Creative Writing Workshop:
“INKED”, is a Creative Writing Workshop for writing lovers. This 1st phase of the workshop is a 3-day platform intended to create a PUA writers’ community where we can share all our thoughts in an elaborative manner, with no restrictions, or just write and merely muse about them. It’s a non-evaluative, free of charge workshop.
A lot of activities were prepared. Throughout the workshop, participants will write, scaffolded by texts, and even get the chance to create their own world, themes, and characters.
For attendeesto :
- have hands-on experience in writing.
- express their ideas freely & extensively.
- be exposed to diverse ideas, schools of thought, and backgrounds.
- be able to produce different genres of texts (non-fiction, fiction: short stories, poetry, novellas etc …)
discuss different topics and write about them.
Date and Time:
Tuesday 27/02/18, Tuesday 06/03/18, & Tuesday 20/03/18 from 12:30 to 03:30 in room D131.
No prior experience in writing needed.