Time Management Workshop

PUA’s Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management held a workshop that was delivered by Dr. Mahmoud Abdel Raouf, Head of Tourism Department. The workshop was also supervised by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Etman, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs. The workshop tackled key topics about how students would organize their time while... Continue Reading

Life-saving Basics Workshop

In celebration of the World Heart Failure Day, PUA’s Student Activities and Community Service Department held a workshop entitled “Life-saving Basics.” During this workshop, Prof. Dr. Tarek Al-Khouly, Cardiology Professor, Kasr Al-Aini Hospital in Cairo, explained and trained the attendees on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), for how long CPR is performed, and, how to help in... Continue Reading

Your Pulse is Life

In celebration of World Heart Failure Day, and in coordination with the Cardiovascular Research, Education & Prevention (CVREP), Pharos University in Alexandria (PUA) will organize a scientific day titled (Your Pulse is Life). The event will feature a variety of prestigious professors from the faculties of medicine at numerous Egyptian universities, including: Prof. Dr. Mohamed... Continue Reading

A Scientific Challenge

The Student Activities Committee at the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology organized a scientific competition titled “The Scientific Challenge”. The competition has witnessed large student participation from all the various departments of the Faculty, as well as the presence of numerous faculty members and teaching assistants. During the competition, numerous scientific questions were asked... Continue Reading

Civil Servants Bribery and Public Moneys Embezzlement

PUA’s Faculty of Legal Studies and International Relations organized a seminar on the crimes of bribing civil servants and embezzlement of public moneys. The seminar began by defining the civil servant as mentioned in the Administrative Code and its broader definition in the Penal Code under the provisions of Article No. 222 regarding civil servants,... Continue Reading

Developing Creative Thinking in Interior Design and Architectural Design

As part of PUA’s student activities programs, PUA’s Faculty of Arts and Design organized a seminar entitled “Developing Creative Thinking in Interior Design and Architectural Design.” The seminar was moderated by Dr. Aya Afifi, Lecturer, Faculty of Arts and Design. Dr. Afifi tackled the topic of designing interior spaces by studying contemporary concepts and trends... Continue Reading

Art Therapy Workshop

Art Therapy Workshop Within the framework of PUA’s student activities programs, the Faculty of Arts and Design organized a workshop entitled “Art Therapy”. During the session, the Faculty hosted Dr. Basant Khalil, an internationally-recognized Psychologist and Art Therapist. This organization came in coordination with Dr. Jilan Hussein, Lecturer in the Photography Department at the Faculty... Continue Reading

First Aid Workshop and Emergency Medicine

First Aid Workshop and Emergency Medicine PUA’s Faculty of Physical Therapy organized a workshop on First Aids and Emergency Medicine, in cooperation with the Health Affairs Directorate in Alexandria. During the workshop, Dr. Eman Gaber familiarized the students with the necessary first aids. She also highlighted the fundamentals and principles of first aids, and skills... Continue Reading