Faculty of Physical Therapy’s Sports Day

Faculty of Physical Therapy’s Sports Day PUA’s Faculty of Physical Therapy held a sports day for its students to practice various sporting activities. The Day's activities varied between football, basketball, volleyball, etc. As for Football, students were divided into five-a-side teams to compete in eight matches. While other students competed in basketball, volleyball, and chess... Continue Reading

Sector Committee Visits the Faculty of Physical Therapy

As part of renewing the accreditation and equivalence of the Bachelor of physical therapy degree from the Supreme Council of Universities, the honorable PUA’s president and the Dean of the Faculty of Physical Therapy welcomed the Council’s Physical Therapy Sector Committee. This visit aimed to examine the human and material capabilities of the Faculty.  ... Continue Reading

Celebrating Mothers in Outpatient Clinics on Mother’s Day

The Faculty of Physical Therapy celebrated Mother's Day for the mothers of children with special cases who frequently visit the outpatient clinics. The celebration began with students distributing cakes, food, and sweets to the mothers. In addition to distributing gifts to children with special cases, and playing Mother's Day songs.   This celebration comes within... Continue Reading

Ramadan’s Charity Market

The Faculty of Physical Therapy organized the charity market for the month of Ramadan. A group of students from the Life Makers Family in Sidi Beshr distributed Ramadan bags to 105 workers at PUA. The contents of the charitable bag include (rice, sugar, oil, tea, cheese, pasta, ghee, sauce, salt, and dates). This activity aims... Continue Reading

A Visit to Nile of Hope Hospital

The Faculty of Physical Therapy, Pharos University in Alexandria, organized a visit to Nile of Hope Hospital. The visit began with the students the Life Makers Family heading to the hospital in Sidi Beshr, where they distributed gifts to the children, and passed through the various departments.   This visit aimed to enhance the role... Continue Reading

Pediatric Physical Therapy’s Academic Day

PUA’s Faculty of Physical Therapy held the academic day of the Pediatric Physical Therapy Department. The event took place at PUA’s Theater in the presence of Prof. Dr. Tayseer Saber, Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy, Pediatrics Department, Beni Suef University.   Prof. Dr. Saber gave an elaborate explanation of cases of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, evaluation... Continue Reading