استئناف اعذار الكورونا الترم الثاني

إعلان هام بخصوص الية الاجراءات الطبية للطلاب ( فى حالة الأصابة بفيروس كورونا) يتم إتباع نفس التعليمات السابقة  كما هو موضح على ان يقوم الطالب بإرسال طلب العذر  على الـ email ومرفق معه التحاليل والاشعة المرسلة واضحة وتاريخها حديث. فى حالة وجود أعراض لدى الطالب   اذا كان الطالب داخل الجامعة اذا كان الطالب خارج…

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Instructions for Precautionary Measures During Exams

Within the framework of implementing the decisions of the Supreme Council of Universities to conduct examinations postponed for the fall semester for the academic year 2020/2021, Which must take place in light of strict precautionary measures that coincide with the alert state in all country institutions, the following has been decided: – Committed to the…

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Important Announcement

PUA Training Center announces training opportunities for students of the Faculty of Languages and Translation. It starts on Saturday, 20 March 2021 to Thursday, 26 March 2021 at the following bodies: Arab School of Translation. Capital Professional Development. Faculty of Mass and Communication. Forsan International School. For more information, please visit PUA Training Centre at…

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The Faculties of Mass Communication and Languages and Translation Signed a Cooperation Protocol in the Fields of Training and Marketing

In the light of optimize the use of expertise and techniques in the faculties of Mass Communication and Languages and Translation, a cooperation protocol was signed in the fields of training and marketing. That was signed on Wednesday, 17 February 2021. This was attended by: Ramadan Abu El- Ala, the Vice President of Community Service…

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اعلان هام للطلاب المستجدين 2020/2021

اعلان هام للطلاب المستجدين الراغبين في الالتحاق بالفصل الدراسي الثاني للعام الجامعي 2020/2021 برجاء العلم بانه قد تم صدور تعليمات بخصوص التنسيق الالكترونى الموحد من قبل امانه الجامعات الخاصه والاهلية على ان يكون على النحو التالى : بخصوص الثانويات المعادلة: Cpnu-admission.edu.eg– يتم الدخول على موقع التنسيق الالكترونى الموحد   :لرفع صور الشهادات المعادلة ليتم تحديد…

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Pharos University Signed a Cooperation Protocol with Capital Professional Development

In the light of the field training plan set for the faculty of Languages and Translation, Pharos University signed a cooperation protocol with Capital Professional Development on Monday, 1 February 2021. It is worth mentioning that the protocol aims to train the students of the faculty of Languages and Translation. This meeting was attended by:... Continue Reading

Confucius Announcement

The International Relations Department – Pharos University in Alexandria in cooperation with Confucius institute in Cairo announces the opening of registration for the Chinese language online course (February 2021) from Wednesday, 27 January 2021 to Tuesday, 23 February 2021, note that this course will begin on Saturday, 27 February 2021. To register please head to…

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Job Opportunity announcement

Job Opportunity announcement The Faculty of Engineering - Pharos University in Alexandria announces its desire to appoint a Staff Member (Professor-  Associate Professor - Lecturer) in the Mechanical  Engineering Department in the following disciplines: -Combustion & ICE - Design and Materials - Manufacturing Systems - Industrial Engineering and Management To work in the faculty starting... Continue Reading

Job Opportunity announcemect

The Faculty of Engineering – Pharos University in Alexandria announces its desire to appoint a Staff Member (Professor-  Associate Professor – Lecturer) in the Construction Engineering and Management Department in the following disciplines 1. Construction Management 2. Soil Mechanics and Foundations 3. Steel Structures 4. Transportation 5. Properties of Materials 6. Surveying To work in…

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