The Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management Organized a Workshop for the Class of 2019-2020

The Tourism Department in coordination with the Alumni Association in the faculty organized a workshop entitled “From College to the Dream of Being Yourself” for the graduates of class 2019-2020. This workshop was held on Thursday, 22 October 2020. The activities of the workshop were managed by Ms. Sheriene Ewase, the Deputy Executive Director of... Continue Reading

Evaluation Test of the Online Summer Internship for the Hotel Management Department Students

In the framework of the joint cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management and Dreem Mashreq Foods and Hilton Alexandria Green Plaza, third and fourth- year students of the Hotel Management Department have completed the online summer internship with a test to measure students' skills and their ability to conform to the... Continue Reading

Evaluation Test of the Online Summer Internship for the Tourism Department Students

In the framework of the joint cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management and ICOM Company, third and fourth- year students of the Tourism Department have completed the online summer internship with a test to measure students' skills and their ability to conform to the labor market by measuring their innovation and... Continue Reading

The Quality Assurance Unit at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management Organized a Workshop

The Quality Assurance Unit at the faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management organized a workshop to present what has been updated and achieved in the quality standards of the academic year 2019-2020. This was held on Thursday, 15 October 2020. The workshop started with the welcoming speech of Dr. Mahmoud Abd El Raouf, the Head... Continue Reading

The Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management Convened a Meeting on “Zoom” about E-learning

Prof. Mona Barakat, the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, convened an online meeting with the academic faculty staff members about e-learning on Zoom educational platform for virtual classroom. This was held on Sunday, 12 April 2020.  The aim of the meeting was to discuss the e-learning process and motivate the academic... Continue Reading

In-house Field Training Certificates Distributed to the Tourism and Hotel Management Students

In the framework of the constant endeavors of the faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management to support and encourage its students in success, a certificates distribution ceremony was organized for the students who passed the third and fourth levels of the in-house field training programme entitled “Learning and Development” for the Tourism and Hotel Management... Continue Reading

The Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management Participated in the 12th Edition of the International Conference on Tourism, Hospitality and Heritage

A delegation of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, headed by Prof. Mona Barakat, the faculty Dean, participated in the activities of the 12th edition of the International Conference on Tourism, Hospitality and Heritage which was hosted by Fayoum University in collaboration with the University of Salento- Italy on                  27-29 February 2020 at Norias... Continue Reading

Sports Day

The faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, in cooperation with the Sports Committee affiliated with the Student Activities Department, organized a sports day for the faculty students. This was held on Tuesday, 3 March 2020 in the university playgrounds. The day witnessed several tournaments where eight student teams participated in a number of sports activities... Continue Reading

A Delegation from the University of Malaga in a Visit to Pharos University

Under the cooperation agreement signed lately between Pharos University and the Faculty of Tourism at the University of Malaga (UMA, Universidad de Málaga), the faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management at Pharos University received a delegation from UMA on Monday, 24 February 2020. The delegation was comprised of: Antonio Guevara, the Dean of faculty of... Continue Reading