A Visit to the Children’s Cancer Hospital

A Visit to the Children's Cancer Hospital PUA’s Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology gives significant attention to societal awareness, community service and development by spreading awareness, positive energy, and psychological support for cancer patients. In this context, the Faculty organized a visit to the Children’s Cancer Hospital in Burj Al Arab. The Faculty’s delegation... Continue Reading

The Third Charity Fair (Garage Sale)

PUA’s Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology pays great attention to community service and environmental development activities. Accordingly, the Faculty’s Community Service and Environmental Development Committee organized the third charity fair (Garage Sale). The Dean opened the fair, which was held on campus in the presence of members of the Community Service and Environmental Development... Continue Reading

Various Schools Visits PUA’s Arts and Design

PUA’s Faculty of Arts and Design welcomed a student visit from Zahraa Janaklis Language School, El-Nasr Girls' College (E.G.C.) Language School, Taksim El Zuhoor School, and Zahraa Al-Iqbal School. The Faculty provided a variety of workshops for the students, such as Décor workshop, Dot painting workshop, principles of portraiture workshop, and the principles of painting... Continue Reading

PUA’s Arts and Design Participates in the Medical Charity Caravan

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, PUA organized a charitable medical convoy in which several PUA medical faculties participated. The Convoy headed to visit Al-Mouwasat Nursing Home in Alexandria. The Faculty of Arts and Design also participated in the Convoy with several art workshops,... Continue Reading

كلية الفنون والتصميم تشارك في مؤتمر Techne Summit 2023

كلية الفنون والتصميم تشارك في مؤتمر Techne Summit 2023 في إطار تفعيل برامج الأنشطة الطلابية بالجامعة، شاركت كلية الفنون والتصميم بجامعة فاروس بالإسكندرية في حضور فعاليات مؤتمر Techne Summit بالإسكندرية 2023 الذي عُقد بمكتبة الإسكندرية. حضر المؤتمر عدد من طلاب كلية الفنون والتصميم، والعلوم المالية والإدارية، والهندسة، والإعلام وفنون الاتصال، وتكنولوجيا العلوم الصحية التطبيقية، واللغات... Continue Reading

PUA’s Financial Sciences’ Orientation Day

PUA’s Financial Sciences’ Orientation Day In a bid to achieve better communication with its freshman students, the Student Activities and Community Service Committee at PUA’s Faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences organized an orientation day for its freshman students. The event began with the welcoming speech delivered by the Dean, in which he welcomed the... Continue Reading

World Diabetes Day

PUA’s Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology gives tremendous attention to the community service and environmental development activities. Accordingly, the Faculty’s Community Service and Environmental Development Committee organized an awareness event on the risks of diabetes, and the role of nutrition in achieving the therapeutic and preventive goals for all diabetics. The event also aimed... Continue Reading

TechneSummit Alexandria 2023

PUA’s Faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences is keen on developing the capabilities of its students, and involving them in conferences. Accordingly, the Faculty organized a visit to Bibliotheca Alexandrina for its students and students from other PUA faculties to attend the TechneSummit Alexandria 2023. Students from the faculties of Faculty of Financial and Administrative,... Continue Reading