Important Announcement   The Field Training Center announces the availability of training opportunities for students of the Faculty of Engineering (Mechanical, Electric, Civil, and Architectural Engineering Departments), as well as the Faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences. These training opportunities are offered at Mosahmet Al Behera Company. For more information and registration, kindly visit the... Continue Reading

A Meeting with the Presentation Follow-Up Committee

PUA’s Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs held a meeting with the Presentation Follow-up Committee. Through a presentation, the meeting reviewed the items of the student evaluation follow-up form, the Committee’s role, tasks, and work mechanism. Furthermore, the Acting Vice President recognized the efforts of Faculties’ unit managers and their role... Continue Reading


PUA’s Field Training Center announces the availability of training opportunities for students of the Computer Engineering Department at the Faculty of Engineering. The training is offered at Egypt Experts for Software and Hardware, and is scheduled during the mid-year vacation. For registrations, kindly head to the Field Training Center in the theoretical building, first floor,... Continue Reading

PUA Signs a Cooperation Protocol with Afro Egypt

Pharos University in Alexandria (PUA) pays great attention to field training for its impact on developing students’ capabilities, qualifying them for the labor market, and increasing their ability to compete. Accordingly, the Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs welcomed the Director of Education and Development at Afro Egypt. The two parties... Continue Reading

Honoring Summer Training Students

Pharos University in Alexandria (PUA) pays great attention to developing the skills of students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in cooperation with the Information Technology Institute (ITI) of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. In this context, the Faculty honored the outstanding students. The honoring ceremony included a lecture by... Continue Reading

Important Announcement

The Field Training Center announces the availability of training opportunities for students of the Faculties of Engineering, Financial and Administrative Sciences, Legal Studies and International Relations, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the General Authority for Alexandria Port. Kindly register at the field training center, in the theoretical building, 1st floor, Room No. D134. Continue Reading

Sports Tournament

Sports Tournament PUA’s Student Activities Department organized a sports tournament on PUA’s stadiums. During the tournament, the Department ran some technical and skill tests to select the best athletes of PUA’s team to participate in the Egyptian Universities Championship.  

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A Cooperation Protocol with Nile of Hope Hospital

A Cooperation Protocol with Nile of Hope Hospital Prof. Dr. Mohammad Etman, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, visited Nile of Hope Hospital and toured its various departments. Both parties went through the articles of the cooperation protocol between Pharos University in Alexandria and Nile of Hope Hospital. They agreed to cooperate... Continue Reading

A Meeting with Field Training Directors

PUA held the first meeting of the Field Training Center, headed by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, with the directors of the faculties’ field training units. The objective of this meeting was to discuss all matters related to the field training mechanism and plan in a... Continue Reading