Admission Opens for Petrochemical Engineering Postgraduate Programmes

The Petrochemical Engineering Department- Pharos University opens a new postgraduate engineering programme that is specialized in petrochemicals industry in general and polymers engineering in particular. Admission for this programme opens in the fall semester of the academic year 2020-2021. This programme aims at developing the potentials of the senior technical personnel and engineers working in... Continue Reading

اعلان تربية عسكرية

اعلان هاااام بخصوص دورات التربية العسكرية صيف 2020 تقرر حضور طلاب الفرقة الاولى بالجامعة لدورات التربية العسكرية مقسمين كالاتى : الدورة الثانية يحضرها طلاب كلية الصيدلة + كلية العلاج الطبيعى + كلية الدراسات القانونية اجبارياً في الفترة من 8/8/2020 حتى 21/8/2020 الدورة الثالثة يحضرها طلاب كلية طب الاسنان + كلية العلوم المالية + كلية الفنون... Continue Reading

Pharos University Participates in “National Reading Programme” Competitions

Pharos University in Alexandria participates in the “National Reading Programme” competitions which are organized by the Research Science Institute in UAE in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. This programme aims to encourage reading among strata of Egyptian society and to make it a daily habit for university students. It is... Continue Reading

Academic Jobs Announcement

The Faculty of Engineering - Pharos University in Alexandria announces its desire to appoint a Staff Member (Professor-  Associate Professor - Lecturer) for the academic year 2020/2021 in the following disciplines: ·            Power ·            Industrial Engineering who are Engineering graduates obtaining a doctorate degree from one of the Egyptian universities or equivalent, in the discipline.... Continue Reading

Academic Jobs Announcement

The Faculty of Pharmacy - Pharos University in Alexandria announces its desire to  appoint a number of Staff Members (Professor - Assistant Professor – Lecturer) in the following disciplines Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacy Practice Pharmacognosy and Natural products to work in the faculty for the year 2020-2021, the applicants should be Pharmacy graduates obtaining a... Continue Reading

Pharos University Won the Third Place in “Pandemic TechHack – Egypt 2020” Competition

Students of Medical Equipment Maintenance Department have won the third place in the “Pandemic TechHack – Egypt 2020” Competition out of 40 participating ideas which was held on Tuesday, 15 April 2020.  The competition is a part of “The Egyptian Virtual Hackathon Against Coronavirus” which is a national initiative to unite efforts and resources using... Continue Reading

دورات التربية العسكرية صيف 2020

دورات التربية العسكرية صيف 2020 (في الفترة من 11/7/2020 الى 17/9/2020 ) مقسمة علي 4 دورات : الدورة الاولى يحضرها الطلاب المتوقع تخرجهم في دور يوليو  و سبتمبر 2020 اجبارياً في الفترة من 11/7/2020 حتى  24/7/2020  لمعرفة أسماء الطلاب إضغط هنا الدورة الثانية يحضرها طلاب الفرقة الاولى  بكلية الصيدلة و التصنيع الدوائى اجبارياً في الفترة من…

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