The Council of PUA’s Faculty of Dentistry convened to discuss key matters related to the faculty’s operations and future plans. The council approved the faculty’s new research plan and reviewed updates to the organizational structure of the Quality Assurance Unit. Additionally, the meeting focused on the tasks of various committees and approved the minutes of their previous meetings. A new grading rubric for student research was also adopted during the session.

The council further examined the annual plan for the Quality Unit, along with the internal training plan for faculty development. Members agreed to organize workshops aimed at familiarizing new appointees with academic standards and guiding them on the preparation of course files.

Prof. Dr. Amr Abdullah, Dean of the Faculty, emphasized the importance of ensuring a smooth start to the 2024/2025 academic year, urging department heads to implement effective measures for monitoring attendance through a QR Code system.

To conclude, the Dean encouraged faculty members, assistants, and students to actively participate in the Egypt Health Conference, taking place from October 10 to 12, 2024. Further, PUA will provide daily bus transportation for attendees, reflecting its commitment to supporting participation in important academic and professional events.