The Computer Engineering Department at the PUA’s Faculty of Engineering organized a ceremony to welcome a new batch of students. This ceremony was attended by a group of faculty members and teaching assistants. It began with an opening speech by the Department’s Academic Supervisor, in which he welcomed the new students. Further, it included a discussion about the students’ expectations from the Department and their prospects during their 4 academic year of studying computer engineering.


Furthermore, the students proposed their ideas about the desire to learn some of the modern technologies currently trending in the job market. They were also advised to invest their time in self-education, and not to solely depend on academic courses to develop and sharpen their skills. This is to keep pace with the ever-changing and developing computer engineering fields, which is reflected in the labor market and emerging companies.


In addition, the students learned about the Department’s student chapter (ACM) and its various activities that seek to create a collective spirit among the students and encourage creativity.