Within the scope of the Green Pharos: An Environmentally Friendly University Initiative, PUA’s Faculty of Dentistry organized workshops for faculty members and teaching assistants titled “Curriculum Development in the Era of Sustainable Dentistry.” Sponsored by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, these workshops sought to enhance awareness among faculty members about sustainability in dentistry.

The workshops delved into the concept of sustainability and its relevance to dentistry, elucidated the impact of environmental changes on oral and dental health, and underscored the influence of dental clinics on the environment. Furthermore, they introduced environmentally friendly practices in dental clinics, highlighted the latest technologies and products for sustainable dentistry, and emphasized providing exceptional care with a positive environmental impact.

Additionally, the workshops featured orientation and brainstorming sessions where participants classified sustainability goals, examined the causes of environmental footprints, and explored the direct and indirect effects of climate change on oral health. Subsequently, faculty members devised proposals for course development, integrating sustainability goals into educational curricula.