Master Degree in Prosthodontics and Dental Implantology

Se. Code Course Lect. Prac. Tut. Clin. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 FPR 600 Fixed Prosthodontics (Phantom) 1 2     2  
2 RPR 600 Prosthodontic Laboratory Procedures 1 2     2  
3 RDM 631 Dental biomaterials 1 2     2  
4 ANT 631 Head and neck anatomy 1 2     2  
Total Hours 4 8 0 0 8  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac. Tut. Clin. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 RPR 672 Preclinical Removable complete and partial Prosthodontics 1 4     3  
2 LR 611  Literature review     2   1  
3 CD 601 Infection Control 1     2 2  
4 ELC 701 Elective 2       2  
Total Hours 4 4 2 2 8  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac. Tut. Clin. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 FPR 672 Fixed Prosthodontics (fundamentals) 1 3     2 CD 601
2 PR 600 Clinical Prosthodontics 1     4 3 CD 601
3 PR 622 Dental Implant I &Pre-prosthetic treatments 1     3 2 CD 601
4 PR 632 Gnathology and Occlusion 1   2   2  
Total Hours 4 3 2 7 9  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac. Tut. Clin. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 RPR 781 Rehabilitation of total Edentulism 1     3 2 RPR 672
2 RPR 791 Removable Partial Denture 1     3 2 RPR 672
3 PR 741 Dental Implants II 1     3 2 RPR 672, PR 622
4 FPR 781 Fixed Prosthodontics I 1     3 2 RPR 622 & OS 622
5 PR 751 Fixed –Removable
1     3 2 RPR 622 & OS 622
Total Hours 5 0 0 15 10  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac. Tut. Clin. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 RPR 7102 Advanced and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics 1     2 2 RPR 672
2 FPR 792 Fixed prosthodontics II 1     3 2 RPR 672
3 PR 762 Case-Based Seminars     2   1 RPR 672, PR 622
4 BRM 702 Biostatistics and Research Methods 1   2   2 RPR 622 & OS 622
Total Hours 3 0 4 5 7  

Master Degree in Pediatric Dentistry

Se. Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clin. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 OPTH 600 Oral Pathology – core 1 2     2  
2 OB 612 Oral Biology and Embryology- core 1 2     2  
3 ANT 631 Head & Neck Anatomy- core 1 2     2  
4 OMB 612 Oral Microbiology and Immunology- core 1   2   2  
5 RDM 631 Dental Biomaterial- core 1   2   2  
6 CPD-I 922 Clinic Pediatric Dentistry-I       12 6  
7 PD 901 Preventive Dentistry 2       2  
Total Hours 7 6 4 12 18  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clin. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 BRM 702 Biostatistics and Research Methods – core 1   2   2  
2 LR 611 Literature Review & Scientific writing – core 1   2   2  
3 BEL 703 Bioethics and law- core 1       1  
4 LOP 804 Laboratory Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry 1 2     2  
5 FPD 923 Fundamentals of Pediatric Dentistry 2       2  
6 GD 930 Growth and Development in Children 1       1  
7 PH 1012 Pharmacology-core 1   2   2  
8 CPD-II 922 Clinic Pediatric Dentistry-II       12 6 *FPD 923, *CPD-I 922
Total Hours 8 2 6 12 18  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac. Tut. Clin. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 PIO 902 Preventive & Interceptive Orthodontics 2     2 3  
2 GPD 931 Clinical Genetics in Pediatric Dentistry 2       2  
3 PM 920 Pediatric Medicine 2     2 3  
4 PNM 921 Pharmacological and non-pharmacological Behavior Management in Children 2       2  
5 CPD-III 922 Clinic Pediatric Dentistry- III       12 6 *PD 901, * PNM 921 * CPD-II
6 ELC-I 701 Elective-I 2       2  
Total Hours 10 0 0 16 18  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac. Tut. Clin. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 PIO 902 Preventive & Interceptive Orthodontics 2     2 3  
2 GPD 931 Clinical Genetics in Pediatric Dentistry 2       2  
3 PM 920 Pediatric Medicine 2     2 3  
4 PNM 921 Pharmacological and non-pharmacological Behavior Management in Children 2       2  
5 CPD-III 922 Clinic Pediatric Dentistry- III       12 6 *PD 901, * PNM 921 * CPD-II
6 ELC-I 701 Elective-I 2       2  
Total Hours 10 0 0 16 18  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clin. Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 PDCC-I 928 Pediatric Dentistry Comprehensive Care- I       12 6 *CPD-IV


2 ELC-II 701 Elective-II 2       2  
3 CP 927 Case presentation     2   1 *PDCC-I 928
4 TEC 933 Traumatic injuries and emergency care 1     2 2  
5 PD-II Thesis         7 *BRM 702, LR 611
Total Hours 3 0 2 14 18  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clinic Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 PDCC-II 928 Pediatric Dentistry Comprehensive Care- II       12 6 *PDCC-I 928
2 ACP 934 Advanced Case presentation     4   2 * PDCC-II 928, *CP 927
4 PD-III Thesis         10 *BRM 702, *LR 611,


Total Hours 0 0 4 12 18  

Master Degree in Restorative and Esthetic

Se. Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clinic Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 OPTH 600 Oral Pathology – core 1 2     2  
2 OB 612 Oral Biology and Embryology – core 1 2     2  
3 ANT 631 Head & Neck Anatomy- core 1 2     2  
4 OMB 612 Oral Microbiology and Immunology – core 1   2   2  
5 ODF-I 980 Fundamentals of Operative dentistry-I (Topic 1) 2     2 3  
6 ODL 981 Operative Dentistry (lab)   2     1  
7 RDM 631 Dental Biomaterials – core 1   2 2  
8 ODC-I 982 Operative Dentistry (Clinic I)     8 4  
Total Hours 7 8 4 10 18  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clinic Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 BRM 702 Biostatistics and Research Methods – core 1   2   2  
2 LR 611 Literature Review &Scientific Writing – core 1   2   2  
3 BEL 703 Bioethics and law- core 1       1  
4 ODF-II 980 Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry( Topic II) 2     2 3 *ODF-I  980
5 ODC-II 982 Operative dentistry (clinic-II)       8 4 *ODC-I 982
6 CET 984 Pre-clinical Endodontic Techniques   6     3  
7 JC 985 Journal Club I     4   2  
8 PPC 902 Theories and principals of pain control 1       1
Total Hours 6 6 8 10 18  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clinic Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 CDCPS 987 Conservative Dentistry case presentation (Seminar I)     2   1  
2 ODC-III 982 Operative Dentistry (Clinic III)       8 4 *ODC-II 982
3 CDE 988 Endodontics 2     8 6  
4 PH 1012 Pharmacology – core 1   2   2  
5 OD 1013 Diagnosis 1   2 2  
6 CA 904 Cariology – core 1       1  
7 ELC–I 701 Elective I 2       2  
Total Hours 7 0 6 18 18  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clinic Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 CDAA-I 991 Adhesives in conservative dentistry –
(topic III adhesives)
2     2 3 *ODF-II 980
2 ODC –IV 982 Operative Dentistry (Clinic IV)       8 4  
3 CDAC-992 Advanced Comprehensive Dental Clinic ( CCC I )       6 3  
4 AOMR- 903 Advanced oral & maxillofacial radiology – core 1 2     2  
5 CD –I Thesis I         6 *BRM 702 *LR 611
Total Hours 3 2 0 16 18  
Se Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clinic Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 CDACPS 995 Advanced Comprehensive Dentistry Case Presentation (CCC II)     2 6 4
2 CDAIC – I 996 Advanced interdisciplinary Dental Clinic I       6 3  
3 CDAA-II 991 Recent advanced adhesives in conservative dentistry
( topic IV adhesives)
2     2 3  
4 SCD 997 Adhesives (Seminars II)     2   1  
5 CD-II Thesis II         7 *BRM 702 *LR 611
Total Hours 2 0 4 14 18
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clinic Cre. Hrs Pre-req
1 ESCD 997 Esthetic and conservative Dentistry – Topic V 1     4 3  
2 SCD 998  Esthetic in conservative dentistry (seminar III)     2   1  
3 ELC-II 701 Elective II 2 2
4 CDAIC – II  996 Advanced interdisciplinary Dental Clinic II       4 2  
5 CD- III Thesis III         10 *BRM 702 *LR 611
Total Hours 3 0 2 8 18

Master Degree in Endodontics

Se. Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clinic Cre. Hrs Pre . Req
1 OPTH 600 Oral Pathology – core 1 2     2  
2 OB 612 Oral Biology & Embryology- core 1 2     2  
3 ANT 631 Head & Neck Anatomy- core 1 2     2  
4 OMB 612 Oral Microbiology & Immunology- core 1   2   2  
5 AED-I 1000 Advanced Endodontics-1 1     6 4  
6 EDSC-I 1001 Endodontic Specialty Clinic-I       6 3  
7 EDCP-I 1002 Case Presentation-I     4 2  
8 EDS-I 1004 Endodontic Seminar-I     2   1  
Total Hours 5 6 8 12 18  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clinic Cre. Hrs Pre . Req
1 BEL 703 Bioethics and law- core 1   2   2  
2 RDM 631 Dental Biomaterial – core 1 2   2  
3 BED 1003 Pulp Biology 1       1  
4 CA 904 Cariology-core 1       1  
5 EDSC –II 1001 Endodontic Specialty Clinic-II       6 3  
6 EDS-II 1004 Endodontic Seminar-II     2   1 EDS –I 1004
7 AEDSC-I 1005 Advanced Endodontic Specialty Clinic-I       6 3  
8 AED-II 1000 Advanced Endodontics-II 1     4 3 AED-I 1000
9 EDCP-II 1002 Case Presentation-II     4   2  
Total Hours 5 0 10 16 18  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clinic Cre. Hrs Pre. Req
1 BRM 702 Biostatistics and Research Methods – core 1   2   2  
2 AEDSC-II 1005 Advanced Endodontic Specialty Clinic-II       8 4 AEDSC-I 1005
3 LR 611 Literature Review &Scientific writing – core 1   2   2  
4 EDLR –I 1006 Current Endodontic Literature Review-I     2   1  
5 EDSC –III 1001 Endodontic Specialty Clinic-III       8 4  
6 MDS 1007 Multidisciplinary Seminar     4   2  
7 EDS-III 1004 Endodontic Seminar-III     2   1 EDS-II 1004
8 EDCP –III 1002 Case presentation-III     4   2  
Total Hours 2   16 16 18  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clinic Cre. Hrs Pre. Req
1 ID 1011 Implant Dentistry In Relation To Endodontics 1   4 3  
2 AEDSC-III 1005 Advanced Endodontics Specialty clinic -III       6 3 AEDSC-II 1005
3 OMR 903 Advanced Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology-core 1 2   2  
4 EDCP –IV 1002 Case Presentation- IV     4   2 EDCP –III 1002
END-I Thesis         8  
Total Hours 2   6 10 18  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clinic Cre. Hrs Pre. Req
1 ELC 701 Elective-I 2       2  
2 AEDSC-IV 1005 Advanced Endodontic Specialty Clinic-IV       6  3  AEDSC-III 1005
3 MDC-I 1008 Multidisciplinary clinic-I       6 3  
4 ODT 1009 Oral and Dental Traumatology 1   2   2  
5 PH 1012 Pharmacology& Drug interactions 1   2   2  
6 END-II Thesis         6  
Total Hours 4   4 12 18  
Se. Code Course Lect. Prac Tut. Clinic Cre. Hrs Pre. Req
1 ELC 701 Elective-II 2       2  
2 EDCT- 1010 Current Topics in Endodontics 1       1  
3 EDLR-II 1006 Current Endodontic Literature Review-II     2   1 EDLR-I 1006
4 MDC-II 1008 Multidisciplinary clinic-II       6 3  
5 OMD 1013 Oral Medicine & Diagnosis 1   2   2  
6 END-III Thesis         9  
Total Hours 4   4 6 18  

Oral Pathology- core OPTH 600

  • Soft tissue lesions
  • Bone pathologies
  • Manifestations of Oral Cancer & early detection methods

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Oral Biology and Embryology- core OB 612

  • Tooth development
  • Enamel structure
  • Amylogenesis
  • Dentine structure
  • Dentinogenesis
  • Cementum
  • Cementogenesis
  • Periodontal ligament structure & function
  • Introduction to embryology
  • Pulp structure & function
  • Orofacial development

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Head & Neck Anatomy- core ANT 631

  • Head & neck anatomical sections
  • Anatomy of maxilla & mandible
  • Muscles of mastication & muscles of facial expression
  • Salivary glands
  • Temporo-mandibular joint
  • Maxillary sinus
  • Tongue & oro-pharynx


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Oral Microbiology and immunology- core OMB 612

  • Bacterial structure, physiology, and genetics
  • Viral structure and function
  • Pathogenesis of infection
  • Host responses to infection

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Dental Biomaterial – core RDM 631

  • Fundamentals of dental biomaterials
  • Testing of biomaterials
  • Biomechanics
  • Non-elastic impression materials
  • Hydrocolloids impression materials
  • Elastomeric impression materials
  • Basic structure of polymer
  • Basic structure of metals
  • Basic structure of ceramics
  • Nano technology in dental materials

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Clinic Pediatric Dentistry-I CPD-I 922

  • Diagnosis and prevention of caries, gingival and periodontal diseases in children.
  • Manage children patients under supervision and providing treatment plan
  • Using different materials for restorations of posterior primary teeth.

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Preventive Dentistry PD 901

Application of preventive practices:

  • Dental health education
  • Fluorides
  • Pits and fissure sealants
  • Preventive resins
  • Diet counseling and recommendations

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Biostatistics and Research Methodology –core BRM 702

  1. Research methods:
    • Types of research designs (observational and experimental studies)
    • Types of observational studies (descriptive, case control, cohort studies)
    • Types of experimental research (randomized controlled clinical trial, field trial)
    • Anatomy of the randomized controlled clinical trial
    • Ethical considerations
  2. Biostatistics:-
    • Parametric and nonparametric tests
    • Central tendency and dispersion parameters
    • Commonly used parametric and nonparametric tests
    • Sample size estimation
    • Techniques of randomization and blinding

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Literature Review &Scientific writing – core LR 611

  • Case presentations gathered from textbooks, journals, clinical situations & internet resources.
  • Videos of different conditions & their management.

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Bioethics and law-core BEL 703

  • Lectures, case studies, and class discussion.
  • Identification and analysis of ethical dilemmas.
  • Professional responsibility and ethical principles, doctor-patient relationship, dentist and community, and ethical conduct in science and research.

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Laboratory Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry LOP- 804

  • Training on wire bending and band selection.
  • Construction and fitting of space maintainers, space regainers, removable appliances and bite planes.

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Fundamentals in Pediatric Dentistry FPD 923

  • Restorative dentistry and full coverage in primary teeth.
  • Vital and non-vital pulp therapy of primary and young permanent teeth.
  • Local anesthesia in Pediatric Dentistry

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Growth and Development in Children GD 930

  • Physical growth of children from birth till adolescence.
  • Nutrition and overall health of children from birth till adolescence.

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Pharmacology- Core PH 1012

  • Pharmacokinetics, dynamics and uses of antimicrobials
  • Pharmacokinetics, dynamics, and uses of analgesics and anti-inflammatory medications
  • Dose calculation and prescription.

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Clinic Pediatric Dentistry-II  CPD-II 922

  • Esthetic restorations of posterior primary teeth.
  • Vital and non-vital therapy in posterior primary teeth
  • Posterior teeth full coverage.
  • Child management in in the dental setting.

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Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics PIO 902

  • Impression taking and study cast fabrication
  • Cephalometric tracing and myofunctional appliances
  • Study cast measurements and habit breaking appliances
  • Space analysis, space maintainers and regainers

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Clinical Genetics in Pediatric Dentistry GPD 931

  • Structure and functions of genomes and DNA
  • Transmission Genetics and inheritance
  • Chromosomes, Linkage, and genetic mapping

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Pediatric Medicine PM 920

  • Mentally disabled children.
  • Medically compromised children and blood diseases.
  • Oral infectious diseases in children.
  • Vaccination in children

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Pharmacological and non-pharmacological behavior Management in Children PNM 921

  • Theories of child development from infancy to adolescence.
  • Different behavioral characteristics of the problematic child.
  • Clinical judgment of the child’s behavior, current and updated non- pharmacological techniques to modify them.

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Clinic Pediatric Dentistry-III CPD-III 922

  • Conscious sedation in behavior shaping.
  • Anterior esthetic restorations and full coverage
  • vital and non-vital pulp therapy in anterior primary
  • Space analysis and space management with different space maintainers

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Elective I,II ELC I,II 701

  • The candidates are required to choose appropriate 2 elective courses from the list in the whole program.

List of courses:

Course serial Course
1 Cariology
2  Forensic Pediatric Dentistry
3  Photography in Dentistry
4  Advanced Biostatistics
5  Nutrition
6  Nanoscience in Pediatric Dentistry
7 Advanced oral and maxillofacial radiology

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Special Health Care Needs SHC 924

  • Clinical diagnosis and management of physically, and mentally disabled children on the dental chair.
  • Physical control, pre-medication, and general anesthesia in treatment of special needs children.
  • Diagnosis and management of medically compromised children in the dental setting.

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Anesthesiology Round AR 932

  • Clinical guidelines for conscious sedation and general anesthesia
  • Equipment used in delivery of sedative and anesthetic agents
  • Precautions, drug interactions and management of anesthesia emergencies.

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Hospital Dentistry HD 925

  • Hospital protocol of patient’s admission till discharge and operating room protocol.
  • Posting to general anesthesia at Pharos University.
  • Dental management of healthy problematic, physically, or mentally disabled and medically compromised children such as those with blood diseases, hemorrhagic conditions, cardiovascular diseases, cellulitis, and other problems where hospitalization of the child is essential.
  • Managing medical emergency situations and practicing basic life support measures.

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Pediatric Dentistry Seminars SPD 926

  • Tissue engineering and revascularization
  • Surgical procedures in Pediatric Dentistry
  • Developmental disturbances of teeth and oral structures.
  • Nanotechnology in Pediatric Dentistry

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Clinic Pediatric Dentistry-IV CPD-IV 922

  • Diagnosis and management of different minor dental and developing skeletal problems in the mixed and early permanent dentition stages.
  • Different esthetic restorations of anterior permanent teeth.
  • Apexogenesis and apexification in young permanent teeth.

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Pediatric Dentistry Comprehensive Care-I PDCC I-928

  • Thorough collection of patients’ data, using appropriate diagnostic methods and tools.
  • Personalized comprehensive treatment plan of various pediatric dental cases with/without orthodontic problems as well as those including dental and medical emergencies.
  • RCT in anterior permanent teeth
  • Number of comprehensive cases are to be treated and followed up.

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Case presentation CP927

  • Present cases with diagnostic challenges and require complex treatment planning and proper documentation in healthy pediatric patients.
  • Participation in group discussion concerning the diagnosis, treatment planning and care provided to the case presented.

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Traumatic Injuries and Emergency Care TEC 933

  • Classification of traumatic dental injuries and luxation injuries.
  • Management of luxation injuries using flexible splinting
  • management of traumatic dental injuries
  • revascularization of young permanent pulp

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Thesis PD-I-II-III 

  • This course involves an approved investigative effort to satisfy requirements for the master degree. Research may involve preclinical, experimental and clinical subjects related to pediatric dentistry. Candidates must complete a research project, thesis, and thesis defense to fulfill the requirements of this course.
  • Study proposal.
  • Completion of pilot study or studies.
  • Completion of all experiments.
  • Completion of data analysis.
  • First draft of the thesis.
  • Final draft of the thesis.
  • Thesis defense.

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Advanced Case presentation - Pediatric Dentistry Comprehensive Care-II

ACP 934 - PDCC-II 928

  • Assessment, diagnosis and designing comprehensive treatment planning of healthy and special needs patients.
  • RCT in posterior teeth of children.
  • Developing orthodontic/periodontal/surgical procedures in pediatric dental patients. Medical Problems in Dentistry
  • Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
  • Present cases with diagnostic challenges and require complex treatment planning and proper documentation in special health care pediatric patients and those with traumatic injuries or requiring emergency management.
  • Participation in group discussion concerning the diagnosis, treatment planning and care provided to the case presented.

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Oral Pathology-core OPTH 600

This course is focused upon effect of caries on enamel, dentin, and pulp, theories of pain, effect of restorative materials on dentin and pulp, and pathogenesis and differential diagnosis of common diseases affecting the oral and para-oral structures. Students should learn a systematic approach to evaluation and diagnosis of oral diseases.

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Oral Biology and Embryology –core OB 612


This course is a comprehensive consideration of the embryology, physiology of the pulp, microscopic and macroscopic structure, and functions of the orofacial complex. Material from the other basic sciences is expanded and related to the oral cavity. Emphasis is on the normal state of oral health.

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Head & Neck Anatomy- core ANT 631


This course covers a wide range of topics in human gross anatomy that are relevant to the practice of dentistry. Specifically, lectures will provide in-depth details of the anatomy of the thorax, abdomen, upper extremity, neck, head and brain. In addition, the structure, function and details of bones and joints of the body will be covered. In the lab portion of this course, we have the invaluable opportunity to use cadavers to directly observe the anatomical structures discussed.

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Oral Microbiology and immunology- core OMB 612


The overall goals of this course are to provide students with: (1) a basic background in microbiology, including the nomenclature, structure, physiology, genetics, mechanisms of pathogenesis, and clinical manifestations associated with the major pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and viruses); (2) an understanding of how the basic principles of microbiology are integral to effective diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious disease, and (3) a basic background in immunology including the functions and disorders of the immune system.

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Operative Dentistry (Lab) ODL 981


The Course provides Laboratory instruction in instrumentation, development of cavity preparation, and provisional restorations. Cavities fabricated and restorative materials placed with attention to outline form, retention and resistance form, line and point angles, reestablishment of tooth morphology, occlusion contact placement, and function.

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Dental Biomaterials – core RDM 631


This theoretical course provides the students with the basic science of materials used in Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry. The course will discuss the composition, handling characteristics, mechanical and physical properties of these materials and how it affects their use in practice. It also will provide a perspective on the advancements in newly developed materials or improvements to those currently in use.

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Biostatistics and Research Methodology –core BRM 702


  • This course describes the scientific methods of conducting research and study design. In addition, it aids students in planning clinical and laboratory studies as well as the critical evaluation of scientific studies.
  • This course introduces students to basis of biostatistics methodology with a focus on avoiding pitfalls in designing research statistics including:

Types of data- mathematical presentation- tabular presentation- graphical presentation- types of samples- t test- f test- chi square test- types of studies, principles of research design. The course is directed to Master students in any other department in Faculty.

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Bioethics and law-core BEL 703


Professional Ethics Development is designed to explore the personal and professional values of the dental student and the dental health professional. The course provides a historical and conceptual framework of dentistry, and presents the profession's code of ethics as well as explores some current ethical and legal issues affecting professional practice. The purpose of the course is to assist students in the transition from undergraduate school to professional school and ultimately into knowledgeable, skilled, and caring professionals. Students discuss the school's code of conduct and identify common values of the class, participate in case-based discussions and writing assignments to raise awareness about the personal and professional values involved in dental school and dental practice.

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Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry-I and II (Topic I & II) ODFI - 980 & ODF-II 980


These courses present great guide to understanding the basics of dentistry (Restorative). They also provide valuable information for understanding the scientific basis for current treatment options in dentistry. There will be a thorough progress through the processes of tooth preparation and restoration of the carious lesion as it presents in the clinical setting. They contain all the basics of Operative Dentistry and have expanded to include the current techniques and materials. Such as caries etiology, recent advances in caries removal methods, techniques of managing deep carious lesions & non carious lesions, causes of dentin hypersensitivity, how to overcome this problem and pretreatment of dentine before placement of restorations the adhesion and bonding have been included. Enamel and dentin adhesion and on resin composite restorations have been substantially revised to incorporate the latest evidence. Esthetic dentistry trends and techniques have also been broadened. Esthetic concepts will be discussed, occlusion and restoration so that patient needs may be addressed. Recent esthetic treatment modalities including smile analyses, macro and micro-abrasion, dental bleaching & laminate veneers. The courses combine proven methods with the latest scientific developments in Preventive Dentistry. Current concepts in caries management, badly destructed teeth and remineralization are presented, as is preservation of pulpal health. The rationale for appropriate materials selection depending upon the health, risk status and concerns of the patient will be addresses. Occlusion and restorative dentistry.

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Operative Dentistry (clinic-I& II) ODC-I 982& ODC-II 982


The students will experience clinical participation in routine operative dentistry procedures. Special attention is given to diagnosis, treatment planning, and the relationship of restorative dentistry to other disciplines.

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Pre-clinical Endodontic Techniques CET 984


In this course the students are required to perform endodontic treatment and retreatment procedures on extracted teeth. It is also mandatory to perform the pre-endodontic preparation of badly damaged teeth.

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Journal Club I JC 985


This weekly meeting helps the student develop the ability to critically evaluate assigned recent articles in the dental literature. These articles are focused on defined topics related to the science and art of Conservative and Esthetic Dentistry in applied and basic research.

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Theories and principles of pain control PPC 902


The course is designed to provide the student with in-depth post-operative pain management and an introduction to anxiety control of the dental patient. This will include consideration of the impact of prescribing practices and substance use disorder. Emphasis is placed on the psychology of pain, behavior techniques, nitrous oxide, oral and intravenous sedation, along with general anesthesia. Patient evaluation and the prevention and treatment of medical emergencies and management of anesthetic complications will be discussed. Prescription and medical consult writing exercises are given throughout the course.

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Conservative Dentistry Case Presentation (Seminar I) CDCPS 987


This course consists of case presentations given by students in semester 5 of the program. Cases presented include initial diagnosis and treatment planning, progress cases, problem cases, finished cases, and cases requiring interdisciplinary care

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Operative Dentistry ( clinic III ) ODC-III 982 & ODC-IV 982


The students will experience clinical participation in all phases of operative dentistry procedures with special emphasis on esthetics and on patients with multidisciplinary needs.

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Endodontics CDE 988


These courses are designed to provide the students with academic competence and analytical thinking to achieve a proper diagnosis of pulpal and periapical pain using different radiographic and diagnostic methods. The courses help the student to use the problem solving based capacity to deal with different clinical endodontic conditions. The student is expected to recognize the appropriate emergency treatment to manage pre-operative, inter-operative and postoperative symptoms. The courses also provide the students with academic abilities to formulate the proper emergency treatment plan and long term plan for traumatic injuries. The pharmacological approach to deal with pain and infection in Endodontics is also addressed.

The clinic part are designed to provide the students with the clinical skills to manage emergency endodontic treatment for anterior and posterior teeth, competently provide endodontic treatment for anterior, premolars and molar teeth.

Student will be able to manage traumatized anterior teeth.


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Pharmacology - core PH 1012


This course provides the students with the basic knowledge about the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medications for treatment of infections and inflammations of odontogenic and non-odontogenic origins, as well as drug interactions and dose calculations based on medical history and general health.

  • Pharmacokinetics, dynamics and uses of antimicrobials
  • Pharmacokinetics, dynamics and uses of analgesics and anti-inflammatory medications
  • Dose calculation and prescription.

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Diagnosis OD 1013


These courses are designed to provide the students with academic competence and analytical thinking to achieve a proper diagnosis of restorative clinical cases using different radiographic and diagnostic methods. The courses help the student to use the problem-solving based capacity to deal with different clinical restorative conditions with different restorative materials used and indications.

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Adhesives in conservative dentistry (Topic III adhesives) CDAA-I 991

-        Concepts of adhesion

-        Adhesion to enamel

-        Difficulties in bonding to dentin

-        Smear layer

-        Classification of adhesion according to :

  • Generation
  • Dealing with smear layer
  • Recent Venmearbeck

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Operative Dentistry (Clinic IV) ODC –IV 982


The students will experience clinical problem solving, establishment of treatment plan and proper selection of ideal restorations.

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Advanced Comprehensive Dental Clinic (CCC I) CDAC - 992


During clinical participation in this clinic the student will be involved in all phases of restorative dentistry including diagnosis, treatment plan, and fabricate restorations and prosthodontic devices for the patient. Special emphasis will be placed on the use of digital technology. The student is required to carry out clinical exercises to develop skills in applying cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) and digital technology for the assessment, planning, and treatment with implant restorations and multiple unit fixed partial dentures. Sequence of the treatment plan steps will be discussed with the students. Establishment of alternative treatment options.

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Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology-Core AOMR -903


This course consists of a series of lectures that deal with the fundamental of the production and interaction of x-rays. This is followed by the basics of radiation biology and radiation protection, production of the radiograph (physics, chemistry and technique), vision and perception. Additionally, the appearance of normal and pathologic tissues and structures on the radiographs will be covered. The various imaging methods of investigation will be also discussed such as Cone Beam CT and Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology: (1 Credit Hour)

This course consists of a series of lectures that deal with the fundamental of the production and interaction of x-rays. This is followed by the basics of radiation biology and radiation protection, production of the radiograph (physics, chemistry and technique), vision and perception. Additionally, the appearance of normal and pathologic tissues and structures on the radiographs will be covered. The various imaging methods of investigation will be also discussed such as Cone Beam CT and MRI.

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Advanced comprehensive dentistry Case Presentation (CCC II) CDACPS 995


This course consists of case presentations given by students in semester5 of the program. Cases presented include initial diagnosis and treatment planning, progress cases, problem cases, finished cases, and cases requiring interdisciplinary care.

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Recent advanced adhesives in conservative dentistry (topic IV adhesives)


The student will experience:

  • Recent trends in adhesive
  • Factors affecting adhesion
  • Novel methods of surface treatment before the application of an adhesive
  • Evidence based dentistry.

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Adhesives (Seminars II) SCD 997


This weekly series of seminars focuses on literature review of Esthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry technology and clinical techniques.

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Esthetic and conservative dentistry – topic V ESCD 997


The student will experience:

  • Esthetic problem solving.
  • Methods of solving esthetic problems.
  • Recent methods of bleaching.
  • Different types of veneers.
  • Indications and contraindications of veneers.
  • Methods of construction of dental veneers.
  • Recent methods of designing veneer preparation.
  • Digital smile analysis.
  • Hollywood smile (Recent methods of veneer preparation).

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Esthetic in conservative dentistry (seminar III) SCD 998


  • Evidence based dentistry.
  • Comparison between traditional and recent methods of solving esthetic problems.
  • Practicing digital dentistry including digital smile analysis and recent methods of construction of veneers.

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Advanced interdisciplinary Dental Clinic I & II CDAIC 996 I & CDAIC 996 II


This course will provide student experience in an integrated service-learning framework.  Students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to: work with an interdisciplinary team, communicate effectively, and understand factors that influence patient’s esthetic features. This course is also designed to assess student’s critical thinking skills in treatment planning and readiness for entry into the TEAM clinical patient care groups.

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Master Thesis CD-I &CD-II &CD-III


A topic for the thesis will be chosen for the student where she/he is expected to work under the supervision of one academic staff from the university. The student is expected to conduct and write up the thesis and defense his work at the end of his study.

  • Study proposal.
  • Completion of pilot study or studies.
  • Completion of data analysis.
  • First draft of thesis.
  • Final draft of thesis.

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Oral Pathology – core OPTH 600


  • Soft tissue lesions
  • Bone pathologies
  • Manifestations of Oral Cancer & early detection methods

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Oral Biology & Embryology- core OB 612


This course is designed to provide a comprehensive knowledge about dental and paradental tissues development, function and its relation to endodontic practice

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Head & Neck Anatomy- core ANT 631


It involves the anatomy of the skull, face and neck. It also includes study of the muscles and their enervation and blood supply.

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Oral Microbiology & Immunology- core OMB 612


This course provides in depth information about the microbiology of oral, periodontal and endodontic diseases and the immunological responses associated with these diseases. It includes the basic principles of immunology, etiology and pathogenesis of oral diseases.

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Advanced Endodontics- I AED-I 1000


This is a theoretical course consists of a series of lectures designed to introduce the graduate students to the major topics in Endodontics prior to beginning patient care. Furthermore, these lectures will cover a comprehensive revision of the basics in Endodontics including diagnosis and treatment, in addition to lectures on advanced topics of clinical relevance and its relation to dentine-pulp complex.

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Endodontic Specialty Clinic-I EDSC-I 1001


This is a clinical course that includes examination, diagnosis and treatment of patients requiring conventional root canal therapy and emergency Endodontics using classical and contemporary methods of treatment.

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Case Presentation I, II, III and IV EDCP-I & II&III&IV 1002


A written outline of case & biography relevant to the case should be prepared by the graduate student. The student present comprehensive sequential treatment planes for cases requiring special considerations. Presentation include: history examination, radiographs, photographs & diagnosis. Treatment plan & treatment accomplished & sub-sequent follow up.

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Endodontic Seminar-I and II&III EDS-I  & II &III 1004


Students are given background, and classic information on the core of advanced endodontic specialty. The course covers a selected up-to-date review of the endodontic classic literatures and topics. The evidence-based decision making, the evidence pyramid, the scientific method, internal and external research variables, evaluation of the literature, and research ethics will be discussed. Students will read assigned articles/topics by course director each session and prepare a summary. A discussion during seminars will highlight key points in each article and critically evaluate evidence presented and its application in endodontic practice.

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Bioethics and law- core BEL 703


This course introduces the student to the principles of research ethics.  It is required for all students performing research at the faculty.  The course trains for consent writing, ethics-oriented methodology and ethics of clinical trials. Issues related to professional ethics are discussed including code of professional conduct, ethical decision making and ethical principles in addition to ethical issues dentist face in relation to patients, society and colleagues.

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Dental Biomaterials- core RDM 631


This theoretical course provides the students with the basic science of materials used in Endodontics. The course will discuss the composition, handling characteristics, mechanical and physical properties of these materials and how it affects their use in practice. It also will provide a perspective on the advancements in newly developed materials or improvements to those currently in use.

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Pulp Biology BED 1003


This course provides a detailed description of dental pulp development, composition, structure, function and its interaction with other tissues during health and disease. It also covers the structure of dentine, chemical and physical properties and its relation with dental pulp. Detailed description of pulpal response to tooth injury and infection will be provided. In addition, pulpal inflammation and immunological reaction are covered thoroughly. Detailed review on the causes and mechanisms of dental pain is also covered in this course.

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Cariology-core CA 904


This course is designed to bring students to the current knowledge in the following topics: Introduction to dental caries, classification, etiology, microbiology, and epidemiology of dental caries. This course also covers sugar substitutes, saliva and dental caries, dental plaque, and diet nutrition.

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Advanced Endodontic Specialty Clinic-I AEDSC-I 1005

This is an advanced clinical course that includes treatment of more complex endodontic cases appropriate to the graduate students' stage of training in a structured approach including treatment of failed endodontic cases through surgical and nonsurgical therapy; using new techniques of RCT including various rotary NiTi instruments, ultrasonic and modern obturation techniques. (Log book for registration of all clinical cases during the program)

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Advanced Endodontics -II AED-II 1000


This course is a theoretical one consisting of a series of lectures in advanced endodontic topics that includes treatment of different injuries of the teeth, Geriatric Endodontics and management of procedural errors in Endodontics and retreatment.

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Biostatistics and Research Methods -core BRM 702


  •  This course describes the scientific methods of conducting research and study design. In addition, it aids students in planning clinical and laboratory studies as well as the critical evaluation of scientific studies.
  • This course introduces students to basis of biostatistics methodology with a focus on avoiding pitfalls in designing research statistics including:

types of data- mathematical presentation- tabular presentation- graphical presentation- types of samples- t test- f test- chi square test- types of studies- principles of research design. The course is directed to Master students in any other department in Faculty.

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Advanced Endodontic Specialty Clinic-II AEDSC-II 1005


These courses are a continuation of the previous clinical courses with yet more advanced clinical cases including cases with challenging diagnosis, endodontic emergencies and management of flare ups, vital pulp therapy, non-vital bleaching, trauma cases, root resorption cases and endodontic treatment in medically compromised patients and follow up cases from the previous year.

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Literature Review &Scientific writing – core LR 611


  • This course introduces students to basis of literature reviewing, sources and methods.
  • It introduces postgraduate students to the basis of scientific writing focusing on proposal writing
  • The course stresses writing basics including grammar, punctuation and style issues. Publication ethics are discussed. Templates for Introduction, Material and Methods as well as References are discussed. Hand on training using assignment provides practical experience on writing a proposal.

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Current Endodontic Literature Review-I & II EDLR-I& II 1006


The seminar series given during the second and third years are designed to provide the student with in-depth knowledge of the literature, as well as develop, consolidate and enhance his range of academic standards.

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Multidisciplinary seminar MDS 1007


This seminar given in the second year will help the student to build up his knowledge of the literature in the field of integrated endodontic treatment. The program brings advances in student’s knowledge to address the pressing endo-perio lesions, endo-ortho relationships, endo-resto relationships and Pediatric endodontics needs of his patients.

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Implant Dentistry in relation to Endodontics ID 1011


This course can assist endodontist in making the right decision when they deciding which rout to take; endodontic treatment to save the natural tooth or extraction and osseointegrated implant. Implant replacement appear to be a new treatment modality to restore the non-restorable natural tooth which need extraction. This has led to consider that single tooth implant is a part of endodontic treatment programs.

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Advanced Endodontic Specialty Clinic-III and IV AEDSC-III&IV 1005


These courses are designed to reinforce the competency and confidence of graduate students treating various endodontic cases, in addition to reinforce their ability to make judgments to build proper diagnosis, treatment planning and assessment of treatment outcomes. This will eventually prepare the graduate student to pursue his/her career as an endodontic specialist. At the end of these courses the students are expected to submit a log book including the treatment of a specified number of comprehensive cases including their management and follow up.

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Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology-core OMR 903


This course consists of a series of lectures that deal with the fundamental of the production and interaction of x-rays. This is followed by the basics of radiation biology and radiation protection, production of the radiograph (physics, chemistry and technique), vision and perception. Additionally, the appearance of normal and pathologic tissues and structures on the radiographs will be covered. The various imaging methods of investigation will be also discussed such as Cone Beam CT and Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology and MRI.

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Elective-I & II ELC 701


The candidates are required to choose appropriate elective course from the list in each Elective course.

List of courses:

  1. Local and general anesthesia in Dentistry
  2. Advanced Pharmacology in Dentistry
  3. Medical emergencies
  4. Medical Problems in Dentistry
  5. Local anesthesia and sedation.
  6. Theories and principals of pain control

Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

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Oral and Dental Traumatology ODT 1009


This course covers all aspects related to oral and dental trauma including epidemiology, diagnosis and management of trauma as well as diagnosing and management of non-accidental injuries.

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Pharmacology & Drug interaction PH 1012


This course provides the students with the basic knowledge about the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of midications for treatment of infection and inflammation of odontogenic and non-odontogenic origins as well as drug interactions and dose calculations based on medical history and general health.

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Multidisciplinary clinic –I&II MDC-I & II 1008


At the end of these courses, the graduate student will be able to develop the skills required for managing complex treatment for a variety of cases of multidisciplinary aspects and be familiar with the variation in treatment techniques according to every situation. This clinical course will help the students to recognize the importance of clear treatment aims based on the problem list. The students will be able to perform clinical endodontic treatment in integration with other related specialties at higher standards of clinical competencies within the comprehensive treatment model.

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Oral Medicine & Diagnosis OMD 1013


This course allows the students to recognize the etiology, diagnosis, radiographic and clinical features of different oral lesions. Also, it gives the students important informations about different infectious diseases in relation to endodontic treatment.

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Master Thesis END –I & II & III


A topic for the thesis will be chosen for the student where she/he is expected to work under the supervision of one academic staff from the university. The student is expected to conduct and write up the thesis and defense his work at the end of his study.

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Current Topics in Endodontics EDCT 1010


 Students in this course present the evaluation of current information in Endodontics and related disciplines in a journal club format. It includes special emphasis on research methodology and the contribution of current research to advances in Endodontics. Through this course the students will also learn how to explore and criticize dental literature from all sources available

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Endodontic Specialty Clinic –II and III EDSC-II &III 1001


This is an advanced clinical course that includes examination, diagnosis and management of patients requiring wide range of endodontic therapy with advanced techniques as CT, CBCT and surgical microscope. It also includes follow up for the patients treated in clinical training

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Fixed Prosthodontics (Phantom) FPR 600


To introduce the student to the basic Knowledge of Fixed Prosthodontics and the sequence of fabrication of Fixed Prosthetics that enables them to understand biomechanical principles of tooth preparation, Performing different designs of extra-coronal single tooth preparation

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Laboratory Procedures for Prosthodontics RPR 600


This course is designed for dental practitioners who wish to further their knowledge in principles of removable prosthodontics. It especially compromise to complete training in the laboratory procedures for removable and implant supported prostheses related to complete and removable partial denture designs. The course stress on laboratory steps required to fabricate both complete and removable partial denture.

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Dental Biomaterials RDM631


The course aims to provide students with highly qualified skills and technical experience about the properties and behaviour of dental biomaterials with their advanced applications in dentistry.Morever provide graduate able to conduct researche through thesis research or projects.

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Anatomy of the Head and Neck ANT 631


  • Head & neck Anatomical sections
  • Anatomy of Maxilla & Mandible
  • Muscles of Mastication & Muscles of Facial expression
  • Salivary Glands
  • Temporo-mandibular Joint
  • Maxillary Sinus

Tongue &oro-pharynx

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Infection control CD 601


  • Cycle of infection transmission & spread in dental setting
  • Blood-borne infections
  • Risk situations & methods of transmission
  • Personal Protective barriers
  • Levels of Disinfection & Sterilization
  • Exposure control & management
  • Policies & Incident reports

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Preclinical removable complete and partial Prosthodontics RPR 672

This course is designed for dental practitioners who wish to further their knowledge in removable prosthodontics. It especially compromise to prepare training in the laboratory procedures for removable and implant supported prostheses related to complete and removable partial denture designs. The course will stress on pre-clinical training required to fabricate prostheses.

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Literature Review LR 611


This course is designed to prepare candidates to write a research, provide a description and summarization of the surveyed books, articles and any other sources relevant to topics related to implantology and prosthodontics. Special emphasis is placed on critical evaluation and clarification of the problem being investigated. Research should be based on the principles of evidence-based health care and critical review of the dental literature.

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Oral Radiology Elective ELC701


This course is designed to provide the advanced clinical and technical information and skills for proper selection of appropriate x-ray technique and to give advanced knowledge in oral and maxillofacial radiology to the master degree students. It introduces the student to different radiographic modalities in dental implantology field. This course will enable the student to trouble shoot technical errors in radiographs, prescribe the necessary radiographs in patients, and interpret radiographs in a systematic manner. The course aims to develop in the student the foundation of photography used in dentistry with different tools and equipment that enables building proper data base for a patient

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Fixed Prosthodontics (fundamentals) FPR 672


  • Introduction to Fixed Prosthodontics:
  • Terminology
  • Basic Principles of Tooth Preparation
  • Retention & Resistance
  • Structural durability
  • Marginal integrity
  • Biological & Esthetic
  • Preparation for Full Metal cast Crown
  • Indications
  • Advantages, Disadvantages
  • Preparation & Modifications

- Ceramo-metal tooth preparations

- All ceramic tooth preparation

Fabrication of a single restoration &FPD provisional restoration Functions, requirements and Techniques

  • Working models and dies
  • Materials and techniques
  • Waxing up Spruing and investing

- Burnout and casting

- Finishing and polishing

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Clinical Prosthodontics PR 600


This course is designed to provide the candidate with basic and advanced knowledge about the principles of soft tissue management and the details of their surgical techniques prior and during implant treatment process, bone grafts, variable augmentation techniques, suturing, as well as, the different materials used.

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Dental Implant I & Pre- prosthetics treatments PR 622


This course aims to provide the postgraduate students with evidence-based core knowledge

and advanced clinical skills in the placement and restoration of contemporary dental implants.


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Gnathology and Occlusion PR 632


  • Dentition
  • Periodontium
  • Temporomandibular joint
  • Muscles and ligaments
  • Muscle Function
  • Mandibular Positions and movements
  • Swallowing
  • Mastication
  • Speech
  • Physiology of Pain

- Basic jaw relations:

  • Occlusal plane
  • Vertical Dimension
  • Horizontal relation
  • Recording Media

- Articulators:

  • Fixed path
  • adaptable
  • axis locators

- Etiology of occlusion related disorders

- Anamnesis, and examination.

- Diagnosis - Treatment modalitie

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Rehabilitation of Total Edentulism RPR 781


  • The ageing process
  • Clinical Dental Care of old patients
  • Biomechanics of the edentulous state
  • Tissue response to complete dentures.
  • Improving the patient's denture foundation and ridge relations.
  • Creating facial and functional harmony with anterior teeth.
  • Appearance and functional anatomy of denture bases
  • Maintaining the comfort and health of the oral cavity in a rehabilitated edentulous patient.
  • Single dentures, Combination Syndrome
  • Post insertion denture problems

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Removable partial denture RPR 791


  • diagnosis and treatment planning.
  • Pre-Prosthetic mouth preparations
  • Biomechanical principles of RPD designs.
  • Abutments preparations
  • impression procedures for removable partial dentures..
  • fitting the metal framework.
  • recording maxillo-mandibular relation.
  • esthetics in removable partial dentures
  • try in and completion of waxed-up removable partial denture.
  • denture delivery and patient instructions
  • Post insertion complaints
  • Maintenance and rebasing of RPD
  • Repair and Addition.

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Dental Implants II PR 741


  • Classification and treatment plan for completely edentulous arches
  • Classification and treatment plan for partially edentulous arches
  • Prosthetic options in implant dentistry
  • Treatment Planning for the Edentulous anterior Maxilla
  • Treatment Planning for the Edentulous Posterior Maxilla
  • Mandibular Full-Arch Implant Fixed Prosthetic Options.
  • Impression making ( Implant level & Abutment level)
  • Impression making for over dentures
  • Procedures of constructing implant supported over dentures
  • Procedures of constructing implant supported screw retained restorations.
  • Complications and failure causes of implants

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Fixed Prosthodontics I FPR 781


  • Diagnosis and treatment planning for fixed Prosthodontics
  • Dental impression classifications and methods of impression making
  • Pontic designs
  • Fixed partial denture Connectors
  • Periodontal considerations in fixed Prosthodontics

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Fixed-removable Prosthodontics PR 751


  • Immediate dentures
  • Temporary and transitional dentures
  • Overdentures: classification, types
  • Sectional dentures
  • Attachments (classification, types)
  • Attachment considerations in fixed- removable Prosthodontics
  • Attachment considerations in complete and partial dentures
  • Selection of Precision Attachments
  • Success and failure of fixed-removable Prosthodontics.

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Advanced and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics RPR 7102


  • Hereditary and Developmental Considerations
  • Oral Pathology for maxillofacial prosthetics
  • Impression Techniques
  • Retention of prostheses
  • Intraoral prosthetics
  • Extraoral prosthetics
  • Cleft lip and Cleft Palate habilitation:
  • Prosthodontic rehabilitation
  • Cleft lip and Cleft Palate habilitation:
  • Associated disorders of speech
  • Pedodontic care
  • Orthodontic care
  • Dental care of Head and Neck Cancer Patients receiving Radiation Therapy.
  • Splints and stents
  • Cranial and Facial implants

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Fixed Prosthodontics II FPR 792


  • Metal Ceramic restorations Technique
    1. Waxing and casting procedures
    2. Porcelain application
  • Color science & shade selection
  • Introduction to Implant-supported fixed prostheses
  • Post and Core Fabrication
  • The role of the ferrule effect with regard to the prognosis of restored pulpless teeth
  • The various types of prefabricated posts available
  • The indications and contraindications of various foundation materials and techniques
  • Cementation techniques of different posts
  • Occlusal Interference Adjustment
  • Occlusal Splint (occlusal device)

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Case Based seminars PR 762


Course is a series of case presentation seminars discussing the diagnosis and treatment planning and treatment of specific clinical cases.

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Biostastistics and Research Methods BRM 702


 At the completion of this course candidates should:

  • Have improved knowledge and understanding of evidence-based dentistry.
  • Have an understanding of the process of developing and managing a research project.
  • Be able to statistically analyze data generated from a research project.
  • Have an understanding of the process of developing an acceptable thesis on a research project.

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