Psychology Course Scientific Exhibition

PUA’s Faculty of Physical Therapy held a scientific exhibition for psychology for its freshman and sophomore students. At the beginning, the students displayed boards, explained the scientific material presented, and discussed it with attending faculty members from the various departments. In addition, the students explained to their attending colleagues the exhibits, which showcase many syndromes... Continue Reading

A Student Cultural Competition

The Faculty of Applied Health Sciences organized a cultural competition among its students. Four teams participated in the competition; each team was supervised by a member of the Faculty’s teaching assistants.   Dr. Hisham Kamel, asked the competition’s questions in different sports, scientific, and general fields to the participating teams. This competition has helped create... Continue Reading

State Lawsuits Authority and Justice

PUA’s Faculty of Legal Studies and International Relations tirelessly seeks to use the latest educational methods and keep pace with everything new and innovative, especially with regard to the practical application of theoretical legal courses. Accordingly, the Faculty’s field training unit and community activities committee, under the cooperation protocol between the PUA and the State... Continue Reading

General Knowledge Competition

General Knowledge Competition The Mechanical Engineering Department at PUA’s Faculty of Engineering organized an online cultural recreational competition entitled “Trivia Night”, under the auspices of the Student Activities Department. This competition aims to measures the level of general information among students through a game seeking to collect points and reach the top of the mountain.... Continue Reading

First Aid Workshop

PUA’s Faculty of Physical Therapy organized a workshop on First Aids, under the supervision of the Student Activities Department. During the workshop, Dr. Enas Radwan familiarized the students with the necessary first aids. She also highlighted the foundations and principles of first aids, and skills need to handle the cases of fainting, suffocation, and poisoning.... Continue Reading

Quitting Smoking and Addiction Risks Initiative

The Community Service and Environmental Development Committee at PUA’s Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology held an awareness seminar entitled “Quitting Smoking and Addiction Risks” The seminar aimed to raise societal and student awareness of the dangers of smoking, change misconceptions, and encourage people to quit smoking. The seminar was conducted by the senior students... Continue Reading

An Orientation Session for Intern Students

PUA’s Faculty of Physical Therapy organized an orientation session for intern students. The event began with the Egyptian Republican Anthem, followed by verses from the Holy Qur’an. After that, few welcoming speeches were delivered by the Dean, Vice President for Environmental Development and Community Service, and Vice-Dean for Education and Student Affairs.   Through these... Continue Reading

Antimicrobial Resistance

PUA’s Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology organized an awareness event for its students and workers entitled “Antimicrobial Resistance.” During the event, Dr. Mona Bayoumi, Lecturer in Dental Prostheses Manufacture Technology Department, explained the significance of regulating the use of antibiotics. She also identified the major reasons that push the body to resist various type... Continue Reading

Chess and PlayStation Tournaments

Chess and PlayStation Tournaments PUA’s Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence organized a Chess and PlayStation tournaments for its students. These tournaments witnessed a big turnout and intense competition by the Faculty students. It also witnessed new participants as some of the winners have never participated in the previous sporting events. It is worth... Continue Reading