Bachelor degree in Dental and Oral Surgery

Se. Code Course Lect. Labs Clin. Tut. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 UCS 01 Communication Skills 1       2 1  
2 UEC 01 Computer Skills & Programming Concepts 1 1 2     2  
3 CHM 111 Chemistry 1 1 2     2  
4 OBD 111 Dental Anatomy 1 1 4     3  
5 BCM 112 Biochemistry 1 1 2     2  
6 ZOL 111 Zoology 1 1 2     2  
7 BOT 111 Botany & Genetics 1 1 2     2  
8 HST 211 General & Systemic Histology 1 1 2     2  
9 GEN 211 Principles Of Law, Human Rights & Ethics 2       2  
10 UGE 00 English 0   2   4 0  
Total Hours 9 18 0 6 18  
Se. Code Course Lect. Labs Clin. Tut. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 UGE 01 English Language (1)   2   4 2  
2 UEC 02 Computer Skills & Program. (2) 1 2     2 UEC 01
3 CHM 122 Chemistry 2 1 2     2  
4 OBD 122 Dental Anatomy 2 1 4     3 OBD 111
5 BPH 111 Biophysics 2 2     3  
6 ZOL 122 Zoology 2 1 2     2  
7 BOT 122 Botany & Genetics 2 1 2     2  
8 HST 222 General & Systemic Histology 2 1 2     2 HST 211
9 BCM 221 Biochemistry 2 1 2     2 BCM 112
Total Hours 9 20 0 4 20  
Se. Code Course Lect. Labs Clin. Tut. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 UGE 02 English 2   2   4 2 UGE 01
2 RDM 211 Dental Biomaterial 1 1 2     2  
3 PHY 211 General Physiology 1 2 2     3  
4 ANT 211 Human Anatomy 1 2 2     3  
5 PTH 212 General Pathology 1 1 2     2  
6 PHM 311 Pharmacology 1 1 2     2 CHM 122
7 CD 312 Dental Clinic Management 1     2 2  
8 OMR 312 Dental Radiology 1 2     2  
9 MCR 311 General Microbiology and Immunology 1 2     2 BOT 122
Total Hours 10 16 0 6 20  
Se. Code Course Lect. Labs Clin. Tut. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 UGE 03 English 3   2   4 2 UGE 02
2 ANT 222 Human Anatomy 2 2 2     3 ANT 211
3 PHY 222 General Physiology 2 2 2     3 PHY 211
4 OB 212 Oral Biology & Embryology 1 2 2     3 HST 211
5 RDM 222 Dental Biomaterial 2 2 2     3 RDM 211
6 PHM 322 Pharmacology 2 1 2     2 PHM 311
7 PTH 321 General Pathology 2 1 2     2 PTH 212
8 MCR 322 Oral Microbiology & Immunology 1 2     2 MCR 311
9   ELECTIVE 2       2  
Total Hours 13 16 0 4 22  




ELC 01 THE Ethics of dentistry
ELC 03 Dental photography
Se. Code Course Lect. Labs Clin. Tut. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 RD 311 Restorative Dentistry 1 1 4     3 RDM 222
2 FPR 311 Fixed Prosthodontic 1 1 2     2 RDM 222
3 RPR 311 Removable Prosthodontics 1 2 4     4 RDM 222
4 OPTH 311 Oral Pathology 1 2 2     3 OB 212
5 OB 321 Oral Biology & Embryology 2 2 2     3 HST 222
6 GMD 411 General Medicine, Dermatology &Venereal 1 1   2   2 PHY 222
7 PDCD 531 Community Dentistry 1 1     2 2 CD 312
8 UGA 03 Arabic Language Skills 2       2  
Total Hours 12 14 2 2 21  
Se. Code Course Lect. Labs Clin. Tut. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 RD 322 Restorative Dentistry 2 1 4     3 RD 311
2 FPR 322 Fixed Prosthodontic 2 1 2     2 FPR 311
3 RPR 322 Removable Prosthodontics 2 2 4     4 RDM 222
4 RDE 312 Endodontics 1 1 2     2 RD 311
5 OPTH 322 Oral Pathology and Forensic Dentistry 2 2 2     3 OB 321
6 GMD 422 General Medicine, Dermatology &Venereal 2 1   2   2 GMD 411
7 PDCD 542 Community Dentistry 2 1     2 2 PDCD 531
8 UCS 02 Communication Skills       2 1 UCS 01
Total Hours 9 14 2 4 19  
Se. Code Course Lect. Labs Clin. Tut. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 RD 431 Restorative Dentistry 3 1   4   3 RD 322
2 FPR 431 Fixed Prosthodontic 3 1   2   2 FPR 322
3 RPR 431 Removable Prosthodontics 3 2   4   4 RPR 311, RPR 322
4 RDE 421 Endodontics 2 1 2     2 RDE 312
5 OS 411 Local Anaesthesia & Pain Control 1   2   2 ANT 222
6 OMD 411 Oral Medicine & Diagnosis 1 2   2   3 OPTH 322
7 PI 411 Periodontology 1 1   2   2 OB 321
8 OR 411 Orthodontics 1 1 2     2 ANT 222
9 GSR 411 General Surgery, E.N.T & Ophthalmology 1 1   2   2 PHY 222
10 UCS 02 Communication Skills   2     1 UCS 01
Total Hours 11 6 18 0 23  
Se. Code Course Lect. Labs Clin. Tut. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 RD 442 Restorative Dentistry 4 1   4   3 RD 431
2 FPR 442 Fixed Prosthodontic 4 1   2   2 FPR 431
3 RPR 442 Removable Prosthodontics 4 2   4   4 RPR 431
4 RDE 432 Endodontics 3 1   2   2 RDE 421
5 OS 422 Oral Exodontia 1   2   2 OS 411
6 OMD 422 Oral Medicine 2 1   2   2 OMD 411
7 PI 422 Periodontology 2 1   2   2 PI 411
8 OR 422 Orthodontics 2 1 2     2 OR 411
9 GSR 422 General Surgery, E.N.T & Ophthalmology 2 1   2   2 GSR 411
Total Hours 10 2 20 0 21  
Se. Code Course Lect. Labs Clin. Tut. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 RD 551 Restorative Dentistry 5 1   4   3 RD 442
2 FPR 551 Fixed Prosthodontic 5 1   4   3 FPR 442
3 RPR 551 Removable Prosthodontics (Advanced) 5 2   4   4 RPR 442
4 RDE 541 Endodontics 4 1   2   2 RDE 432
5 PDCD 511 Pediatric Dentistry 1 2   4   4 RD 442,RDE 432
6 OS 531 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery & Dental Implants 2   2   3 OS 422
7 OMD 531 Oral Medicine 3 1   2   2 OMD 422
8 PI 531 Periodontology 3 1   2   2 PI 422
9 PDCD 531 Community Dentistry 1 1     2 2 PHY 222
Total Hours 12 0 24 2 25  
Se. Code Course Lect. Labs Clin. Tut. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 RD 562 Restorative Dentistry 6 1   4   3 RD 551
2 FPR 562 Fixed Prosthodontic 6 1   4   3 FPR 551
3 RPR 562 Removable Prosthodontics (Advanced) 6 2   4   4 RPR 551
4 RDE 552 Endodontics 5 1   2   2 RDE 541
5 PDCD 522 Pediatric Dentistry 2 2   4   4 PDCD 511
6 OS 542 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery & general anesthesia 2   2   3 OS 531
7 OMD 542 Oral Medicine 4 1   2   2 OMD 531
8 PI 542 Periodontology 4 1   2   2 PI 531
9 PDCD 542 Community Dentistry 2 1     2 2 PDCD 531
Total Hours 12 0 24 2 25  
Grade MinimumScore MaximumScore
A 90 100
A- 85 89.5
B+ 80 84.5
B 75 79.5
B- 70 74.5
C+ 65 69.5
C 60 64.5
C- 56 59.5
D+ 53 55.5
D 50 52.5

Communication Skills 1 UCS 01

To develop students’ communication and presentation skills and train them to present themselves and their ideas orally and written in an effective manner that leads them to excellence and leadership in their work and lives.

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Computer Skills & Programming Concepts 1 UEC 01

  1. This course tends to provide Year 1 students with a brief introduction to the world of computers including: number systems and data representation, computer system components: hardware & software, storage and input/output systems, Operating systems and Utility Systems, software applications.
  2. The course gives an overview about computer networks and internet: data communication, transmission modes, transmission media, computer networks, internet protocol, and internet services.
  3. It practices some computer applications in the laboratory such as Internet Access, word processing and power point.

It gives students a practical experience on developing projects related to the specialty of each faculty.

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Chemistry 1 CHM 111

his didactic and practical course includes the study of: the periodic table and its elements, Gas laws, liquid and solid states, Solubility and solutions, chemical equilibrium, thermodynamics and Analytical Chemistry.

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Dental Anatomy 1 OBD 111

This didactic and practical course includes lecture and laboratory sessions on the morphology and nomenclature of individual teeth of the adult dentition. It also involves an introduction to tooth histology and function, and the influence of tooth anatomy on clinical dental procedures.

The student will gain knowledge in the principles of dental anatomy. recognize the normal anatomic, physiologic, and biomechanical relationships of the dental structures for diagnosis and treatment of oral pathology as it involves the dentition, recognize the clinical significance and define the shape and contour relationships of the normal dentition, identify, describe, and be able to reproduce in drawings and wax, the morphology of permanent teeth from both an external perspective and a cross-sectional view, discuss the relationships between teeth and supporting structures, correctly name the individual parts of the permanent teeth and their supporting structures and correctly identify natural teeth with and without anatomical variations.

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Biochemistry 1 BCM 112

This didactic and practical course involves the study of the chemical and biochemical properties of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and amino acids.

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Zoology 1 ZOL 111

This course deals with various branches of zoology and the animal cells. Types of cell division, animal tissues, and the physiology of various mammalian systems in addition to nutrition, digestion, circulation, and the nervous systems will be studied.

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Botany & Genetics 1 BOT 111

The course provides students with basic information about the principles of genetics at the molecular level with a special focusing on gene structure, function and regulation in addition to cancer as a consequence of mutations. The ractical study includes an introduction to the anatomy of plants and division of plant cells

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General and Systemic Histology 1 HST 211

This two-semester (one-year) didactic and practical course involves the study of cells and their microstructures. The course also includes the study of the various tissues as the skin, membranes, cartilages, muscles, blood vessels blood and blood vessels. The course studies the tissues of various human body systems as nervous, circulatory, lymphatic, digestive, endocrine and urinary systems.

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Principles of Law, Human Rights & Ethic GEN 211

This course begins by surveying the main ethical traditions in International Relations, such as cosmopolitanism and communitarians. The course then engages a range of practical issues, including human rights, international law, just war debates, humanitarian Prerequisite, While the second course will present the concepts of biomedical ethics and guide the student in discerning and managing the ethical issues of dental practice through analysis and discussion of case- based dental problems and ethical dilemmas

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English Language (1) UGE 01

This course aims to consolidate the English language skills the students acquired during their primary and secondary education. The course focuses on honing the students’ Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening abilities. These objectives are realized by providing the students with a curriculum that is commensurate with the scientific studies they have chosen to pursue. The curriculum is taught by qualified and experienced lecturers and/or instructors supported by texts, access to computers, and a library, all delivered in state of the art facilities, and a first class learning environment.

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Computer Skills & Programm. (2) UEC 02

This course tends to introduce Year 1 students of all university's faculties to the concepts and terminologies of spreadsheet, database, database managemnt systems, and the concept of hypertext markup language (HTML).

  • It practices some computer applications in the laboratory such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and HTML.
  • It gives students a practical experience on developing projects related to the specialty of each faculty.

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Chemistry 2 CHM 122

The Course includes Organic Chemistry and Aromatic Compounds

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Dental Anatomy 2 OBD 122

This didactic and practical course includes lecture and laboratory sessions on the morphology and nomenclature of individual teeth of the adult dentition. It also involves an introduction to tooth histology and function, and the influence of tooth anatomy on clinical dental procedures.

The student will gain knowledge in the principles of dental anatomy. recognize the normal anatomic, physiologic, and biomechanical relationships of the dental structures for diagnosis and treatment of oral pathology as it involves the dentition, recognize the clinical significance and define the shape and contour relationships of the normal dentition, identify, describe, and be able to reproduce in drawings and wax, the morphology of permanent teeth from both an external perspective and a cross-sectional view, discuss the relationships between teeth and supporting structures, correctly name the individual parts of the permanent teeth and their supporting structures and correctly identify natural teeth with and without anatomical variations

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Biophysics BPH 111

This didactic and practical course includes the study of Electricity, Magnetism, Optics, Mechanics and Heat. The course will also deal with LASERS and Color.

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Zoology 2 ZOL 122

This course deals with various branches of zoology and the animal cells. It provides knowledge in Endocrinology, Immunology, Parasitology and Embryology. It also discusses the physiology of various mammalian systems, in addition to, excretion, and respiration mechanisms.

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Botany & Genetics 2 BOT 122

The course provides students with basic information about the diversity of the structural, reproductive and nutritional features of the cellular forms of life. Representatives of sub-cellular life forms including gene and non gene creatures are also considered.

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General and Systemic Histology 2 HST 222

This two-semester (one-year) didactic and practical course involves the study of cells and their microstructures. The course also includes the study of the various tissues as the skin, membranes, cartilages, muscles, blood vessels blood and blood vessels. The course studies the tissues of various human body systems as nervous, circulatory, lymphatic, digestive, endocrine and urinary systems

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Biochemistry 2 BCM 221

The course includes details on carbohydrates, proteins, fats, amino acids, nucleic acids, enzymes, digestion, and metabolism of the various nutritious elements.

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English Language (2) UGE 02

This course aims to consolidate the English language s kills the students acquired during their freshmen tertiary education. The course focuses on perfecting the skills acquired during their English 101 studies. These objectives are realized by providing the students with a curriculum that is commensurate with the scientific studies they have chosen to pursue. And again, the curriculum is taught by qualified and experienced lecturers and/or instructors supported by texts, access to computers, and a library, all delivered in state of the art facilities, and a first class learning environment.

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Dental Biomaterial 1 RDM 211

This one-semester didactic and tutorial course introduces the student to the basic properties of dental biomaterials. This includes the physical chemical and mechanical properties of metals, ceramics and polymers. The course deals as well with surface chemistry of materials and the wetting of various tooth surfaces by different liquids. The course includes a study of the properties of composites.

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General Physiology 1 PHY 211

This didactic and practical course involves the study of the physiology of human cells and various systems as the circulatory, digestive, respiratory and muscular systems.

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Human Anatomy 1 ANT 211

This didactic and practical course is divided into two sections. The first section contains an introduction to the anatomy of human body and its various systems, as well as embryology and development of the oral and maxillofacial region. The second section involves a detailed study of the anatomy of the head and neck including muscles, blood and nerve supply bone and lymphatic drainage. The course also includes the study of salivary glands, tongue as well as nasal and maxillary sinuses

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General Pathology 1 PTH 212

This course involves a study of the general pathology concepts, inflammation, degeneration and repair, neoplasia and others.

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Pharmacology 1 PHM 311

This two-semester (one-year) course involves the basic pharmacology and a study of the effect of different drugs. The drugs include those for autonomic and central nervous systems, circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems

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Dental Clinic Management CD 312

Student is introduced to exposure control in dental clinics, general and specific procedures. Student is also introduced to various clinic policies and emergency management

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Dental Clinic Management CD 312

This course will orient the student to the basic principles of radiology that are required of all radiation workers using x-radiation, the course will also train the student for the radiographic interpretation of common oral diseases. It is an introductory didactic course that will begin the process of providing the knowledge and understanding of radiology. It will train the student to become a competent operator of dental x-ray machines with the ability to produce the highest quality diagnostic radiographs with the minimum amount of radiation.

The radiographic interpretation component of the course will introduce the student to the areas of interpretation principles, dental caries, periodontal diseases, periapical inflammatory lesions, basic analysis of intra osseous lesions and radiographic features of benign and malignant

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General Microbiology and Immunology MCR 311

This is a two-semester (one-year) course. This course is involved with Bacterial structure, physiology and genetics as well as Viral structure and function. The course also includes Bacterial and viral diseases of the respiratory tract, skin, GI tract, UG tract. Included are: Innate and adaptive immunity, Immune responses to infection, immunodeficiency and autoimmunity. The course is designed to analyze major mechanisms of infectious disease and the resultant useful and harmful responses of the host. The focus is on understanding underlying processes using key example diseases to give depth for evaluating virulence mechanisms. This basic material will help students connect with future Pathology and clinical courses and locate and evaluate new information concerning past, present and future diseases.

The radiographic interpretation component of the course will introduce the student to the areas of interpretation principles, dental caries, periodontal diseases, periapical inflammatory lesions, basic analysis of intra osseous lesions and radiographic features of benign and malignant

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English Language (3) UGE 03

Students at this level can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. They can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Also, they can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest, and can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

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Human Anatomy 2 ANT 222

This didactic and practical course is divided into two sections. The first section contains an introduction to the anatomy of human body and its various systems, as well as embryology and development of the oral and maxillofacial region. The second section involves a detailed study of the anatomy of the head and neck including muscles, blood and nerve supply bone and lymphatic drainage. The course also includes the study of salivary glands, tongue as well as nasal and maxillary sinuses

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General Physiology 2 PHY 222

This didactic and practical course involves the study of the physiology of human cells and various systems as the circulatory, digestive, respiratory and muscular systems.

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Oral Biology & Embryology 1 OB 212

The oral histology and embryology gives the students a thorough understanding of the microscopic structure of teeth and contiguous tissues and thereby provides an important source for decisions about dental treatments. The embryology segment gives the student an appreciation of the normal development of the major organ systems and some insight into the bases of craniofacial malformations

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Dental Biomaterial 2 RDM 222

This didactic and tutorial course will involve a study of the composition, properties and behavior of the various biomaterial systems that the dentist and dental technician use. Also detailed description of restorative materials, impression materials, denture base, as well as model materials will be given. Included will also be endodontic and implant materials.

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Pharmacology 2 PHM 322

Emphasis on antibiotics, anti inflammatory, anti fungal and local drugs related to dental conditions will be made.

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General Pathology 2 PTH 321

This course involves a study of the diseases of the various body systems as developmental, bone, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, immune and nervous systems.  Different types of tumors will also be discussed.

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Oral Microbiology & Immunology MCR 322

The course starts with Analysis of microbial diseases and progresses through key viral diseases, candidacies, prior diseases ending with oral ecology/microbiology and periodontal diseases. Much of the material highlights mucosal spread of disease and mucosal diseases. There is special emphasis on plaque related microbial diseases.

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The Ethics of Dentistry Elective ELC 01

The purpose of this course is to provide students with knowledge of the evolution of dentistry, to acquaint students with the interrelationships of dentistry, medicine and science, and to acquaint students with dentistry 's many contributions to human order to heighten ethical and professional responsibility.

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Dental Photography Elective ELC 03

This free course will cover all aspects of the use of digital photography in dental practice: intra-oral, extra-oral, and portraits. Participants will be taken through photography, from the basics of choosing correct equipment and setting it up, to optimum settings,techniques for consistent imaging and the safe storage of images.

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Restorative Dentistry 1 RD 311

Phantom lab course: Introduces processes of restoring diseased or damaged tooth structure to proper health, form, function and esthetics. Emphasis will be made on basic principles of cavity preparation, preparation and restoration design, proper selection and use of restorative materials and clinical considerations for restorative treatment planning. Emphasis will be on one surface restoration.

The student will gain knowledge in Restorative dentistry techniques. The objectives will be for the student to be able to: use rubber dam, understand the basic principles of Restorative dentistry, demonstrate proper finger rests and force control using hand instruments and hand pieces, prepare occlusal, facial and lingual cavities using established principles of cavity preparation receiving necessary assistance, restore prepared cavities with dental amalgam, inlays, resin composite and glass ionomer materials receiving necessary assistance, perform cement basing and luting procedures and prepare and restore single surface cavities without faculty assistance. Students will apply previous procedures on Class II, III, IV, V and MOD preparations

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Fixed Prosthodontic 1 FPR 311

The Preclinical Lecture and laboratory course is concerned with beginning to appreciate and recognize the principles and techniques of tooth preparation for fixed prosthodontics. It also acquaints and trains the students in the laboratory work and techniques required in the field prosthodontics.


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Removable Prosthodontics 1 RPR 311

This is a didactic and practical course that is divided into two parts. The first part involves complete denture construction while the second is concerned with removable partial dentures. Complete denture construction

A study of maxillary and mandibular landmarks, impressions, impression trays and materials, jaw relations and face bows will be included.

The student will learn and train on how to construct an acrylic complete denture starting from mounting of the models on articulators, selection and setting of teeth, waxing, flasking, packing and curing of Poly Methyl methacrylate. The student will learn how to finish and polish flasked dentures. The course will also demonstrate and explain possible defects in cured dentures and how to avoid them. Repair and reline of dentures will also be included


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Oral Pathology 1 OPTH 311

The course is dedicated to students beginning their clinical operative and prosthodontic work. Detailed pathogenesis of apical, periapical and bone lesions are given. There will be emphasis on the development of a meaningful clinical differential diagnosis and communication with other health professionals.


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Oral Biology and Embryology 2 OB 321

The oral histology and embryology gives the students a thorough understanding of the microscopic structure of teeth and contiguous tissues and thereby provides an important source for decisions about dental treatments. The embryology segment gives the student an appreciation of the normal development of the major organ systems and some insight into the bases of craniofacial malformations.


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General Medicine, Dermatology& Venereal 1 GMD 411

This two-semester (one-year) clinical course is meant to teach the students the diagnosis and treatment of systemic diseases. Those include diseases of the circulatory, digestive, respiratory, nervous and endocrine systems. The course also includes skin diseases and skin manifestations of various diseases. Students will be able, at the end of this course, to know the oral manifestations of various diseases, the precautions needed to be taken during dental procedures for patients with certain systemic diseases, as well as the proper interpretation of


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Community Dentistry 1 PDCD 531

This course involves the understanding of epidemiology, dental caries prevalence and index, periodontal disease prevalence and index. The course also includes the objectives of oral health and prevention of dental caries and periodontal diseases.

This course also deals with the principles of statistical analysis and its applications in dental research. The objective of this course is to help the students understand information included in dental courses as well as in research papers they are assigned to read.


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Arabic Language Skills UGA 03

يلفت المقرر الدراسين الى اهمية اللغة العربية فى حقول التخصص المختلفة, واهمية استخدامها فى الكتابة الاجرائية او الوظيفية , فتشمل مفردات المقرر على تراكيب عربية مع الاهتمام بتصويب الاخطاء الشائعة . الجملة العربية البسيطة و المركبة , واستخدامات كل منهما  التلازم اللغوي , وخاصة فى مجالات علمية معينة . قواعد صياغة الفقرة فى اللغة العربية . قواعد صياغة التقارير و اعدادها. قواعد صياغة الطلب , وصياغة السيرة الذاتية , والاسلوب المستخدم لكل منهما . التلخيص , و المبادئ التى تضمن صحته و سلامته. استخدام اللغة العربية فى العرض السريع و الموجز للقضايا المطروحة. التدريب على ادارة الحوارات و المناقشات بلغة عربية معاصرة, مع التدريب على ترقية العامية . تصحيح الاخطاء الاملائية التى قد تؤدي الى اللبس فى فهم المعنى . دراسة الاخطاء الناجمة عن النقل من كتب اجنبية دون الالتفات الى طبيعة الاساليب العربية



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Restorative Dentistry 2 RD 322

Phantom lab course: Introduces processes of restoring diseased or damaged tooth structure to proper health, form, function and esthetics. Emphasis will be made on basic principles of cavity preparation, preparation and restoration design, proper selection and use of restorative materials and clinical considerations for restorative treatment planning. Emphasis will be on one surface restoration.

The student will gain knowledge in Restorative dentistry techniques. The objectives will be for the student to be able to: use rubber dam, understand the basic principles of Restorative dentistry, demonstrate proper finger rests and force control using hand instruments and hand pieces, prepare occlusal, facial and lingual cavities using established principles of cavity preparation receiving necessary assistance, restore prepared cavities with dental amalgam, inlays, resin composite and glass ionomer materials receiving necessary assistance, perform cement basing and luting procedures and prepare and restore single surface cavities without faculty assistance. Students will apply previous procedures on Class II, III, IV, V and MOD preparations.



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Fixed Prosthodontic 2 FPR 322

The Preclinical Lecture and laboratory course is concerned with beginning to appreciate and recognize the principles and techniques of tooth preparation for fixed prosthodontics. It also acquaints and trains the students in the laboratory work and techniques required in the field prosthodontics



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Removable Prosthodontics 2 RPR 322

Removable Partial Denture “RPD” construction. This is study of different types of metallic RPD’s, their designs and the mechanical principles of designing. Fabrication of working models, duplication, waxing, investing and casting will also be studied.



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Endodontics 1 RDE 312

Lecture component covers the biology, pathology, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of dentin- pulp complex and pulpal-related periradicular pathology. Preclinical laboratory component covers endodontic treatment techniques on extracted teeth from different tooth groups as practice for clinical cases. Students will learn to deal with clinical procedures particular to endodontics, diagnosis and treatment of endodontic emergencies and surgical management of endodontic problems. The course introduces the basic techniques and hand skills required for beginning endodontic practice in the clinic. This course is the last preclinical. Areas of crown and bridge prosthodontics covered may include variations of tooth preparations, impression techniques, waxing, casting, soldering, ceramics, principles of occlusion, cementation of castings, pontic design and clinical orientation.



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Oral Pathology and Forensic Dentistry 2 OPTH 322

This course presents the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical and radiographic appearance, treatment, and histopathology of local and systemic diseases that affect the oral and Para oral tissues. It covers the five major categories of disease; developmental, inflammatory, metabolic, neoplastic and miscellaneous. Diseases from the different categories will be discussed in clinico-pathologic conferences. Emphasis will be given to the development of a meaningful clinical differential diagnosis and communication with other health professionals.



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General Medicine, Dermatology &Venereal 2 GMD 422

This two-semester (one-year) clinical course is meant to teach the students the diagnosis and treatment of systemic diseases. Those include diseases of the circulatory, digestive, respiratory, nervous and endocrine systems. The course also includes skin diseases and skin manifestations of various diseases. Students will be able, at the end of this course, to know the oral manifestations of various diseases, the precautions needed to be taken during dental procedures for patients with certain systemic diseases, as well as the proper interpretation of laboratory findings & EKG’s



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Communication Skills UCS 02

To develop students’ communication and presentation skills and train them to present themselves and their ideas orally and written in an effective manner that leads them to excellence and leadership in their work and lives.



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Restorative Dentistry 3 RD 431

Continuation of RD 311 RD 322 to build on material covered. Objectives for the earlier course continue to be in effect, and are included in material expected to be mastered by students.



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Fixed Prosthodontic 3 FPR 431

The student will gain knowledge in the planning and restoration of missing teeth with fixed prostheses, planning and designing for restoration of endodontically treated teeth. Course objectives include the ability to design, prepare and restore a dentoform and natural endodontically treated tooth. Prepare two abutments for retainers of a three-unit fixed prosthesis replacing a single molar tooth, fabricate an appropriate provisional restoration, obtain impression, working cast and complete selected laboratory procedures including cast and soldered rigid connectors.

Prepare two posterior teeth and one anterior tooth for partial veneer restorations The restoration of endodontically- treated teeth, preparation of multiple abutments for fixed prostheses, preparation of teeth for partial veneer crowns for single or multiple unit prostheses, selection and use of rigid and non-rigid connectors in fixed prostheses, and general fundamentals in treatment planning for fixed prostheses. Be familiar with the indications, materials selection, and fabrication of esthetic veneer restorations for fixed prostheses

Know the different designs of resin-bonded ultraconservative prostheses and resin or ceramic veneered fixed prostheses

Understand color and its’ application to esthetic restorations.



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Removable Prosthodontics 3 RPR 431

In this clinical course, the student will be trained for proper diagnosis and treatment planning for complete and partially edentulous patients. The student will be trained to offer his patients complete and partial dentures as well as single dentures. Students will be required to make all laboratory steps for a certain number of those dentures. Students should be able to identify defects in the dentures prior to, as well as, following delivery of the dentures. Students will learn how to repair, reline and add to, existing dentures. Students will learn how to make obturators and prosthesis for patients undergoing maxillofacial surgeries



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Endodontics 2 RDE 421

Lecture component covers the biology, pathology, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of dentin- pulp complex and pulpal-related periradicular pathology. Preclinical laboratory component covers endodontic treatment techniques on extracted teeth from different tooth groups as practice for clinical cases. Students will learn to deal with clinical procedures particular to endodontics, diagnosis and treatment of endodontic emergencies and surgical management of endodontic problems. The course introduces the basic techniques and hand skills required for beginning endodontic practice in the clinic. This course is the last preclinical. Areas of crown and bridge prosthodontics covered may include variations of tooth preparations, impression techniques, waxing, casting, soldering, ceramics, principles of occlusion, cementation of castings, pontic design and clinical orientation



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Local Anaesthesia & Pain Control OS 411

This course addresses Pharmacology, Anatomy, and Techniques of local anesthesia. The student will gain knowledge and skills in the administration of local Anesthesia. The student will be able to describe: the innervations of the oral-facial region, associated anatomic structures, physiology of nerve conduction, pharmaco-dynamics and metabolism of local anesthetics and to describe common techniques of local anesthesia delivery (e.g., oral, inhalation, intravenous) and acute pain control.

The student will gain knowledge in the psychological impact of dental fear and how to recognize it, the continuum of depressed levels of consciousness (e.g., conscious sedation, general anesthesia), and the criteria used for selecting appropriate dental patients for sedation. Students will perform local anesthesia administration on each other under supervision.



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Oral Medicine & Diagnosis 1 OMD 411

The course enables students to obtain, interpret, and record a comprehensive medical and dental history and to safely manage medically and pharmacologically complex patients.  Students are taught to perform thorough head and neck and intra-oral examinations, recognize abnormal clinical findings, and obtain appropriate laboratory tests. Students also learn to identify and manage common medical emergencies. Students receive instruction in ionizing radiation and learn to obtain and interpret common radiographic images to recognize normal anatomic landmarks and the appearance of periodontal disease and dental caries. The clinical phase of this course enables the student to properly fill patients’ records.  Students will work on each other than on patients under supervision.



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Periodontology 1 PI 411

This course will prepare the student for clinical practice in the Faculty of Dentistry and as a beginning dentist. It will provide an understanding into the Epidemiology of the disease, the classification of periodontal disorders, and the pathogenesis of each in the context of the general dental practice. This course will integrate both the basic science and the clinical aspect of periodontal disease.



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Orthodontics 1 OR 411

The course involves lecture/laboratory instruction and indications for, and techniques of, simple orthodontic tipping, rotational and extrusive movements often necessary in preparation for restorative and periodontal therapy. The student will gain knowledge in the basic principles of beginning adjunctive orthodontics.

The student will be able to:

(1) obtain an accurate impression, (2) fabricate a diagnostic orthodontic study case, (3) describe the basic mechanical principles of orthodontic tooth movement, (5) construct a clinically acceptable guide plane appliance, (6) describe the appropriate use of removable appliances, (7) construct a clinically acceptable removable appliance, (8) describe the indication for the use of a "W" wire expander in correction of posterior cross bites, (9) construct a clinically acceptable "W" wire expander, (10) describe the difference between space maintenance and space regain and the use of the lingual arch for these two purposes, (11) construct a lingual arch, (12) place bonded brackets and (13) perform a molar up righting exercise.



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General Surgery, E.N.T & Ophthalmology 1 GSR 411

This two-semester (one-year) clinical course addresses three major divisions:

  1. General surgery, infection, wounds, burns, electrolytic balance, shock and blood transfusion. The course also includes neoplastic surgeries, surgeries of thyroid and salivary glands as well as emergency care.
  2. Ear, nose and throat, surgery of the nasal sinuses, Ophthalmology including eye surgeries and traumatic injuries as well as the relation between teeth and eye diseases



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Communication Skills UCS 02

To develop students’ communication and presentation skills and train them to present themselves and their ideas orally and written in an effective manner that leads them to excellence and leadership in their work and lives.



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Restorative Dentistry 4 RD 442

The student is responsible for the diagnosis, treatment plan and treatment of the dental needs of each patient assigned to him/her. The clinical experience is geared as near as possible to that of a private general dental practice. Emphasis is placed on the student's performance relative to professionalism, technical skills and ability to provide quality care in a timely manner



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Fixed Prosthodontic 4 FPR 442

The student will gain knowledge in the planning and restoration of missing teeth with fixed prostheses, planning and designing for restoration of endodontically treated teeth. Course objectives include the ability to design, prepare and restore a dentoform and natural endodontically treated tooth. Prepare two abutments for retainers of a three-unit fixed prosthesis replacing a single molar tooth, fabricate an appropriate provisional restoration, obtain impression, working cast and complete selected laboratory procedures including cast and soldered rigid connectors.

Prepare two posterior teeth and one anterior tooth for partial veneer restorations.

The restoration of endodontically- treated teeth, preparation of multiple abutments for fixed prostheses, preparation of teeth for partial veneer crowns for single or multiple unit prostheses, selection and use of rigid and non-rigid connectors in fixed prostheses, and general fundamentals in treatment planning for fixed prostheses.

Be familiar with the indications, materials selection, and fabrication of esthetic veneer restorations for fixed prostheses Know the different designs of resin-bonded ultraconservative prostheses and resin or ceramic veneered fixed prostheses Understand color and its’ application to esthetic restorations

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Removable Prosthodontics 4 RPR 442

In this clinical course, the student will be trained for proper diagnosis and treatment planning for complete and partially edentulous patients. The student will be trained to offer his patients complete and partial dentures as well as single dentures. Students will be required to make all laboratory steps for a certain number of those dentures. Students should be able to identify defects in the dentures prior to, as well as, following delivery of the dentures. Students will learn how to repair, reline and add to, existing dentures. Students will learn how to make obturators and prosthesis for patients undergoing maxillofacial surgeries



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Endodontics 3 RDE 432

In this clinical course, the student is required to complete endodontic treatment of anterior, premolar, and molar teeth. In addition to non surgical treatment of several endodontic cases, the student assists in an endodontic surgery.

The student will gain knowledge and experience of endodontic treatment. The objectives are for the student to be able to differentiate between signs and symptoms caused by pulpal or periapical pathosis and those caused by other forms of orofacial pathosis, determine the cause of pulpal or periapical pathosis, select and carry out appropriate treatment, and estimate the prognosis, complete, at a clinically acceptable level, those clinical procedures which are consistent with her/his experience level, identify those factors which affect the complexity of treatment in each endodontic case and distinguish between those cases which are within her/his ability to manage effectively and those which should be referred to practitioners who can more appropriately provide for the care of the patient accurately. Students will be able to critique completed clinical procedures



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Oral Exodontia OS 422

This course designed for remaining root, surgical extraction of teeth and its complication




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Oral Medicine 2 OMD 422

The Oral Medicine course provides comprehensive instruction in the areas of oral and physical diagnosis, oral and maxillofacial radiology, oral pathology, clinical pharmacology and medical emergencies.

The course also covers the etiology, pathogenesis, and classic radiographic and clinic appearances of a variety of developmental abnormalities and pathological conditions of the jaws, teeth, the sinuses, and the salivary glands.




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Periodontology 2 PI 422

The primary objective is for the student to become proficient in screening for periodontal diseases, evaluating the periodontium, and recognizing and diagnosing periodontal diseases. Also, the student should become competent at managing cases exhibiting gingivitis and mild periodontitis.

As a secondary objective, the student will gain insight into the dental specialty of periodontics through exposure to a variety of procedures, including non-surgical and surgical therapy (via assisting). The ultimate goal is to enable the dental graduate to provide the highest level of periodontal care to patients through early recognition and prompt, appropriate treatment or referral of patients with periodontal disease.

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Orthodontics 2 OR 422

This course will provide the student practical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of a limited orthodontic case under direct guidance of department faculty over two academic years. Students, working in pairs, are assigned a single limited treatment case that they are responsible for treating for a full-year year. Each student pair completes the diagnosis of malocclusion through clinical exams, study models, extra and intra-oral photographs and radiographs. The student team continues active clinical treatment in the management of a single tooth or segmental arch tooth movement utilizing orthodontic appliance therapy.




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General Surgery, E.N.T & Ophthalmology 2 GSR 422

This two-semester (one-year) clinical course addresses three major divisions:

  1. General surgery, infection, wounds, burns, electrolytic balance, shock and blood transfusion. The course also includes neoplastic surgeries, surgeries of thyroid and salivary glands as well as emergency care.
  2. Ear, nose and throat, surgery of the nasal sinuses,

Ophthalmology including eye surgeries and traumatic injuries as well as the relation between teeth and eye diseases

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Restorative Dentistry 5 RD 551

The student will gain knowledge in the principles of restorative treatment planning according to the needs of each patient, formulate a treatment plan in association with other dental specialties, provide antibiotic coverage for infection encountered during the examination if necessary, make appropriate radiographs to adequately assess the dental needs of each patient, and make impressions and fabricate diagnostic casts on appropriate patients. The student will also be trained to spare his patient the feeling of any unnecessary pain during the preparation of cavities. Knowledge on how to deal with deep cavities badly destructed and endodontically treated teeth will also be gained at the end of this course.  Students will be required to do amalgam, composite resin and glass ionomer restorations. Proper use and understanding of dentin bonding agents will be emphasize




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Fixed Prosthodontic 5 FPR 551

Clinical training in fixed prosthodontics will be achieved in this course, including diagnosis and treatment planning, occlusal analysis and treatment emphasizing multidisciplinary coordination, and writing appropriate instructions for commercial laboratories.  The student will apply his phantom lab training clinically. In addition, proper occlusal registration, diagnostic wax-ups, and the use of semi-adjustable articulators and face bows will be included. Proper fabrication of temporaries will be learnt.




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Removable Prosthodontics 5 RPR 551

The aim of this course is to providing the undergraduate dental students with the basic information, essential skills and necessary competencies required to carry out the clinical procedures of different types of stents and splints. It also introduces the students to congenital clefts & acquired defects and methods of treatment. Also, introduces different types of attachments and overdentures. Provide the basic information and skills of dental implantology. Introduces the student to different types and basic information to carry out the clinical procedures of overdentures.




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Endodontics 4 RDE 541

In this clinical course, the student is required to complete endodontic treatment of anterior, premolar, and molar teeth. In addition to non surgical treatment of several endodontic cases, the student assists in an endodontic surgery.

The student will gain knowledge and experience of endodontic treatment. The objectives are for the student to be able to differentiate between signs and symptoms caused by pulpal or periapical pathosis and those caused by other forms of orofacial pathosis, determine the cause of pulpal or periapical pathosis, select and carry out appropriate treatment, and estimate the prognosis, complete, at a clinically acceptable level, those clinical procedures which are consistent with her/his experience level, identify those factors which affect the complexity of treatment in each endodontic case and distinguish between those cases which are within her/his ability to manage effectively and those which should be referred to practitioners who can more appropriately provide for the care of the patient accurately. Students will be able to critique completed clinical procedures

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Pediatric Dentistry 1 PDCD 511

First pre-clinical application of principles and techniques related to clinical care of children and adolescents. The course is devoted to fundamentals related to restorative and preventive techniques unique to children.




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Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery & Dental I OS 531

This course is designed to teach the students the basics of oral surgical procedures. Students will learn all about extraction forceps and elevators, extraction techniques, disinfection and infection control, pre and post operative care. The course will also involve removal of remaining roots, and surgical extraction of impacted teeth. The course will also involve pre-prosthetic surgeries, patient preparation for general anesthesia, and fractures of the jaws.




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Oral Medicine 3 OMD 531

The course aims at establishing knowledge and skills for Oral manifestations of skin diseases, Pigmented lesions of the oral cavity, sexually transmitted diseases. and their differential diagnosis. Ulcerative, erosive and bullous lesions of the oral cavity and their differential diagnosis




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Periodontology 3 PI 531

The course aims at establishing instructive information, knowledge and skills necessary for effectively diagnosing, surgically & non-surgically treating patients suffering from periodontal diseases.




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Community Dentistry 1 PDCD 531

This course involves the understanding of epidemiology, dental caries prevalence and index, periodontal disease prevalence and index. The course also includes the objectives of oral health and prevention of dental caries and periodontal diseases.

This course also deals with the principles of statistical analysis and its applications in dental research. The objective of this course is to help the students understand information included in dental courses as well as in research papers they are assigned to read.




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Restorative Dentistry 6 RD 562

The student will gain knowledge in the principles of restorative treatment planning according to the needs of each patient, formulate a treatment plan in association with other dental specialties, provide antibiotic coverage for infection encountered during the examination if necessary, make appropriate radiographs to adequately assess the dental needs of each patient, and make impressions and fabricate diagnostic casts on appropriate patients. The student will also be trained to spare his patient the feeling of any unnecessary pain during the preparation of cavities.

Knowledge on how to deal with deep cavities badly destructed and endodontically treated teeth will also be gained at the end of this course. Students will be required to do amalgam, composite resin and glass ionomer restorations. Proper use and understanding of dentin bonding agents will be emphasized




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Fixed Prosthodontic 6 FPR 562

Clinical training in fixed prosthodontics will be achieved in this course, including diagnosis and treatment planning, occlusal analysis and treatment emphasizing multidisciplinary coordination, and writing appropriate instructions for commercial laboratories.  The student will apply his phantom lab training clinically. In addition, proper occlusal registration, diagnostic wax-ups, and the use of semi-adjustable articulators and face bows will be included. Proper fabrication of temporaries will be learnt.




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Removable Prosthodontics 6 RPR 562

This course leads to a professional degree in dentistry. Experiences attained to start this level of patient treatment bring the student to a point of self assessment. The overall abilities should also show the formation of the student's progress towards competency




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Endodontics 5 RDE 552

In this clinical course, the student is required to complete endodontic treatment of anterior, premolar, and molar teeth. In addition to non surgical treatment of several endodontic cases, the student assists in an endodontic surgery.

The student will gain knowledge and experience of endodontic treatment. The objectives are for the student to be able to differentiate between signs and symptoms caused by pulpal or periapical pathosis and those caused by other forms of orofacial pathosis, determine the cause of pulpal or periapical pathosis, select and carry out appropriate treatment, and estimate the prognosis, complete, at a clinically acceptable level, those clinical procedures which are consistent with her/his experience level, identify those factors which affect the complexity of treatment in each endodontic case and distinguish between those cases which are within her/his ability to manage effectively and those which should be referred to practitioners who can more appropriately provide for the care of the patient accurately. Students will be able to critique completed clinical procedures




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Pediatric Dentistry 2 PDCD 522

Course includes behavior management, diagnosis, prevention, dental anomalies, radiography, anesthesia, restorative procedures, pulp therapy, space maintenance, oral surgery for the primary dentition, and traumatic injuries in the primary and permanent dentitions.

At the completion of the course, the student will master the necessary information to provide treatment for patients in the primary, mixed, and early permanent dentitions in the Pediatric Dental Clinic.

Basic concepts of child development, principles of behavior management techniques used in pediatric dentistry and communication. At the completion of the course the student will have mastered the necessary information to provide dental treatment for children.




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Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery & general anesthesia OS 542

The course will introduce the students to the scope of maxillofacial surgery. Management of traumatic injuries to the maxillofacial region and surgical management of maxillofacial pathology and bone grafting will be explained.




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Oral Medicine 4 OMD 542

The course aims at establishing knowledge and skills for Oral manifestations of skin diseases, Pigmented lesions of the oral cavity, sexually transmitted diseases. and their differential diagnosis. Ulcerative, erosive and bullous lesions of the oral cavity and their differential diagnosis.




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Periodontology 4 PI 542

The course aims at establishing instructive information, knowledge and skills necessary for effectively diagnosing, surgically & non-surgically treating patients suffering from periodontal diseases.




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Community Dentistry 2 PDCD 542

This course involves the understanding of epidemiology, dental caries prevalence and index, periodontal disease prevalence and index. The course also includes the objectives of oral health and prevention of dental caries and periodontal diseases.

This course also deals with the principles of statistical analysis and its applications in dental research. The objective of this course is to help the students understand information included in dental courses as well as in research papers they are assigned to read.




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