Students Rules and Regulations ELC Spring 2025 ELC – Rules and Regulation Spring 2025 ELC Fall 2024 ELC FALL 2024 – STUDENTS RULES AND REGULATIONS. ELC SUMMER 2024 ELC Summer 2024 – Students Rules and Regulations. ELC SPRING 2024 ELC Spring 2024 Student Rules and Regulations SPRING 2023 ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTRE SPRING 2023 STUDENT RULES AND REGULATIONS Dear students, It is important that you read the following rules and regulations carefully. Sessions Your classes run twice a week. You are obliged to attend both even though one is face to face andthe other is Attendance is taken on both sessions. As mentioned above, one of your sessions is face to face (on campus – in one of the ELC classes)and the other is online (on Blackboard). You can submit your answer to the Blackboard task at any time during the specified If you are registered in group A, then session one is face to face and session two is on Blackboard. If you are registered in group B, then session one is on Blackboard and session two is face to face. Blackboard classes You are enrolled on TWO different English language classes on Blackboard: 1- Collective Group: In this class, you will attend the recorded session and you will have an exercise after each recording.Attendance is calculated on both watching the video and answering the questions in due time. If youfail to do either, you will be counted absent. You can submit your answer to the Blackboard task at any time during the specified day. Submission at a later day means you are counted absent. 2- Your Group Code Class: In this class, you will find your writing assignments. Please make sure you submit them before the deadline; otherwise they will not be corrected, and you will also be counted absent. Attendance forthe online classes are counted on both types of tasks: the one you answer in the collective class andthe other in the group code class. You can reach out to your teacher if you have any questions, but make sure to ask respectfully, andgive the teacher enough time to answer. If you have any questions related to registration or attendance, send an email to Punctuality and Attendance: You are obliged to attend in the group assigned to you at You can know the place and time of your class by visiting your power campus dashboard (if you registered via power campus) or by visiting PUA website (if you registered via the google form). Your classes run according to the announced schedule, so you have to refer to your timetable on Power Campus to make sure you are not missing any of your classes. You MUST be in class on time and stay till the class It is important that you hear your name called by your instructor at the beginning of each class, and that you answer “Present” in a clear and loud voice. If you come 15 to 30 minutes late, you are half Bear in mind that every 2 half absences count as ONE class absence. If you are more than 30 minutes late, you are You can attend the class if you have your books. If you come to class without a course-book and/or a workbook, you will be considered absent. Absence is met by the following: A first warning will be issued when your absence exceeds 10% of the sessions (face to face and online sessions are counted). A second warning will be issued when your absence exceeds 20% of the sessions (face to face and online sessions arecounted). A forced withdrawal (FW) will be issued if your absence exceeds 25% of the sessions (face to face and online classes are counted). Warnings will be posted regularly through the power campus if you registered via powercampus; but if you registered via the google form, then your warnings via PUA It is important for you to check the ELC bulletin board, PUA website and your Blackboard forimportant Excuses: You will be excused for your absence only in case of sending an appeal with a medical excusefrom the university All medical excuses should be followed up on through Room D101. You will also be excused for your absence in case you are traveling abroad. However, you willneed to present your passport to prove your departure and arrival dates and write an appeal via your You will be compensated for the sessions you have missed as well as quizzes in case yourappeal has been approved by the Vice President of Admission and Registration. Course work distribution: These are the assessment tasks you are required to take during the semester: Midterm exam: (20 marks) Week 8 Listening test: (10 marks) Week 13 Writing test: (10 marks) Week 14 Speaking test: (10 marks) Week 15 Final exam: (50 marks) Week 17 All quizzes will be conducted as announced by your teacher in their agreed-on time slots in the semester and you will be notified ahead of time through You can always visit the PUA website and the ELC bulletin board for exam schedules. In the case of absence during a test, you will need to provide a written excuse for the makeup test through your academic advisor, submitted to PUA Vice President for Admission and Once the ELC receives the approval, youwill be scheduled for a makeup quiz/ exam. Plagiarism are cheating are denounced at the Hence, you are not allowed to copy any published material or a colleague’s work. If proven, an incident report will be issued and the whole mark of the exam will be deducted. Books: All books are available according to the announced Please check PUA website for theplace and time of distribution. Once your payment is confirmed for your English course, you will not be allowed to attend theclass without both books (course book & workbook). Code of Conduct and Ethics: Smoking is completely prohibited inside both the classroom and on the ELC floor. You are not allowed to eat or to drink any beverages, except for water, inside the classroom duringlecture You are accountable for the cleanliness of your desk and You are to switch your mobile phone off or to put it on silent mode during lecture In case ofemergencies, you can use it outside the classroom only with permission from the teacher. Any misconduct will be met with an appropriate penalty by the ELC according to the degree ofeach case.