يوم رياضي

" إجتماع بروتوكولى للمراجعين مع رئيس الجامعة لتجديد إعتماد كلية الصيدلة"  التاريخ: الاحد 22 أغسطس 2021 "المكان:"- " كلية العلوم المالية والإدارية   اسماء الحضور:- ا.د.طارق طه - عميد الكلية نهى بدر - رئيس لجنة الانشطة الطلابية منظم الحدث -Golds GYM الهدف تنظم كلية العلوم المالية والإدارية يوم رياضي على مستوى الجامعة بالتعاون مع GOLDS... Continue Reading

Simulation for the faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences

“Simulation for the faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences” Date :Sunday, Monday & Tuesday Time: 8 to 10 August 2021   Name Prof. Dr. Nourhan Fanaki        Vice-President for Education and Student Affairs, and Supervisor on the Quality Assurance Center Chairman Assoc. Prof. Ahmed Allam Director of Quality Assurance Center Member Assoc. Prof. Faika Ibrahim Deputy... Continue Reading


PUA Training Center announces online training opportunities at Alexandria Electricity Distribution Company for the students of Electric Power and Control program, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences. This training will be divided into two groups as the following: Training Period From To First group 16/01/2021 28/01/2021 Second group 30/01/2021 11/02/2021  …

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Akhbar Al Khaleej Newspaper Published an Article by Prof. Tarek Taha

Akhbar Al Khaleej Newspaper, a Bahraini daily publication newspaper, published an article by Prof. Tarek Taha, the Dean of the faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences at Pharos University. The article was about the restructuring of small and micro enterprises after the coronavirus pandemic. This was published on Thursday, 18 June 2020. In the article,…

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