Department Mission and Vision

The mission of the program is to graduate an architect qualified for leadership and creativity in the field of architecture by providing an academic environment that guarantees the acquisition of knowledge and professional skills that will enable the graduate to play a role in meeting the needs of society and achieving sustainable development, innovation and entrepreneurship. The program also seeks to provide students with the basic practical capabilities that qualify them for the labor market, supporting local and regional development and using modern technologies, aware of the importance of expanding the horizon of knowledge and providing advanced scientific research in the field of architecture.


Features of Excellence

1) Adjusting the program of study in the department to five years of study so that the specialized study begins in the first semester of enrollment of the student in the Faculty of Engineering.

2) Establishing workshops and architectural programs for students abroad.

3) The Department links the theoretical study with the scientific reality.

4) Through its cultural season, the Department is keen to make a distinguished contribution through activities such as cultural and scientific symposiums, concerts, art exhibitions and competitions that show the students’ artistic potentials.

5) The department established the Cine Club for its students to blend art with technology.

6) The Department is keen to participate in the international competitions.

7) The department includes an integrated center for printing students’ projects and their researches.

8) The start of the graduate studies program (Diploma and Masters Degrees) in the academic year 2019-2020 after the completion of the material and human resources of the department.

9)  The Department is working on preparing the academic curriculums of two new programs in addition to the current Architecture and Design program:

-Urban Planning Program.

-Building Science and Technology Program.

10) The Department is also working on the development of the program of Architecture and Design

by adding specialized materials in the field of sustainability and energy saving and teaching new

courses in art, culture, and design through using computer programs, the Preparation of specialized academic laboratories for the new programs such as the GIS

laboratory, an environmental lab, and others.