Faculty of Languages and Translation Holds an International Conference

The Faculty of Languages and Translation held a 2-day international conference in collaboration with Trinity College, Dublin University entitled "Translation and Teaching: Challenges and Perspectives". The conference had great feedback from 140 attendees from all around Egypt as well as attendees from Trinity College virtually. The conference dealt with a variety of topics on invitation... Continue Reading

Promotion of Cooperation Between the Faculty of Languages and Translation and the Japan Foundation

The Faculty of Languages and Translation organized a workshop on Japanese paper folding known as the art of Origami with The Japan Foundation, the provider of Japanese language courses in Alexandria, which is based in the Faculty of Languages and Translation, Pharos University. The workshop took place on Tuesday, December 21, 2021 and was organized... Continue Reading

Faculty of Languages and Translation and the American Egyptian Council Organize a Workshop on Teamwork

The Faculty of Languages and Translation hosted Miss. Marwa Mohamed from the American Egyptian Council on Sunday, March 19, 2021 in the context of a workshop. the Training Committee welcomed the guest and the faculty students who later performed various activities to train on teamwork. At the end of event, each team of students performed... Continue Reading

Faculty of Languages and Translation: “Translation and Teaching: Challenges and Perspectives”

On Friday and Saturday, March 11-12, 2022, the Faculty of Languages and Translation at Pharos University has held a 2-day international conference in partnership with Trinity College, Dublin University entitled "Translation and Teaching: Challenges and Perspectives". It was held at the Mohamed Ragab Conference Hall and the parallel sessions took place in the faculty classrooms.... Continue Reading

Faculty of Language and Translation’s Cultural Competition

Faculty of Language and Translation's Cultural Competition Within the framework of its keenness on student activities, student-motivating cultural competitions that psychologically support students and creating a strong bond with their colleagues, as well as spreading a spirit of joy and competitiveness, PUA's Faculty of Language and Translation organized a cultural competition. The competition that was... Continue Reading

Colombian Embassy Visit

The Faculty of Languages and Translation organized a seminar on Sunday, 2/3/2022, for the Cultural Counselor of the Embassy of Colombia, Felipe Alvarado, with the students of the Spanish Department to know about the most famous cultures in Colombia. The students presented a documentary in Spanish, under the auspices of Prof. Sahar Hammouda, Dean of... Continue Reading

Translation Center -Training Courses – Chinese (online)

Course Starting and ending dates Duration Number of weeks Days per week Duration of each session Minimum number of trainees Maximum number of trainees The basics of written translation between Chinese and Arabic March to April, 2022 12 hours 4 1 3 hours 10 25 (Intense course) Registration link : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1O8j7Rm2uYPko9FmwyVMTdXGNXioHR_6rODIwbn43J7w/viewform?edit_requested=true For more info :... Continue Reading

Stand-up Comedian EZZEldin AlMasry’s performance

To carry on with the joint cooperation between the Faculty of Languages and Translation and the Spanish Embassy, the faculty responded to an invitation to attend Stand-up Comedian EZZEldin AlMasry’s performance in Instituto Cervantes Alejandría. The international Relations coordinator Mrs. Rania Bassiouny along with Mrs. Ayten Adel and Miss Raghada Magdy, and a group of... Continue Reading

The Faculty of Languages and Translation is delighted to announce a competition for all the students of the faculty!

If you are or someone you know is talented and interested in designing a logo, then go ahead and let your talent shine. The faculty will be collaborating with Trinity College, Dublin in Ireland in an international conference on translation and teaching that will be held at Pharos University. Below are the following requirements for…

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