Google Drive Essentials (Organize, Share, Application and Collaborate) 

Date: 17-19/12/2024

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Angy Saleh – Reham Refaat – Mohamed Taha

Attendees: Members of the university’s administration, including Quality Assurance Center and Units secretary, Deans secretary of All Faculties, and Vice-President secretaries of the University.

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Microsoft Office PowerPoint – Advanced Level

Date: 12/12/2024

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Yasser Abdel-Aziz – Yasser Abdel-Aziz

Attendees: Faculties Staff members and teaching assistants who have experience in dealing professionally with the program

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Microsoft Access Basics – Level 1  

Date: 03/12/2024 ، 05/12/2024 ، 10/12/2024

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Mohamed Taha – Nehal Essam

Attendees: Members of the university’s administration, including Quality Assurance Center and Units secretary, Deans secretary of All Faculties.

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Microsoft Office Excel -Advanced Level

Date: 28/11/2024

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Maher Habashy – Angy Saleh

Attendees: Faculties Staff members and teaching assistants who have experience in dealing professionally with the program

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Basics Microsoft Office Access (Level 1)  

Date: 26/11/2024

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Mohamed Taha – Reham Refaat

Attendees: Faculties Staff members and teaching assistants .

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Microsoft Office PowerPoint for professionals: Master the Art of Creating Engaging Presentations

Date: 14/11/2024

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Mohamed Taha – Nehal Essam

Attendees: Faculties Staff members , secretaries and administrators from inside and outside the university who have experience dealing with the program and need to develop their skills

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Basics Microsoft Office Access (Level 1)  

Date: 12/11/2024

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Mohamed Taha – Reham Refaat

Attendees: Faculties Staff members and teaching assistants .

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Microsoft Office PowerPoint – Advanced Level

Date: 29/10/2024

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Yasser Abdel-Aziz – Nehal Essam

Attendees: Faculties Staff members and teaching assistants

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Microsoft Office Excel – Advanced Level 

Date: 22/10/2024

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Maher Habashy – Angy Saleh

Attendees: Faculties Staff members and teaching assistants who have experience dealing with the program

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Microsoft Access Database

Date: 23-24/9/2024

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Yasser Abdel-Aziz – Nehal Essam

Attendees: Faculties Staff members , teaching assistants , and secretaries in charge of establishing a database at Faculty of Arts and Design and Quality Assurance Center secretary at the university

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Microsoft Office Excel– Advanced Level 

Date: 30/4/2024

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Mohamed Taha – Amany Adel

Attendees: Faculties Staff members and teaching assistants who have experience in dealing professionally with the program

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Microsoft Office PowerPoint – Advanced Level

Date: 23/04/2024

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Yasser Abdel-Aziz – Nehal Essam

Attendees: Faculties Staff members and teaching assistants who have experience in dealing professionally with the program

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Microsoft Office Access – Advanced Level (2)

Date: 16/4/2024

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Mohamed Taha – Yasser Abdel-Aziz

Attendees: The university secretaries, who attended the Microsoft Access Advanced Level (1) training course, so that they can fully benefit from the training course.

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Optimizing Computer Skills and Resources:

Effective Printing and Formatting in Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat

Date: 07/02/2024

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Mohamed Taha – Yasser Abdel-Aziz

Attendees: University Copy Center and University printing press

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Microsoft Office Publisher for Beginners:

 Learn the Essentials of Creating Flyers, Brochures, and More

Date: 26/12/2023

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Nehal Essam – Reham Refaat

Attendees: Faculties Staff members , teaching assistants , secretaries and administrators from inside and outside the university who have experience in dealing with the program and need to develop their skills

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Microsoft Office Word Secrets Tips:

Learn the Advanced Techniques That the Pros Use

Date: 19/12/2023

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Amany Adel – Yasser Abdel-Aziz

Attendees: Faculties Staff members , teaching assistants, secretaries and administrators from inside and outside the university who have experience in dealing with the program and need to develop their skills

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger


Date: 26/9/2023

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Maher Habashy – Mohamed Taha – Angy Saleh – Amany Adel

Attendees: Faculties Staff members , secretaries and administrators at the university who have experience dealing with the program and need to develop their skills

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Date: 19/9/2023

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Mohamed Taha – Maher Habashy – Angy Saleh

Attendees: University secretaries and administrators who have experience dealing with the program and need to develop their skills

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger


Date: 12/9/2023

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Maher Habashy – Mohamed Taha – Angy Saleh

Attendees: Faculties Staff members and teaching assistants who have experience dealing with the program and need to develop their skills

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Date: 22/8/2023

Location: F528 – PUA- Computer Center Lab

Instructor: Maher Habashy – Mohamed Taha – Angy Saleh – Amany Adel

Attendees: Administrators and secretaries who have experience dealing with the program and need to develop their skills

Under supervision of:

Assoc.Prof . Mohamed I.Badawi
Computer Center Manger

Microsoft Office Excel (Advanced Level)

Date: Tuesday 16/05/2023

Location: Laboratories of Computer Center

Instructor: Mr. Mohamed taha
Mr. Maher Habashy

Attendees: Staff Members from all Faculties

Under supervision of:

Assoc. Prof. Mohamed Ismail Badawi

Microsoft Office Excel (Advanced Level)

Date: Tuesday 09/05/2023

Location: Laboratories of Computer Center

Instructor: Mr. Mohamed taha
Mr. Maher Habashy

Attendees: Staff Members from all Faculties

Under supervision of:

Assoc. Prof. Mohamed Ismail Badawi

Microsoft Office Access “Database Management System Using Microsoft Access “

Date: 29/01/2023 – 01/02/2023

Location: Laboratories of Computer Center

Instructor: Mr. Mohamed taha
Mr. Maher Habashy

Mr. Yasser AbdEl-Aziz

Attendees: Staff Members from all Faculties

Under supervision of:

Assoc. Prof. Mohamed Ismail Badawi

Database Management System using Microsoft Access Workshop.

Date: 25-26/01/2021

Location: Laboratories of Computer Center

Instructor: Mr. Mohamed taha
Mr. Yasser Abd El-Aziz

Attendees: Staff Members from all Faculties

Under supervision of Dr. Mona Abo Ouf

Manipulating, Analyzing & Reporting data using Microsoft Excel Workshop.

Date: 14-16/12/2020

Location: F526-F528

Instructor: Mr. Mohamed taha
Mr. Maher habashy

Attendees: Staff Members from all Faculties

Under supervision of Dr. Mona Abo Ouf

End of Semester Celebration