PUA Emails
All PUA Emails have been created for PowerCampus students and old system students, to know your PUA Email please follow these steps from students registration account. For PowerCampus students For old system students Continue ReadingFind your google classroom code
Now you can find your classroom code at your power campus portal , please follow the attached steps for each of your subjects: Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Continue Readingاعلان هام بخصوص دخول الطلبه على Google classroom
اعلان هام بخصوص دخول الطلبه على Google classroom نظرا للظروف التى تمر بها البلاد داعين الله يحفظ الجميع وتيسيراً على الطلاب يمكن لجميع الطلبه الدخول Google classroom باستخدام الكود المرسل من استاذ الماده باستخدام ايميل Pua او Gmail الخاص بالطالب مرفق قائمة المواد واكوادها بأسماء الاستاذه بالايميل لسهوله التواصل مع الطلبه لمعرفة كود الدعوه الخاص Google classroom **... Continue ReadingAnnouncement to all PUA students are taking English classes with the English Language Centre
Important Announcement to all PUA students who are registered this semester Spring 2020 and are taking English classes with the English Language Centre: If you are registered in any English level, you will need to watch the video below in order to get access to your class material. Due to the suspension of classes for the next two…
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