A Seminar on Virtual Reality

A Seminar on Virtual Reality In a bid to familiarize students with the crucial role that digital transformation has been playing in virtual reality recently, GMind Co. held an orientation session on virtual reality. During the seminar, GMind demonstrated some real projects done using Unity software. Numerous students and faculty members interacted with the session,... Continue Reading

Introduction to Machine Learning

PUA’s Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence is keen on developing the teaching and academic capabilities of its students. It also seeks to create a flexible system that enables continuous development while keeping pace with scientific and technological development. Accordingly, the Faculty students participated in delivering a training course in summer 2023 to the... Continue Reading

Chess and PlayStation Tournaments

Chess and PlayStation Tournaments PUA’s Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence organized a Chess and PlayStation tournaments for its students. These tournaments witnessed a big turnout and intense competition by the Faculty students. It also witnessed new participants as some of the winners have never participated in the previous sporting events. It is worth... Continue Reading

Honoring Outstanding Students and Field Training Students

PUA’s Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence honored the outstanding students and summer field training students of AY 2022/2023. The honoring ceremony took place in the Faculty of Languages and Translation, and included speeches by AMIT, ST SMART, and RMZ TECH companies. In addition, certificates of appreciation were awarded to the field training students... Continue Reading

Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Welcomes its Freshman Students

PUA’s Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence welcomed its new students at PUA’s theatre. The orientation day began with a speech from the Vice President for Education and Student Affairs and the Dean. Further, the meeting included introducing new students to the Faculty, campus life, and various programs, which include computer science, cybersecurity, artificial... Continue Reading

Establishing Google Developer Student Club (GDSC)

Ms. Basmala Mohamed Farouq, student of PUA’s Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence has successfully obtained approval from the Google to represent PUA in establishing Google Developer Student Club (GDSC). This club will work to integrate various specializations in line with current technological development and its impact on the labor market. It will also... Continue Reading

ICMTC’s Artificial Intelligence Competition

The Artificial Intelligence Department at PUA’s Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence gives due attention to integrating its students into the labor market and developing their skills. Accordingly, the students of the Artificial Intelligence Department participated with 4 teams from the second year in the Artificial Intelligence Competition (AIC-1) organized by The International Competition... Continue Reading

A Cooperation Protocol between PUA Signs a Cooperation Protocol with ST SMART

Prof. Dr. Ramadan Abu El-Ela, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, met with Eng. Abdul Rahman Bayoumi, Chairman of ST Smart. Both parties discussed the terms of the cooperation protocol between PUA’s Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence and the company. The protocol included training the Faculty students at the Company... Continue Reading

Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Organizes a Sports Day

PUA’s Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence organized a sports day on the PUA’s playgrounds. The event included numerous sports activities that varied between football and basketball.   The event also witnessed an active participation of many faculty students. The Faculty honored the team that won the cup in the football. Many faculty members... Continue Reading