components of protection systems.

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Graduation Project (1)

Students use all of their knowledge and pervious design experience particularly in the field of specialization and integrate all components of the curriculum together into one major project extending over the 9th & 10th semesters. Projects are industry based. Projects should take into consideration appropriate constraints such as; economic, safety, ethics and environmental and social impacts.

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Electrical Standards and Codes

National/international electrical standards and codes. Impact of codes and standards upon safety and energy efficiency of electric utilization customers. International Electro-Technical Commission (IEC) standards and regulations for major power equipment (transformers, diesel generators, motors, capacitors, fuses, circuit-breakers, cables, switchboards). Methods and rules in national standards for writing inquiries, specifications, tenders, and contracts. Electric safety standards.

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Graduation Project (2)

Completion of the requirements of Graduation Project (1) in addition to new requirements, reporting, presentation and discussion are essential. Prototypes or products are highly encouraged. Final graduation project reports should adhere to formal reporting layout and guidelines.

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