
Announcement In the light of the implementation of the precautionary measures and the university administration’s keenness to identify the problems facing students and to Speed it up finding appropriate solutions for their problems. The following email is to communicate directly with the responsible for receiving complaints from you: Continue Reading

Inclusion of an Egyptian Scientist from Pharos University in Alexandria Scientists in the Updated Science Wide Author Databases of Standard Citation Indicators

 The name of Dr. Yousra El-Nagggar , Associate professor of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology , has been included in the  " Updated Science Wide Author Databases of Standard Citation Indicators " which is based on citation index and H-index , she has obtained her Ph.D from Alexandria University , and currently is an associate professor... Continue Reading

آلية الاجراءات الاحترازية

الية الاجراءات الطبية للطلاب ( فى حالة الأصابة بفيروس كورونا) فى حالة وجود أعراض لدى الطالب اذا كان الطالب داخل الجامعة اذا كان الطالب خارج الجامعة 1-    ينصرف فوراً 2-   يقدم عذراً على الميل الأتى :-(  مرفق به الطلب + نتائج التحاليل الأتية:- (d.dimer, f.ferritin, CBC, CRP ) أو يقوم بعمل المسحة و ارسال نتيجتها.... Continue Reading


Announcement The Faculty of Pharmacy - Pharos University in Alexandria announces its desire to  appoint a number of Staff Members (Professor - Assistant Professor – Lecturer) in the Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacy Practice discipline to work in the faculty for the year 2020-2021, the applicants should be Pharmacy graduates obtaining a doctorate degree from one... Continue Reading