As part of PUA’s Electrical Engineering Department preparation for the academic year of 2023/2022, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Gamal, Department’s Head, faculty members, and teaching assistants, held a welcome meeting for the freshmen students under the auspices of the Faculty’s Student Activities Department.
The ceremony began with an introductory video about the Department that showed the most significant posts, events, and activities organized by the Department. After that Prof. Dr. Department’s head delivered a speech, which clarified the nature of the Department’s courses, and the significance of the joint cooperation with the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden (KTH).
Furthermore, His speech emphasized the significance of the academic advising’s role in providing support and guidance to the students. It also tackled the participation of PUA’s Student Branch in IEEE-Egypt Make Electronics Initiative, and in its role in supporting students from an academic point of view.
At the end of the meeting, graduates were given the opportunity to share their practical experiences with the students and the role of the Department such experiences.