
Regarding students taking exams, any student whose name is not shown on the course list, shall be banned from taking the exams. The listing of student’s name and having a university valid ID card are two essential conditions for taking the exam. If neither of these conditions is met, the student is not allowed to... Continue Reading

Generation Warfare

In light the due care given to educating students about 4th generation warfare, artificial intelligence, and industry 4.0, PUA’s Faculty of Engineering welcomed a delegation from the Misr University of Science and Technology (MUST) headed by the Dean of its Faculty of Engineering. During this visit, MUST’s Dean of the Faculty of Engineering delivered a... Continue Reading

Support Sessions

In implementation of the Dean’s Directions, and the Basic Sciences Department’s Plan to provide academic support to freshman students, PUA’s Faculty of Engineering initiated support sessions for various academic courses. This comes within the framework of preparation for the mid-term exams in the Fall 2023/2024 semester. The Faculty wishes all the best for all students. Continue Reading

Electrical Engineering Program Accreditation

The of Electrical Engineering Department at PUA’s Faculty of Engineering is preparing for the Department's transition from institutional accreditation to programmatic accreditation. This transition concerns the Electrical Power and Control Engineering and Communications and Electronics Engineering Programs. Accordingly, in the presence of all faculty members, and teaching assistants, the Department’s Head reviewed the objectives of... Continue Reading

Discussing the Architectural Engineering Department’s Graduation Projects

PUA’s Faculty of Engineering discussed the graduation projects of the Architectural Engineering Department’s for the fall semester of 2023/2024. These discussions were attended by a group of deans, vice-deans, department heads, and faculty members from the universities of Cairo, Ain Shams, Helwan, Fayoum, Tanta, Alexandria. Representatives of the Arab Academy of Sciences. Technology, and the... Continue Reading

A Cooperation Protocol with the Fund for Combating and Treating Addiction and Abuse

A Cooperation Protocol with the Fund for Combating and Treating Addiction and Abuse   Pharos University in Alexandria (PUA) and the Faculty of Engineering pays great attention to raise students’ awareness regarding the harms of addiction and drugs. Accordingly, the Head of the Anti-Addiction and Drugs Team at PUA’s Faculty of Engineering, met with the... Continue Reading

Architecture of the Places Competition 2023

The Architectural Engineering Department at PUA’s Faculty of Engineering has successfully obtained an international award for designing the National Cultural Center building in Sohag Governorate. This award was within the Architecture of the Places Competition 2023 organized by the School of Architecture in Egypt. PUA participated in the Competition with two teams each gathering both... Continue Reading

Electrical Engineering’s Program Accreditation

The Electrical Engineering Department at PUA’s Faculty of Engineering is preparing for the transition from institutional accreditation to programmatic accreditation for both Electric Power and Control, and Electronics and Communications Programs. Accordingly, in the presence all faculty members, and teaching assistants, the Department Head reviewed the objective of program accreditation, and the keenness of both... Continue Reading

A Meeting with Freshman Students

Following up on the series of meetings with students of PUA’s Faculty of Engineering, the Dean met with the freshman students of the Basic Sciences and Architectural Engineering Department. In the beginning of the meeting, the Dean welcomed and exchanged discussions with the students, who indicated the problems they face in the Faculty and proposing... Continue Reading