Libyan Waha Oil Co. Trains at PUA

Libyan Waha Oil Co. Trains at PUA Under the umbrella of international relations, and to mark the completion of PUA’s training to a delegation of engineers and technicians from the Libyan Waha Oil Co., PUA’s president has honored the Libyan delegation and awarded them certificates of completion for successfully passing the training course. The honoring... Continue Reading

Bibliotheca Alexandrina: The Revival of a Legend

The Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med) organized a special workshop for the students of the three architecture departments of Alexandria University (Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Fine Arts), Pharos University in Alexandria (PUA), and the Arab Academy for Science and Technology.   This workshop comes as part of the celebration organized by... Continue Reading

A Field Visit to EMPC

  PUA’s Faculty of Engineering seeks to develop students’ imaginative and creative capabilities, and help them relate the architectural design theories to the implemented works on the ground. Accordingly, 4th year students (7th level) of the Architectural Engineering Department conducted a field visit to the Media Production City (EMPC), as part of the Architectural Design... Continue Reading

Honoring the African Relations Coordinator

Within the framework of the annual meeting of PUA’s international relations coordinators, Dr. Nourhan Al-Haridi, lecturer, Architecture Department and coordinator of PUA’s African relations was honored. Al-Haridi was recognized among PUA’s best international relations coordinators for AY 2022-2023, thanks to her efforts in developing and revitalizing the African international relations at PUA. Further, her tremendous... Continue Reading

PUA’s Engineering Celebrates the Glorious Victory of October

As part of PUA’s Faculty of Engineering’s celebrations of the victories of the glorious October War, the National Awareness and Counter Extremism Team organized a seminar. The seminar was honorably attended by the Dean, Staff Gen. Osama Khalil, Fellow of the National Defense College, Nasser Higher Military Academy, and Dr. Jamal Mahmoud, head of the... Continue Reading

Architectural Engineering’s Seminar

The Architectural Engineering Department at PUA’s Faculty of Engineering a seminar for the graduates applying for master’s programs after passing the qualifying year. This seminar was held on the sidelines of a session that included the thesis supervisors, vice dean for postgraduate studies at AU’s Faculty of Fine Arts, former head of the Architecture Department... Continue Reading

Workshop Announcement in the Petrochemical Engineering Department

The Petrochemical Engineering Department announces the start of 6 free online workshops for the petrochemical engineers as well as Department’s students. These workshops are to be held every Tuesday starting from the third week of fall semester 2023/2024.   Link to the first workshop: Meeting ID: 832 8791 9860 Passcode: HFJsk8 Continue Reading

Final Exhibition for Supporting Engineering Graduation Projects

The Alexandria Engineers Syndicate organized the final exhibition for supporting engineering graduation projects in 2022/2023, as part of the cooperation with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT).   Further, the Petrochemical Engineering Department of PUA’s Faculty of Engineering participated with a graduation project entitled “Green Approach and Safer Alternatives to Toxic Flame Retardants... Continue Reading