In alignment with its commitment to field training, a cornerstone of excellence for Pharos University in Alexandria (PUA) students, the Field Training Center organized an orientation week for students of the Faculty of Engineering. The event featured representatives from a diverse array of external training providers, including:

  • Engineers Syndicate
  • Egyptian Petrochemical Company
  • West Delta Electricity Production Company
  • Buhaira Joint Stock Company
  • Beton Engineering Company
  • Run Proff LLC
  • Egypt Experts Company
  • Alexandria National Refining and Petrochemicals Co. (ANRPIC)
  • International Projects and Contracting Co. (TradCo)
  • Afro Egypt Company
  • General Authority of Alexandria Port
  • Kasr Al Salam Company

The orientation aimed to acquaint students with the training sites, skills they will develop, and the role of each training provider in the specific fields of knowledge studied at the university.