اعلان هااااااااام

دورة التربية العسكرية ( باجازة نصف العام 2022)

الدورة ستعقد بالجامعة بنظام الحضور اليومى

في الفترة من 5/2/2022 حتى 17/2/ 2022

يحضرها الطلاب المتوقع تخرجهم فى دور فبراير 2022 اجبارياً

و يحضرها جميع طلاب الجامعة ماعدا الطلاب الملتحقين بالجامعة فى العام الجامعى 2021/2022

اخر موعد لحجز الدورة 22/12/2021

طريقة التسجيل و السداد: التوجه الى مكتب D030  بكلية اللغات والترجمة لاستخراج حافظة السداد و سدادها بالخزينة ثم تسليمها مره اخرى بنفس المكتب .


عقيد مهندس / محمد فاروق احمد فهمى

                                                                                      المنسق العام للتربية العسكرية بالجامعة


اعلان هاااام بخصوص دورات التربية العسكرية صيف 2020

تقرر حضور طلاب الفرقة الاولى بالجامعة لدورات التربية العسكرية مقسمين كالاتى :

الدورة الثانية يحضرها طلاب كلية الصيدلة  +  كلية العلاج الطبيعى

+ كلية الدراسات القانونية اجبارياً في الفترة من 8/8/2020 حتى 21/8/2020

الدورة الثالثة يحضرها طلاب كلية طب الاسنان + كلية العلوم المالية

+كلية الفنون و التصميم + كلية اللغات و الترجمة  اجبارياً

في الفترة من 22/8/ 2020حتى 3/9/2020

الدورة الرابعة يحضرها طلاب كلية الهندسة + كلية الاعلام + كلية السياحة

+ كلية العلوم الطبية اجبارياً

في الفترة من 5/9/2020 حتى 17/9/2020

علما بان جميع الدورات سيتم عقدها Online

وسيتم اعلان اسماء الطلاب المحتم حضورهم علي الموقع الرسمى للجامعة

المنسق العام للتربية العسكرية بالجامعة

عقيد مهندس / محمد فاروق احمد فهمى 

الدورة الثانية صيف 2020

الدورة الثالثة صيف 2020

الدورة الرابعة صيف 2020


Important Announcement

All PUA Egyptian male students, who were born in the 2000s and have not submitted their military service card (Form #6), should instantly obtain it issued by the Conscription Officer in the Police Station they are affiliated with, in order not to be enlisted in the army till the age of 28. This is made pursuant to the Egyptian Military Service Law No.127, enacted in 1980, and the Egyptian Military Service Law No.152, enacted in 2009. The students hereby must submit the certificates or forms of their military status; as stipulated by the Egyptian Military Service Law No. 127, Article (45), otherwise they will be barred from obtaining their results

Admission Open for New Military Education Course

Pursuant to the resolutions passed by the Supreme Council of Universities and the Military and Popular Defence Forces with regard to the military education courses to be held in the mid-year of 2020, it has been agreed upon the following:

  1. PUA students who graduate in February, July or September semesters for the academic year 2019-2020 are OBLIGED to attend the military education course to be held from 25/1/2020 to 6/2/2020 in the mid-year break.
  2. PUA students of different academic classes are entitled to attend this course as well.

Registration and Payment Procedures

  • Heading to room D007 at the faculty of Languages and Translation to receive the course slip.
  • Payment is made at CIB prior to 19 December, 2019, taking into consideration that registration is accepted on a first come, first served basis until the limit of 500 students is reached.
  • After course registration is completed, the student should submit his deposit slip, the bank-stamped receipt and a copy of his national ID to the Conscription and Military Education Office at the Administration Building.
  • Students who are enrolled at Pharos University for the academic years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 SHOULD head to the Conscription and Military Education Office at the Administration Building without paying the course registration fees.
  • The course is held at the campus of Pharos University

Military Education Course Announcement

The Conscription and Military Education Office holds a military education course during the mid-year break from 26/1/2019 to 7/2/2019 for PUA students who are expected to be graduated in the fall, spring and summer semesters of the academic year 2018-2019. Attendance is compulsory. Students of other academic classes are allowed to attend the course as well.

Registration and Payment Procedures:

  • Heading to the vouchers-issuance office at Humanities Building (D 007) to get the course voucher.
  • Payment is made at any CIB branch in Egypt.
  • The student should then hand in their deposit slip and the bank-stamped voucher to the Conscription and Military Education Office.


The deadline for vouchers issuance and payment in CIB is Thursday, December 12, 2018.

  • Admission Is Open for New Military Education Courses

Pursuant to the resolutions passed by the Supreme Council of Universities and the Military and Popular Defence Forces in regard to the military education courses to be held in summer 2019, it has been agreed upon the following:

  1. The students who graduate in July or September 2019 SHOULD attend the first military education course to be held from 15/6/2019 to 27/6/2019.
  2. Students of all PUA faculties are NOT eligible to register for the courses of their academic final year before successfully completing the military education course. Accordingly, junior students are OBLIGED to attend one of the following military education courses:
  • The second course is held from 29/6/2019 to 11/7/2019.
  • The third course is held from 13/7/2019 to 25/7/2019.
  • The fourth course is held from 27/7/2019 to 8/8/2019.

Registration and Payment Procedures:

  • Heading to room D007 at the faculty of Languages and Translation to receive the course slip.
  • Payment is made at CIB prior to 20 April, 2019.
  • The student should then submit their deposit slip and the bank-stamped payment slip to the Conscription and Military Education Office at the Administration Building.
  • Excuses and delays are not allowed. Registration is made on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Courses are held in the campus of Pharos University.

An Announcement

  • The 2nd Course of Military Education

The Conscription and Military Education Office holds the second course of military education on Saturday 07/07/2018.

An Announcement

  • The 1st Course of Military Education

The Conscription and Military Education Office holds the first course of military education on Saturday 23/6/2018.

 An Announcement  

  • Military Education Center — Announcement

The Conscription and Military Education Office holds four military education courses during the summer holidays. Below is listed the times of courses:
1. The first course from 23/6/2018 to 5/7/2018.
2. The second course from 7/7/2018 to 19/7/2018.
3. The third course from 21/7/2018 to 2/8/2018.
4. The fourth course from 4/8/2018 to 16/8/2018.
Those students who are graduated in the academic year 2017-2018 (Spring Semester) are obliged to attend the military education course. Students from other academic classes are allowed to attend the course as well.
Registration and Payment Procedures:
• Heading to the vouchers-issuance office at the faculty of Engineering to get the course voucher.
• Payment is made at CIB.
• The student should then hand in their deposit slip and the bank-stamped voucher to the Conscription and Military Education Office for registration and receiving the card of the military course.
• Students are advised to book a place on the courses early. Limited Numbers.

The Director of the Military Education Office at Pharos University : Colonel Eng. Mohamed Farouq Ahmed Fahmy


An Announcement

  • Military Education Center — Announcement

The Conscription and Military Education Office holds a military education course during the mid-year break for PUA students from 20/1/2018 to 1/2/2018. Those students who are graduated in the academic year 2017-2018 (Fall / Spring), are obliged to attend the military education course: a prerequisite for graduation. Students from other academic classes are allowed to attend the course as well.
Registration and Payment Procedures:
• Heading to the vouchers-issuance office at the faculty of Engineering to get the course voucher.
• Payment is made at CIB.
• The student should then hand in their deposit slip and the bank-stamped voucher to the Conscription and Military Education Office for registration and receiving the card of the military course.
• The deadline for vouchers issuance and payment is 28/12/2017.

The Director of the Military Education Office at Pharos University : Colonel Eng. Mohamed Farouq Ahmed Fahmy


  • An Announcement

The Conscription and Military Education Office announces the registration open for the military education courses which are held from 10/6/2017 to 10/8/2017.

Registration and Payment Procedures:

  • Heading to the vouchers issuance office at the faculty of Engineering to have one for attending the course.
  • Payment should be at CIB.
  • The students should thereafter hand in their deposit slip and the bank-stamped voucher to the Conscription and Military Education Office for registration and receiving the card of the military course.
  • The deadline for vouchers issuance and payment is 11/5/2017.

Dates listed below are the official start dates of the military education courses:

  • The first phase: from 10/6/2017 to 22/6/2017.
  • The second phase: from 1/7/2017 to 13/7/2017.
  • The third phase: from 15/7/2017 to 27/7/2017.
  • The fourth phase: from 29/7/2017 to 10/8/2017.


Military Education Courses (4 Courses)
From 10/6/2017 to 10/8/2017

  • For more information:

Contact Colonel Mohamed Farouq at the Administration Building, the Conscription and Military Education Office on the first floor.


  • The Conscription and Military Education Office holds a military education course during the mid-term break for PUA students. Those students who are graduated in Fall and Spring semesters for the academic year 2016-2017, are obliged to attend the military education course; a must for finishing the graduation procedures.

Students from other academic classes are allowed to attend the course as well.

Registration and Payment Procedures:

  • Heading to the vouchers-issuance office at the faculty of Engineering to have one for attending the course.
  • An amount should be paid in CIB.
  • Afterwards, the student should hand in their deposit slip and the bank-stamped voucher to the Conscription and Military Education Office for registration and receiving the card of the military course.
  • The deadline for vouchers issuance and payment is 29/12/2016.

The Director of the Military Education Office at Pharos University

Colonel Eng. Mohamed Farouq Ahmed Fahmy
