Creative Techniques in Directing

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Howaida Mostafa, Dean, PUA’s Faculty Mass Communication welcomed the renowned film director, Mr. Sameh El-Shawady. This was part of the editing and directing course for the 3rd year students, held in the presence of Dr. Sarah Al-Dawy, course lecturer, who gave a workshop entitled “Creative Techniques in Directing”.

The meeting was opened by Prof. Dr. Howaida Mostafa, with a welcoming speech for Mr. Sameh Al-Shawadi, in which she urged the students to fully utilize their practical experience. This would help them develop their directing skills and keep pace with the media labor market. She also urged him to repeat this workshop to increase the students’ opportunity in benefiting from his experience in this field.

Accordingly, Mr. Al-Shawadi shared his experiences with the students by presenting them in a practical way that further sharpens and develops the students’ creative skills in directing. He concluded the meeting with some advice to the 3rd year students.